Nine State Delegations Observe Audit

Let me ask you. Is there any scenario in which you admit you are wrong and that Biden won the election? If so, what would that be? Or did you just inherently know, before any votes were counted, that Trump won?
Biden did not, so no. There is nothing that will make me believe he is legitimate. Dominion has the power and data to prove it was legal, why don't they?
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You seriously have lost your mind. Each day you get worse and worse. Hopefully someone you know will get you under a 72 hour psych hold.
Calling me crazy is unoriginal and serves no purpose. What you think it might do besides make you like every other lying loser is not known to me. Hope you feel better, troll.
Fuck off our system of government was never in danger that day. Drama queen. It was all to distract from the fraud. A false flag from the FBI(KBG).
Of course it was. Those bloody communists are at it again.
There's that small issue which keeps raising it head, there's no evidence, still.
Biden did not so no. There is nothing that will make me believe he is legitimate. Dominion has the power and data to prove it was legal, why don't they?
So you've predetermined the result in which there is no possible way for Biden to be elected President. You are actually living in a hyper-reality that you've created. Fascinating.
Fuck off our system of government was never in danger that day. Drama queen. It was all to distract from the fraud. A false flag from the FBI(KBG).
Not according to Sydney Powell. She claims they were in the middle of getting the election thrown out when Nancy Pelosi grew wise to their devious plan and reconvened the Congress in time to complete the certification of the election.
Calling me crazy is unoriginal and serves no purpose. What you think it might do besides make you like every other lying loser is not known to me. Hope you feel better, troll.
Yeah you saying it's unoriginal can lead me to believe one thing. You've heard it over and over from many people.
FruitLoops, the words, "fraud", "illegal", "invalid," do not appear anywhere in the Cyber Ninja report. You're hallucinating again that they do.
So what? The votes are going to court and they can decide their legality. No go away, you do not need to reply three times every time I say something. Everyone knows what you are going to say anyway.
Biden did not so no. There is nothing that will make me believe he is legitimate. Dominion has the power and data to prove it was legal, why don't they?
They have on multiple occasions. Sadly, your deformed brain doesn't allow you to admit that.
Not according to Sydney Powell. She claims they were in the middle of getting the election thrown out when Nancy Pelosi grew wise to their devious plan and reconvened the Congress in time to complete the certification of the election.
So what? The votes are going to court and they can decide their legality. No go away, you do not need to reply three times every time I say something. Everyone knows what you are going to say anyway.
So what??

You claim those are illegal ballots. Not even Cyber Ninja said they are illegal ballots. So who knows from where you made that up.

That makes you a liar on top of being deranged.
So you lied again.

This is my shocked face -->
Yeah you saying it's unoriginal can lead me to believe one thing. You've heard it over and over from many people.

I consider those people, and you, really, really stupid or just liars and traitors. Anything else?
So what??

You claim those are illegal ballots. Not even Cyber Ninja said they are illegal ballots. So who knows from where you made that up.

That makes you a liar on top of being deranged.
Wait for court. It won't happen today.

That's what you always say.

And tomorrow never delivers the goods.

How many more times are you going to be duped until you learn?
He already admitted there is no possible scenario in which Biden won the election. So infinite would be the answer.

That's what you always say.

And tomorrow never delivers the goods.

How many more times are you going to be duped until you learn?
You always say there was no fraud. You are lying. I am not. If you do not understand that, find the nearest child and he or she will explain it to you.
Yes. Were you always this mentally ill or did this start when Trump lost the election?
I am not metally ill. If I was I would think a president who got 12 million more votes than he did four years ago could lose. I would also believe Joe Biden got the most votes in history. That is crazy.
I am not metally ill. If I was I would think a president who got 12 million more votes than he did four years ago could lose. I would also believe Joe Biden got the most votes in history. That is crazy.
Do you think every American loves Trump?

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