Nine State Delegations Observe Audit

Not the one that showed people running through the same batches of ballots multiple times. If you do not believe your own eyes I am not the one who is crazy.
Fuckbubble, even had they run the same batches twice, which they didn't, you couldn't tell from that video anyway as it's impossible to read anything on the ballots in that video to determine they were the same as other ballots already scanned.

But the real evidence those ballots weren't scanned again is had they been, each one would have been counted as an overvote; meaning more votes than voters. And the tabulators never showed that. Georgia also did a hand recount which matched the tabulators and also failed to show overvotes.

What this is evidence of -- is your dementia. This was debunked 10 months ago and a gazillion times since ... yet here you are, still repeating these lies because you're a fucked in the head as your posts reveal.
I do not have a narrative. The fraud was a crime. I have seen adequate evidence to be convinced it happened besides the very obvious indications everyone has seen and dismissed. The narrative is all yours.
You're lying again -- there was no fraud beyond a handful of cases around the country that are detected in just about every election.
You're lying again -- there was no fraud beyond a handful of cases around the country that are detected in just about every election.
7 states thought there was enough evidence to pick alternative electors. You can't change that, or minimize it.
7 states thought there was enough evidence to pick alternative electors. You can't change that, or minimize it.
Those were fake electors. The states sent the real elector who were counted. Picking alternate slates means nothing other than frustrated Republicans, idiots like you, thought they could game the system and keep Trump as president even though like Hitler, he lost his election.
Is that why You Tube deleted them?
Here are two video which highlight Trump's team lying through their teeth. You won't get it because you're brain-dead, but others will and it will easily demonstrate you lied when you claimed those videos prove fraud.

Here's the first video. It's of attorney Jackie Pick, who says she was just volunteering for Trump's legal team, describing what she's about to show.

33:30 - Jackie Pick introduces herself.

34:06 - she shows the room at 11:02am. Why 11:02am, a normal person might wonder? Because earlier, the official ballot boxes she claims were suitcases of ballots snuck in under a table where actually out in the open. But her narrative about suitcases hidden under a table would be obliterated had she shown video from earlier, so she selectively picked a time after they were put away and out of sight.

41:00 - she shows the room emptied out except for 6 people and points out they pull ballots out from under a table. She employs verbiage to make it appear suspicious, claiming they waited until the "coast is clear," to pull out "suitcases of ballots."

She then blatantly lies. She wonders if storing ballots under a table is "is it normal to store suitcases of ballots under a table under a tablecloth? Is that how they run the place? Maybe this is what they've been doing all day? Maybe this is what they're doing under all the tables?"

She continues, "so we went back and watched the videos, a team of us, we don't see that." <-- LIE. The truth is minutes earlier, the videos show they had just put those ballots under the table. They said they "went back and watched the videos." That means they knew the ballots were just put under that table but she lied and claimed they didn't know that and they intentionally didn't show that part to the Georgia Senate. Blatant lie that you fell for.

42:40 - she shows the ballots being pulled out from under the table (11:02pm) as she explains that particular table was placed there by the blonde lady at about 8:22am. Implying that the blonde lady snuck them in during the morning and only pulled them out later at night. She completely omits they were just placed there by employees who were putting them away because they thought they were done for the night, not in "suitcases" as she lies, but official Georgia ballot boxes and sealed to maintain chain of custody. Instead, she paints a false narrative about how they might have been snuck in illegally.

Now the second video -- a 5 minute segment as it appeared on 60 Minutes where the lies above are thoroughly exposed...


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