Nikki Sixx's Argument for Why Alcohol Should Be Illegal

A Western cultural shift that too often celebrates excess would be more reasonable. Whether it is Big Macs or booze, excess harms ones body and mind.
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Nikki Sixx is one of my guitar idols, i'm starting to re-think that position!

Government banning narcotic drugs made the drug trade incredibly profitable and spawned a massive crime enterprise.

The Volstead Act by government banning alcohol made Alcohol sales incredibly profitable and spawned a massive crime enterprise.

There will always be morons abusing drugs and alcohol because humans don't learn from the mistakes from the previous generation it is why they stupidly smoke and chew tobacco despite that it stinks and expensive as hell and the previous generations suffered from the bad effects of smoking.
Nik's looking a bit rough these days...
According to the write up, he has been alcohol free for over 20 years now. May his journey down the road of recovery continue to be successful. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!


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