Nine migrants died and dozens more were rescued trying to cross the Rio Grande in Texas

Not at all, but we are getting a huge influx of illegal immigration by Executive invitation with no push since the administration started to address immigration as a whole, on the legislative front, instead pursuing other agendas and ruling what we should be doing (immigrationwise) by executive fiat. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind and not acceptable way to set this agenda or policy system, just a continuation of the BS in this area by both sides, going back to the early 80s, with the ying/yang mishandling of the two parties, while they make contribution money, and quietly encourage illegal immigration by private and public sector, along with funneling cheap labor into the system to be illegally employed with no clear view of the long term, while making no serious attempt to control the illegal labor competition with natural born American Citizens, rather than pushing for legislative decision based on clearly state assessment, goals, and path to citizenship if these aliens are to remain here.
While no "Build the wall" guy, I certainly recognize this method of handling policy without the agreement of the American public through it's representatives is bullshit, just as certainly as I know, loading the border crossing aliens on planes in the night to fly them to cities and towns that never asked for them or wanted the expenditure of public funds at the local and state level to pay for the executive action is WRONG.
And it's been this way for sixty years..Both parties are to blame just like when Reagan signed off on amnesty in the 1980s.
Because we abet our criminal politicians.
So, are you saying that Democrats, who in case you hadn't noticed, control the congress, the Presidency right now, and their policies are drawing these people to come here....Is that who you are speaking of?
I don't know if criminal is the correct characterization. Guttless and self-serving might be more accurate.
I voted for Reagan, he really broke my heart when he signed the amnesty. At that point, I realized that the whole idea of legality was a matter of perspective of those that rule and not what is written.
So, are you saying that Democrats, who in case you hadn't noticed, control the congress, the Presidency right now, and their policies are drawing these people to come here....Is that who you are speaking of?
They came here before this Congress and this president was born and your family and mine did the same.
They came here before this Congress and this president was born and your family and mine did the same.
Don't even try that bullshit....Was there an illegal immigration problem before Biden? obviously. Did Biden cancel anything that could be seen as helping put an end to that problem? You're damned right he did....He put it on steroids...My family, and your family came here legally....Why don't you understand the difference?
Don't even try that bullshit....Was there an illegal immigration problem before Biden? obviously. Did Biden cancel anything that could be seen as helping put an end to that problem? You're damned right he did....He put it on steroids...My family, and your family came here legally....Why don't you understand the difference?
When my family came here they didn't care if you were here legally or illegally.
When my family came here they didn't care if you were here legally or illegally.
LOL...That's absurd....Don't fool yourself into thinking there wasn't a process to enter the US when your family came to America..
LOL...That's absurd....Don't fool yourself into thinking there wasn't a process to enter the US when your family came to America..
In the Revolutionary war, there was no Ellis Island.
So, you’re saying that your family was among the first settlers of America? Do you have anything documenting that claim?
Yes, your family doesn't have a record, mine prints books every other generation.
Yes, your family doesn't have a record, mine prints books every other generation.
Ok, let’s say that’s all true, doesn’t change the fact that today there are laws, and procedures to enter the US legally. These people are not doing that.

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