Nine dead in Waco, 190 charged in senseless gang violence, thanks NRA

This is how delusional liberals are. Gangs aren't inclined to obey the law. They are criminals and thugs. I doubt any belong to the NRA. Most likely can't spell NRA.

Gawd oh Gawd how stupid can you be? Seriously, the NRA wants to proliferate weapons in America. It invites people to expand gun ownership because as you know "Obama is gonna take away your guns, buy more". They romanticize gun ownership.

Hey you know, it's like this: Philp Morris never asks kids to smoke cigarettes, right? Yet PM romanticizes smoking. End result? Yup, you guessed it, kids smoke. Doesn't matter whether you actively ask kids to smoke or not, fact is, PM's marketing of cigarettes means eventually those who shouldn't have cigs end up smoking. Just as the NRA's message does to guns: Romnticize, proliferate, encourage.....then tell the world "Hey we never asked you to buy it".

F*ck the NRA if you ask me. And as for you stupid cons, go buy more guns, Obama and Holder are coming for your weapons soon. Hurry.

You are really ignorant about the NRA and it's motives.

How many of those killed or arrested had NRA membership cards on them?

Once again, that is not the point. The point (for the stupid gun loving con morons) is: NRA proliferates weapons, encourages them, wants to lift all restrictions on gun ownership, encourages more weaponry in American households.....and a few million other actions they've actively taken to proliferate weapons. That is the point. Eventually it all spreads all over the US.

You know nothing of the NRA so shut the fuck up!!

Why do you choose to remain ignorant?

NRA Bylaws Article II

The purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association of America are:

1. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;

2. To promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense;

3. To train members of law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, the militia, and people of good repute in marksmanship and in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms;

4. To foster and promote the shooting sports, including the advancement of amateur competitions in marksmanship at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels;

5. To promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth and conservation, and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.

The Association may take all actions necessary and proper in the furtherance of these purposes and objectives.

Bull f*cking shit! A piece of paper does not absolve them of their actions to proliferate weapons. They actively proliferate weapons. They are the mouthpiece of gun industry. I too can write a nice piece of paper and promote "responsible consumption of cigarettes". It does not absolve me of the crime of proliferating cancer causing tools. NRA promotes weapons. Murder weapons. It has moral responsibility for the violence happening in America, just as PM has a moral responsibility for causing cancer.

Just because something is legal does not mean it's smart and responsible action.
You are a ignorant moron me thinks the first paper you should do on is who the fucking Attorney General is ?

It's not Eric Holder, troll
Gawd oh Gawd how stupid can you be? Seriously, the NRA wants to proliferate weapons in America. It invites people to expand gun ownership because as you know "Obama is gonna take away your guns, buy more". They romanticize gun ownership.

Hey you know, it's like this: Philp Morris never asks kids to smoke cigarettes, right? Yet PM romanticizes smoking. End result? Yup, you guessed it, kids smoke. Doesn't matter whether you actively ask kids to smoke or not, fact is, PM's marketing of cigarettes means eventually those who shouldn't have cigs end up smoking. Just as the NRA's message does to guns: Romnticize, proliferate, encourage.....then tell the world "Hey we never asked you to buy it".

F*ck the NRA if you ask me. And as for you stupid cons, go buy more guns, Obama and Holder are coming for your weapons soon. Hurry.
Dude.........stop bringing up the friggen NRA every time someone gets shot. Half those assholes were of the gangs was the "Cossacks". Another gang was the "Bandidos". Learn about a topic before you start blabbing.......



FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.
You'd have to repeal the 2A first.
Mexico has an effective ban on guns. See the problem yet?
Aaaaand liberals blame the NRA instead of those that used guns in an illegal manner. I think it is funny when liberals claim they do not want to ban all guns.

Fucking liberals. Not worth a 2oz bag of piss.
Man, that world idiot is more scary than the biker gangs.

angry and hate so strong it come through our computers

and all over WHAT?

Gawd oh Gawd how stupid can you be? Seriously, the NRA wants to proliferate weapons in America. It invites people to expand gun ownership because as you know "Obama is gonna take away your guns, buy more". They romanticize gun ownership.

Hey you know, it's like this: Philp Morris never asks kids to smoke cigarettes, right? Yet PM romanticizes smoking. End result? Yup, you guessed it, kids smoke. Doesn't matter whether you actively ask kids to smoke or not, fact is, PM's marketing of cigarettes means eventually those who shouldn't have cigs end up smoking. Just as the NRA's message does to guns: Romnticize, proliferate, encourage.....then tell the world "Hey we never asked you to buy it".

F*ck the NRA if you ask me. And as for you stupid cons, go buy more guns, Obama and Holder are coming for your weapons soon. Hurry.
Dude.........stop bringing up the friggen NRA every time someone gets shot. Half those assholes were of the gangs was the "Cossacks". Another gang was the "Bandidos". Learn about a topic before you start blabbing.......



FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.

Let the government give up their guns first, then we can talk.
I wouldn't doubt the felons got there guns from Obamas fast and furious program

Seriously troll OP, how many of the bandidos were not felons who illegally had guns?

Illegal guns were once legal. Thanks for agreeing with me guns are dangerous and should be controlled. Now only if you tell NRA the same message ;-)
Your avatar suits you perfectly assface some respect......He's been a member since yesterday.


one day too long already. :cuckoo:

Oh no, another gang of cons, afraid of listening to the opposing POV so they are sick of me being on this forum not even 24 hours. Gawd, you f*cks are so scared of those who disagree with you. OK you should now go to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Go away, this forum is not for you.
Dude.........stop bringing up the friggen NRA every time someone gets shot. Half those assholes were of the gangs was the "Cossacks". Another gang was the "Bandidos". Learn about a topic before you start blabbing.......



FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.

Let the government give up their guns first, then we can talk.

Again, government forces are trained. Government does not threaten average citizens. And your guns are no match against the government's firepower. So stop being paranoid about the government. There's nothing you can do to fight the government. It's there to protect you. You are not here to protect your government. Do you have any common sense at all?
How many of those killed or arrested had NRA membership cards on them?

Once again, that is not the point. The point (for the stupid gun loving con morons) is: NRA proliferates weapons, encourages them, wants to lift all restrictions on gun ownership, encourages more weaponry in American households.....and a few million other actions they've actively taken to proliferate weapons. That is the point. Eventually it all spreads all over the US.

You know nothing of the NRA so shut the fuck up!!

Why do you choose to remain ignorant?

NRA Bylaws Article II

The purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association of America are:

1. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;

2. To promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense;

3. To train members of law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, the militia, and people of good repute in marksmanship and in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms;

4. To foster and promote the shooting sports, including the advancement of amateur competitions in marksmanship at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels;

5. To promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth and conservation, and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.

The Association may take all actions necessary and proper in the furtherance of these purposes and objectives.

Bull f*cking shit! A piece of paper does not absolve them of their actions to proliferate weapons. They actively proliferate weapons. They are the mouthpiece of gun industry. I too can write a nice piece of paper and promote "responsible consumption of cigarettes". It does not absolve me of the crime of proliferating cancer causing tools. NRA promotes weapons. Murder weapons. It has moral responsibility for the violence happening in America, just as PM has a moral responsibility for causing cancer.

Just because something is legal does not mean it's smart and responsible action.
How does the NRA "proliferate weapons"? The NRA encourages responsible gun ownership and sensible gun laws.
It's like saying Ford proliferates auto accidents.

Cars are not weapons. But it's OK, I never expect gun owners to understand basic facts. NRA wants and encourages active proliferation of weapons. If you don't understand basic facts of life, then please, watch Fox news all day long.
This is how delusional liberals are. Gangs aren't inclined to obey the law. They are criminals and thugs. I doubt any belong to the NRA. Most likely can't spell NRA.

Gawd oh Gawd how stupid can you be? Seriously, the NRA wants to proliferate weapons in America. It invites people to expand gun ownership because as you know "Obama is gonna take away your guns, buy more". They romanticize gun ownership.

Hey you know, it's like this: Philp Morris never asks kids to smoke cigarettes, right? Yet PM romanticizes smoking. End result? Yup, you guessed it, kids smoke. Doesn't matter whether you actively ask kids to smoke or not, fact is, PM's marketing of cigarettes means eventually those who shouldn't have cigs end up smoking. Just as the NRA's message does to guns: Romnticize, proliferate, encourage.....then tell the world "Hey we never asked you to buy it".

F*ck the NRA if you ask me. And as for you stupid cons, go buy more guns, Obama and Holder are coming for your weapons soon. Hurry.

You are really ignorant about the NRA and it's motives.

How many of those killed or arrested had NRA membership cards on them?

Once again, that is not the point. The point (for the stupid gun loving con morons) is: NRA proliferates weapons, encourages them, wants to lift all restrictions on gun ownership, encourages more weaponry in American households.....and a few million other actions they've actively taken to proliferate weapons. That is the point. Eventually it all spreads all over the US.

You know nothing of the NRA so shut the fuck up!!

Why do you choose to remain ignorant?

NRA Bylaws Article II

The purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association of America are:

1. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;

2. To promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense;

3. To train members of law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, the militia, and people of good repute in marksmanship and in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms;

4. To foster and promote the shooting sports, including the advancement of amateur competitions in marksmanship at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels;

5. To promote hunter safety, and to promote and defend hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth and conservation, and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.

The Association may take all actions necessary and proper in the furtherance of these purposes and objectives.

Bull f*cking shit! A piece of paper does not absolve them of their actions to proliferate weapons. They actively proliferate weapons. They are the mouthpiece of gun industry. I too can write a nice piece of paper and promote "responsible consumption of cigarettes". It does not absolve me of the crime of proliferating cancer causing tools. NRA promotes weapons. Murder weapons. It has moral responsibility for the violence happening in America, just as PM has a moral responsibility for causing cancer.

Just because something is legal does not mean it's smart and responsible action.
You are a ignorant moron me thinks the first paper you should do on is who the fucking Attorney General is ?

It's not Eric Holder, troll

It's OK. The first fact you and our fellow cons should know is: Obama was not born in Kenya. But why bother with facts, when lies are so convenient.
Gawd oh Gawd how stupid can you be? Seriously, the NRA wants to proliferate weapons in America. It invites people to expand gun ownership because as you know "Obama is gonna take away your guns, buy more". They romanticize gun ownership.

Hey you know, it's like this: Philp Morris never asks kids to smoke cigarettes, right? Yet PM romanticizes smoking. End result? Yup, you guessed it, kids smoke. Doesn't matter whether you actively ask kids to smoke or not, fact is, PM's marketing of cigarettes means eventually those who shouldn't have cigs end up smoking. Just as the NRA's message does to guns: Romnticize, proliferate, encourage.....then tell the world "Hey we never asked you to buy it".

F*ck the NRA if you ask me. And as for you stupid cons, go buy more guns, Obama and Holder are coming for your weapons soon. Hurry.
Dude.........stop bringing up the friggen NRA every time someone gets shot. Half those assholes were of the gangs was the "Cossacks". Another gang was the "Bandidos". Learn about a topic before you start blabbing.......



FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.
Hey retard you do know all 95% of the people in Japan....are well FUCKING Japanese a Different culture moron, not like the United States

So when OP are you going to write your paper on Eric Holder is still Attorney General? And not lynch?
Dude.........stop bringing up the friggen NRA every time someone gets shot. Half those assholes were of the gangs was the "Cossacks". Another gang was the "Bandidos". Learn about a topic before you start blabbing.......



FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.
Hey retard you do know all 95% of the people in Japan....are well FUCKING Japanese a Different culture moron, not like the United States

So when OP are you going to write your paper on Eric Holder is still Attorney General? And nor lynch?

Hahahahahahahaha! Did you ask the birthers the same question a million times. Why don't you and your fellow cons write a paper about "Obama was NOT born in Kenya" and then we'll talk. OK?
More slime from the left, just like blaming this on the NRA. Liberals are so damn predictable and SLIMY all rolled into one. Video at the site

MSNBC moron calls Waco shooting a ‘white-on-white crime,’ ignores charming diversity of thugs
Posted by soopermexican on May 18, 2015 at 5:26 PM in Politics | 42 Comments

Ed Show guest host Michael Eric Dyson never does a segment without stuffing it full of abject stupidity and today was no exception. Here’s the idiot saying that the awful Waco shooting was a “white on white crime” and that nobody called them “thugs.”

Watch below:




Yeah actually there were plenty of Hispanic surnames among the mugshots of those arrested, and at least one black guy:
And there were plenty of people who were calling them “thugs.” But why let a paltry thing like facts get in the way of indoctrinating the ten viewers you got, Dyson?

all of it here:

Read more:
FWIW the bandido's was formed by a white guy in Houston, Texas.

This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.

Let the government give up their guns first, then we can talk.

Again, government forces are trained. Government does not threaten average citizens. And your guns are no match against the government's firepower. So stop being paranoid about the government. There's nothing you can do to fight the government. It's there to protect you. You are not here to protect your government. Do you have any common sense at all?

Again, I showed you what a "trained" police force is capable of. And a citizen's guns don't have to be a "match" to be effective, they just have to exist to make it more difficult for a tyrant to take over. Its similar to the naval concept of a "Fleet in Being".

And your bolded statements are telling, its the typical progressive statist view that government is separate and better than citizens.
Still waiting OP on your claim that Eric Holder is Attorney General?

Dumb fuck troll

More slime from the left, just like blaming this on the NRA. Liberals are so damn predictable and SLIMY all rolled into one. Video at the site

MSNBC moron calls Waco shooting a ‘white-on-white crime,’ ignores charming diversity of thugs
Posted by soopermexican on May 18, 2015 at 5:26 PM in Politics | 42 Comments

Ed Show guest host Michael Eric Dyson never does a segment without stuffing it full of abject stupidity and today was no exception. Here’s the idiot saying that the awful Waco shooting was a “white on white crime” and that nobody called them “thugs.”

Watch below:




Yeah actually there were plenty of Hispanic surnames among the mugshots of those arrested, and at least one black guy:
And there were plenty of people who were calling them “thugs.” But why let a paltry thing like facts get in the way of indoctrinating the ten viewers you got, Dyson?

all of it here:

Read more:

Another idiot con spews his ignorance above. Look pal, there are white hispanics, mestisos, black hispanics and many other mixtures of different races in there. Many Mexican and Cubans are whites. They are descendants of spanish and European cultures.

Once again, thanks for proving your ignorance. You never complained about black on black term. You only hate white on white phrase in English language.
This is not about race idiot stupid cons. This discussion was about guns. Yes hispanics, blacks, Asians and whites, all are capable of violence. The point is race does not matter. What matters is guns and gun violence.

Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.

Let the government give up their guns first, then we can talk.

Again, government forces are trained. Government does not threaten average citizens. And your guns are no match against the government's firepower. So stop being paranoid about the government. There's nothing you can do to fight the government. It's there to protect you. You are not here to protect your government. Do you have any common sense at all?

Again, I showed you what a "trained" police force is capable of. And a citizen's guns don't have to be a "match" to be effective, they just have to exist to make it more difficult for a tyrant to take over. Its similar to the naval concept of a "Fleet in Being".

And your bolded statements are telling, its the typical progressive statist view that government is separate and better than citizens.

Once again, your guns are no match to government's firepower. Almight Allah be my witness, I am telling you, your guns are no match against the government. Please dude, do you understand anything at all?

And I repeat once more time: Government is here to protect you. You are not here to protect the government. Of course, I never expect simpleton cons to understand basic facts of life.
Here's what you're missing, the solution. How exactly do you propose keeping guns out of the hands of criminals? I started your chance, answer the question none of your brain dead leftist brethren had a clue how to solve. Show you're smarter than the average leftist and actually solve the problem.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My plan would be phased ban on guns. Phased ban on guns. Japan does not have the problem of gun violence. You know why? Guns are illegal in Japan. You are welcome.

Let the government give up their guns first, then we can talk.

Again, government forces are trained. Government does not threaten average citizens. And your guns are no match against the government's firepower. So stop being paranoid about the government. There's nothing you can do to fight the government. It's there to protect you. You are not here to protect your government. Do you have any common sense at all?

Again, I showed you what a "trained" police force is capable of. And a citizen's guns don't have to be a "match" to be effective, they just have to exist to make it more difficult for a tyrant to take over. Its similar to the naval concept of a "Fleet in Being".

And your bolded statements are telling, its the typical progressive statist view that government is separate and better than citizens.

Once again, your guns are no match to government's firepower. Almight Allah be my witness, I am telling you, your guns are no match against the government. Please dude, do you understand anything at all?

And I repeat once more time: Government is here to protect you. You are not here to protect the government. Of course, I never expect simpleton cons to understand basic facts of life.

Hmm, so which poster are you a sock for?

I'm guessing Hazelnut.

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