NIXON and some similarities in today's bizarro times

Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Are you really here trying to claim that Lerner wasn't targeting conservative groups? Or that the Obama White House wasn't in the loop? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Lois took the 5th and her retirement? What would make someone who was doing their job on the up and up DO THAT!

I hope you ask the same question of the Trumps and their swamp creatures
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!View attachment 207495


I don't agree with Trump on anything. His policies are corrosive. His comportment is despicable. And his attitude toward the press is dangerous.

If you support him, God bless. But don't sell the notion that the press is the enemy of the people. Don't sell his notion of what you see and what you hear is not really happening.

And don't sell the notion that criticism of Trump and his policies are driven by communism. Don't sell the notion that everything President Obama did was intended to undermine our nation.

I think Trump is a corrupt charlatan. I think Trump is not acting in the best interests of this nation, especially regarding Russia.

But I think his motives are acting in the best interests of himself and not intentionally designed to undermine our nation.

The liberal media IS the enemy of conservatives...they have been for quite some time now. I don't think anyone has to "sell"'s rather obvious that's the case at this point.

As for Trump's actions? He's lived up to more campaign promises at this point in his time in office than any President that I can think of, Nosmo. Now you may not like that because you have a liberal viewpoint but for the people that put Trump in office...he's doing what he said he would if they elected him.
Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!

They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...
Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Are you really here trying to claim that Lerner wasn't targeting conservative groups? Or that the Obama White House wasn't in the loop? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Lois took the 5th and her retirement? What would make someone who was doing their job on the up and up DO THAT!
I hope you ask the same question of the Trumps and their swamp creatures
Ok...I'll bite! Who in the IRS has been targeting liberal opponents of Donald Trump?
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!View attachment 207495


I don't agree with Trump on anything. His policies are corrosive. His comportment is despicable. And his attitude toward the press is dangerous.

If you support him, God bless. But don't sell the notion that the press is the enemy of the people. Don't sell his notion of what you see and what you hear is not really happening.

And don't sell the notion that criticism of Trump and his policies are driven by communism. Don't sell the notion that everything President Obama did was intended to undermine our nation.

I think Trump is a corrupt charlatan. I think Trump is not acting in the best interests of this nation, especially regarding Russia.

But I think his motives are acting in the best interests of himself and not intentionally designed to undermine our nation.

The liberal media IS the enemy of conservatives...they have been for quite some time now. I don't think anyone has to "sell"'s rather obvious that's the case at this point.

As for Trump's actions? He's lived up to more campaign promises at this point in his time in office than any President that I can think of, Nosmo. Now you may not like that because you have a liberal viewpoint but for the people that put Trump in office...he's doing what he said he would if they elected him.

And he rewards them with 12 billion,,,,and tax cuts
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Are you really here trying to claim that Lerner wasn't targeting conservative groups? Or that the Obama White House wasn't in the loop? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Lois took the 5th and her retirement? What would make someone who was doing their job on the up and up DO THAT!

she targeted political groups by key words used and not just tea party groups but progressive groups and republican groups and democratic groups BECAUSE the 501c group they were filing status as, was a 501c PAC CHARITY where their primary focus was suppose to be an authorized charitable cause.... and NOT Political as the primary cause....

as these specific charity PACs for charitable cause as the primary cause, donors to these PACS could write off their contributions to these PACs from their taxes.

If you donate to the DNC or the RNC or a candidate, you CAN NOT write off these contributions/donations from your taxes....

but with these specific 501c PACs you could.

They were overwhelmed with all different kinds of 501c applications because of citizen united... and was trying to easily weed out the primary political PACS from getting the charity PAC status.... they were trying to do THEIR JOBS and sort it out the best they could, the fastest way they the ones that were obviously for a political purpose. It did capture a lot of tea party groups and maybe unfairly, for audit etc, because it was a new and upcoming political group and it seems a heck of a lot of new PAC applicants used those words in the filing of their PAC Names....but it caught others as well, that needed to be examined before issuing this CHARITY PAC status.

Do you REALLY believe Karl Rove's PAC is primarily for a charitable cause and not a political cause?
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Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!

They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...
Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Are you really here trying to claim that Lerner wasn't targeting conservative groups? Or that the Obama White House wasn't in the loop? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Lois took the 5th and her retirement? What would make someone who was doing their job on the up and up DO THAT!
she targeted political groups by key words used and not just tea party groups but progressive groups and republican groups and democratic groups BECAUSE the 501c group they were filing status as, was a 501c PAC CHARITY where their primary focus was suppose to be an authorized charitable cause.... and NOT Political as the primary cause....

as these specific charity PACs for charitable cause as the primary cause, donors to these PACS could write off their contributions to these PACs from their taxes.

If you donate to the DNC or the RNC or a candidate, you CAN NOT write off these contributions/donations from your taxes....

but with these specific 501c PACs you could.

They were overwhelmed with all different kinds of 501c applications because of citizen united... and was trying to easily weed out the primary political PACS from getting the charity PAC status.... they were trying to do THEIR JOBS and sort it out the best they could, the fastest way they the ones that were obviously for a political purpose. It did capture a lot of tea party groups and maybe unfairly, for audit etc, because it was a new and upcoming political group and it seems a heck of a lot of new PAC applicants used those words in the filing of their PAC Names....but it caught others as well, that needed to be examined before issuing this CHARITY PAC status.

Do you REALLY believe Karl Rove's PAC is primarily for a charitable cause and not a political cause?

So explain why if Lois was simply doing her job...she took the 5th?
You're parroting the narrative that was put out by the Obama Administration...that Lerner wasn't only targeting conservative groups! Unfortunately even a cursory examination of that revealed that the overwhelming majority of the groups that were denied non profit status or had it delayed for long periods of time were conservative groups while liberal groups were not treated in the same way.
Yo, edward37? You forgot to mention, Trump is friends with many Nations, it`s his job, Dummy!
Nosmo King? The only thing I can say to your post is: Take-Off your Blinders, you will be Stupid all your Life!

Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!View attachment 207495


I don't agree with Trump on anything. His policies are corrosive. His comportment is despicable. And his attitude toward the press is dangerous.

If you support him, God bless. But don't sell the notion that the press is the enemy of the people. Don't sell his notion of what you see and what you hear is not really happening.

And don't sell the notion that criticism of Trump and his policies are driven by communism. Don't sell the notion that everything President Obama did was intended to undermine our nation.

I think Trump is a corrupt charlatan. I think Trump is not acting in the best interests of this nation, especially regarding Russia.

But I think his motives are acting in the best interests of himself and not intentionally designed to undermine our nation.

The liberal media IS the enemy of conservatives...they have been for quite some time now. I don't think anyone has to "sell"'s rather obvious that's the case at this point.

As for Trump's actions? He's lived up to more campaign promises at this point in his time in office than any President that I can think of, Nosmo. Now you may not like that because you have a liberal viewpoint but for the people that put Trump in office...he's doing what he said he would if they elected him.

You do know of course old that Ivanka recently said ""the media IS NOT the enemy of the people""
Yo, edward37? You forgot to mention, Trump is friends with many Nations, it`s his job, Dummy!
Nosmo King? The only thing I can say to your post is: Take-Off your Blinders, you will be Stupid all your Life!

Friends?? I daresay he's made far more enemies than friends with commy Putin in the spot light
You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
And, thankfully, the press is protected by the 1st Amendment to The Constitution of the United States. If it were up to Trump, all we would have are the daily lies of Fox News.
Someone call a medic, we've got another case of Foxitis flaring up. Shit is terminal when not treated promptly.
I hear the best prescription is a good pacifier to keep them occupied and a safety blanket to keep them warm during their recovery.

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