My wife and I will be voting today despite the success of totalitarian meddling in US politics.

So. . . You want me to bleev a Deep Faked video produced for a comedy sketch show as yoar argument?


No but I wanted to make you smile/laugh. Excuse me!
No, actually, Hitler was quite explicit in his book. Folks could read what was on the agenda...

You and sealy are going full Godwin, and I really don't understand why. . . ???

Can you please explain to me why?

Uh huh!

Let's ask Godwin

‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt​

The internet legend explains why the Biden campaign isn’t wrong to compare Trump to Hitler.

President Donald Trump had “parroted Adolf Hitler” when he accused undocumented immigrants of “poisoning the blood of our country.”
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
You and your wife make me proud! Let's hope this poll does too. lol

Excerpt: ( first paragraph )

An average of all New Hampshire polls shows Trump with about 52% of the vote, while Haley trails behind him with close to 37%. The state's primary is also open to independent voters, whom Haley is hoping to woo.

Let's ask Godwin

‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt​

The internet legend explains why the Biden campaign isn’t wrong to compare Trump to Hitler.

President Donald Trump had “parroted Adolf Hitler” when he accused undocumented immigrants of “poisoning the blood of our country.”

From your article;

". . .You could say the ‘vermin’ remark or the ‘poisoning the blood’ remark, maybe one of them would be a coincidence. But both of them pretty much makes it clear that there’s something thematic going on, and I can’t believe it’s accidental.

The question is why do it on purpose. Well, my opinion is that Trump believes, for whatever reason, that there is some part of his base that really wants to hear this message said that way, and he’s catering to them. He finds it both rewarding personally for himself and he believes it’s necessary to motivate people to help him get elected again.. . ."

This? Is the hallmark of a Straw-man argument. Rather than take the words at face value, this writer is comparing it to the past, and making positive connections, saying, HE KNOWS, this is not accidental. He then says, "why do this on purpose?"

But he has no real proof that Trump is, in fact really invoking Nazis or white supremacists. None. It's just political rhetoric. A fallacy constructed for partisan gain.

No one can get into another's head, and claim to know the intentions behind what they say or write, all you have, IS WHAT THEY WRITE.

I have seen folks on here claim that you are a paid agent of the DNC. This is as accurate as what this article claims. It is a STRAWMAN argument. There is NO PROOF, given what has been written or said!

Now, if Mike Godwin has some definitive proof of what Trump's thinking and intentions were? Yeah, I'll play along. But there isn't any. It is an tenuous connection at best. When folks running for district attorneys all across that nation talk about cleaning up the streets of crime and criminals? They talk with much the same rhetoric, it plays well.

I have written, multiple times, that the argument can be made, that yes, he could be said to be a demagogue, but then? So was Huey Long. . but no one ever claimed that he was a wanna be dictator or fascist. (Well, yeah, his opponent did, and in same ways, he was a bit of boss.) He was on the left. These types of rhetorical devices are common among all populists. But it does not make them bloodthirsty genocidal maniacs.
That's cool. Just know that Trump is acting a lot like Hitler did in the 1930's. When I was a kid I used to wonder what is wrong with the German people that they would allow such a party to take over their country. Well, now I know America isn't any different. At least 45% of Americans are brainwashed Nazi's. Or, I should say 51% or more of your party are Nazi's. But then there's the ones who might not like the nazi party (nikki, ron) but will endorse our Hitler when they drop out, because they want to have a career after this, in the Nazi party, I mean Republican party. Not much difference.

No, I'm not saying you are going to gas jews, blacks, mexicans or muslims. I'm just saying racism is big part of your platform. But maybe you can get enough Kanye Wests to vote for you.

You can be homophobic, but maybe enough conservative gays like Kaytlyn Jenner will vote for you.

Arabs are going to vote for Trump because of how Biden handled Hamas? Wow. But of course we all know Muslims want to destroy America from within. So of course they support Trump.

Mexicans. Republicans like Nikki and Trump say America is not racist. But as soon as Trump got a Mexican judge, suddenly racism is real.
Another stone cold gutless liar,
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There is a very good reason why Iowa and New Hampshire are first.

It is because they are small-ish States. And the Big Money Candidates can't come in and roll over everybody. Even though they try. Haley spent the most in Iowa. Followed by RDS. Trump spent HALF what Haley did.

A popular Candidate without a lot of money can be competitive. The Big Corporate Interests are trying to change that but it doesn't seem to be working.

It's funny how dims used to always talk about how they were the Party of The People but, truth be known. They are all Corporate whores now.

THE Biggest companies in the World? All dimocrap. All the top ten. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway......

And they're not just 'pro-dimocrap' they're ACTIVISTS. In the old days, when our Corporate scum were promoting Republicans, they were just mildly pro-Republican, they weren't crusading douchebags like Apple and Zuck. And DEIsney.

If you could see your self through my eyes
Some good points.
Let's ask Godwin

‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt​

The internet legend explains why the Biden campaign isn’t wrong to compare Trump to Hitler.

President Donald Trump had “parroted Adolf Hitler” when he accused undocumented immigrants of “poisoning the blood of our country.”
That's cool. Just know that Trump is acting a lot like Hitler did in the 1930's. When I was a kid I used to wonder what is wrong with the German people that they would allow such a party to take over their country. Well, now I know America isn't any different. At least 45% of Americans are brainwashed Nazi's. Or, I should say 51% or more of your party are Nazi's. But then there's the ones who might not like the nazi party (nikki, ron) but will endorse our Hitler when they drop out, because they want to have a career after this, in the Nazi party, I mean Republican party. Not much difference.

No, I'm not saying you are going to gas jews, blacks, mexicans or muslims. I'm just saying racism is big part of your platform. But maybe you can get enough Kanye Wests to vote for you.

You can be homophobic, but maybe enough conservative gays like Kaytlyn Jenner will vote for you.

Arabs are going to vote for Trump because of how Biden handled Hamas? Wow. But of course we all know Muslims want to destroy America from within. So of course they support Trump.

Mexicans. Republicans like Nikki and Trump say America is not racist. But as soon as Trump got a Mexican judge, suddenly racism is real.
Is it possible that you may be affected by emotional propaganda designed to sway your perceptions? Could you be controlled by a conditioned response delivered to you by the powers that steer a status quo created by your government? Are you truly in control of your thoughts or are your thoughts put in your head by very clever people in charge? You may want to consider that you are possibly being used for something you may not understand.

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