NIXON and some similarities in today's bizarro times

I am not obsessed with the Watergate thing, but the theory is Nixon deleted something on a tape related to the conspiracy of MOSSAD and or CIA assasinating JFK. Why anyone ever would record confidential meetings is bizarre, enter douchebag Cohen...The main difference is Cohen allegedly was trying to address Playboy playmates The Donald banged, just like EVERY normal male would want to bang for a weekend. The Watergate thing that Nixon deleted obviously was something more like attacking our democracy the way the "intelligence agencies" are doing to this very day. Remember the jewish/zionist/occultist Schumer say the "intelligence agencies" have more power than elected officials. This is the battle we are in. The people vs. the swamp. And the swamp is slowly but surely being drained as Mueller's witch hunt is total fail.

The Fourth Estate is a segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the political system.

That’s more like it.
So what do you think of a “segment of society” which wields “significant influence” and power over said society...which is above reproach or even question by the very elected members of that society?
Sadly, the supreme court ruled in favor of this segment with Citizen's United.

Money talks! You got the money, you influence the Power.... :(
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Your either spinning, or blowing smoke.

I am not going to tell you the FISA was illegal, because we don't know. Why not? Because they won't release redacted documents, lol.

As far as spying on Trump, yes they did. It is called the 2 hop rule. It is a clever device (law) used by law enforcement that turns 1 person into over 100,000. That is correct, look it up! All Page had to get was one e-mail, one text, or 1 call from ANYONE he was associated with before from the campaign, and immediately, the monitors would have access to EVERYONE in the campaign within 3 hrs.

The other thing you might want to pay attention to is-------------> what the one person who is female with a young child that can NOT go to jail said; and that would be Lisa Paige. Her testimony that has been leaked has proven what everybody knew was going on, except maybe you. They also got MORE document trails from her, and the proof will be out before the midterms. But look here------------> Once your side started this and the GOP got wind of the truth, it was always the plan to set it up for the finale right before midterms. Your side would do the same thing!

And as far as the MSM? Well, have you noticed that the only network still screaming loudly is CNN? Do you know why? Because they now know, the Democrats duped them too, and they are going to have egg all over their face. They know what the GOP is doing, so they are kinda ignoring the collusion/delusion now. Their credibility is on the line, and they are also between a rock and a hard place.

Always remember-------------> The media was led to believe the collusion/delusion narrative also by the Left. Last year, the medias own stories which they thought pointed at collusion, ended up being used to prove spygate. They NEVER even considered they were being played by your heroes. Now, even MSNBC is backing away somewhat, and the only solid collusion station left is.....CNN. In the Heartland, we call that a clue of what is truth, and what is not. But for some reason, I think you already knew that-)
I am not going to tell you the FISA was illegal, because we don't know. Why not? Because they won't release redacted documents, lol.
You can tell, if you take the time to actually skim read the 400 page redacted Fisa Warrant that much much much more was given than the two pages of the 36 page in total, dossier that mentioned Carter page....

FISA WARRANTS are secret warrants, but the FISA Court JUDGE appointed by John Roberts, is the one with the sole responsibility to determine if it is illegal or not, and the Judge determine it was LEGAL.

If there is a question on legality, then it goes to a 3 Fisa Court Judge panel, to review the decision.

What the far right wing congress critters are doing is ONLY FOR SHOW..... the SHOW must go on! There is no business, like SHOW business.....
As far as spying on Trump, yes they did. It is called the 2 hop rule. It is a clever device (law) used by law enforcement that turns 1 person into over 100,000. That is correct, look it up! All Page had to get was one e-mail, one text, or 1 call from ANYONE he was associated with before from the campaign, and immediately, the monitors would have access to EVERYONE in the campaign within 3 hrs.
It's called the 3 Hop rule, not 2.... And no, you are way OVER EXAGGERATING how it works....

but know that Page's Fisa surveillance began just a couple of weeks before the election and NOT for partisan PURPOSE.... it was legal for counter intelligence purpose, and done for valid reasons, and was approved by 3 different FISA court Judges, on 3 separate occasions, and that were Republican appointed Judges.

I am with you on not liking how the spying of the NSA is too broad, but Republicans had a chance to correct the situation and gave it a pass....

But trying to pin this as a reason to not believe that Traitor Don and his team of campaign traitors were not involved up to their eyeballs in Russian govt collaboration to illegally meddle in our election is simply DEFLECTION.....

go after the LAW written that allows it to be legal, and stop pretending like Carter Page;s case is the end of the world abuse just to keep the heat off of Trump n team, for their conspiring with the enemy....


NSA Surveillance Bill Would Legalize Loophole That Lets FBI Spy on Americans Without a Warrant
The left's high water mark in the 20th century was Richard Nixon. First of all, imagine an unrestricted media coup led by a Post reporter who was raised by card carrying communist parents to hate former HUAC prosecutor Richard Nixon. Conflict of interest? You betcha.. Imagine a team of reporters who got to report anything they wanted to regardless of verification or identification of an alleged "informant". Imagine getting away with an alleged informant who wasn't identified until he was dead and couldn't verify the information? Imagine the feeding frenzy in the left wing media when they smelled Nixon's blood in the water. People died during the Clinton administration and allegations of sex, drugs and rock and roll were far more interesting than stodgy old Richard Nixon. What would have happened if a right wing media outlet claimed to have an informant deep in the Clinton White House? The news would have been far more juicy than a third rate burglary but the focus would have been on the informant rather than the information. Hollywood even made a couple of ho-hum movies about Nixon but not a single one about the far more interesting Hollywood legacy of Bill Clinton. That's the way the system works.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Yo, True, But Back Then, They Worked For The Democrat Party, Today, They Work For The Socialist Democrat Party!!!

I've heard that tape - Yes, I do see the sycophantic/ submissive similarities between Sarah Huck & Ziegler.
But beyond that, the Fascist leanings of Nixon and Trump are fairly obvious ...
That said, Nixon was tons smarter. He knew something about American history and the world ...
Then when push came to shove - he fairly gracefully got up and left the building.
My fear that when that time comes for Trump - He's going to hole up and force a standoff between the FBI and the Secret Service.
Pray that I'm wrong
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Yo, did you run out of your Metal Disorder Pills? Sorry, but you can get your "Entitlement Free Pills" monday when the Doctor is in, sorry again sicko!!!!!!

The left's high water mark in the 20th century was Richard Nixon. First of all, imagine an unrestricted media coup led by a Post reporter who was raised by card carrying communist parents to hate former HUAC prosecutor Richard Nixon. Conflict of interest? You betcha.. Imagine a team of reporters who got to report anything they wanted to regardless of verification or identification of an alleged "informant". Imagine getting away with an alleged informant who wasn't identified until he was dead and couldn't verify the information? Imagine the feeding frenzy in the left wing media when they smelled Nixon's blood in the water. People died during the Clinton administration and allegations of sex, drugs and rock and roll were far more interesting than stodgy old Richard Nixon. What would have happened if a right wing media outlet claimed to have an informant deep in the Clinton White House? The news would have been far more juicy than a third rate burglary but the focus would have been on the informant rather than the information. Hollywood even made a couple of ho-hum movies about Nixon but not a single one about the far more interesting Hollywood legacy of Bill Clinton. That's the way the system works.
will you be first on line when the Trump the Traitor movie comes out?
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Your either spinning, or blowing smoke.

I am not going to tell you the FISA was illegal, because we don't know. Why not? Because they won't release redacted documents, lol.

As far as spying on Trump, yes they did. It is called the 2 hop rule. It is a clever device (law) used by law enforcement that turns 1 person into over 100,000. That is correct, look it up! All Page had to get was one e-mail, one text, or 1 call from ANYONE he was associated with before from the campaign, and immediately, the monitors would have access to EVERYONE in the campaign within 3 hrs.

The other thing you might want to pay attention to is-------------> what the one person who is female with a young child that can NOT go to jail said; and that would be Lisa Paige. Her testimony that has been leaked has proven what everybody knew was going on, except maybe you. They also got MORE document trails from her, and the proof will be out before the midterms. But look here------------> Once your side started this and the GOP got wind of the truth, it was always the plan to set it up for the finale right before midterms. Your side would do the same thing!

And as far as the MSM? Well, have you noticed that the only network still screaming loudly is CNN? Do you know why? Because they now know, the Democrats duped them too, and they are going to have egg all over their face. They know what the GOP is doing, so they are kinda ignoring the collusion/delusion now. Their credibility is on the line, and they are also between a rock and a hard place.

Always remember-------------> The media was led to believe the collusion/delusion narrative also by the Left. Last year, the medias own stories which they thought pointed at collusion, ended up being used to prove spygate. They NEVER even considered they were being played by your heroes. Now, even MSNBC is backing away somewhat, and the only solid collusion station left is.....CNN. In the Heartland, we call that a clue of what is truth, and what is not. But for some reason, I think you already knew that-)

Since you're such a proponent of the truth why has republican congress cared more about protecting the sleeze in our WH than finding the truth?
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

and your opinion is framed by the sleeze FOX station and the world class liar and scum Trump Good for you
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

and your opinion is framed by the sleeze FOX station and the world class liar and scum Trump Good for you

No. I'm critical of the echo chamber news system. I celebrate a free press. I condemn single source or single opinion "news".

I see our current situation of tribalism and partisanship as born of unfettered information disseminated by people posing as journalism but lacking integrity and values that assure fair reporting.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

and your opinion is framed by the sleeze FOX station and the world class liar and scum Trump Good for you

No. I'm critical of the echo chamber news system. I celebrate a free press. I condemn single source or single opinion "news".

I see our current situation of tribalism and partisanship as born of unfettered information disseminated by people posing as journalism but lacking integrity and values that assure fair reporting.

well I thank you for that response but I still believe anyone in favor of truth justice and the American way and is a trump supporter, is a hypocrite
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!

Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!View attachment 207495


You're an American and you support Trump the friend of the leader of world communism?
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


If you had been honest, I might agree with you. Had you just said "I do not read the Washington Post or the New York Times because I am not bright enough to discern fact from fiction. I would rather be confirmed in my opinion than be informed to frame my own opinion. I feel comfortable in a narrow echo chamber being fed information framed by the state."

Yo, been around long enough to know BS when I see it, and hear it, period! Plus, I really don`t care what you think, I live my life as a Free True American! The "Invaders of Communism Spew Hate" everyday in this Once Great Country, you can Thank, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration for Defiling America, it was a Great Place to Live!!!

But now, we have a Great President, who sees things my way, and is doing a better job than any President every, HELL, he could hang his hat right now, and still be the best President this Country has ever seen, period!!!

Now, if Trump can kick the RINO`s to the curb, and get more Freedom Caucus Members Elected, he could "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," plus put all of the Obama Mob Squad in JAIL!!!!!!

P.S. If You Are A Republican? Call Your Representative In The House, Tell Them To Vote For Jim Jordan as the next House Leader, Period!!!View attachment 207495


I don't agree with Trump on anything. His policies are corrosive. His comportment is despicable. And his attitude toward the press is dangerous.

If you support him, God bless. But don't sell the notion that the press is the enemy of the people. Don't sell his notion of what you see and what you hear is not really happening.

And don't sell the notion that criticism of Trump and his policies are driven by communism. Don't sell the notion that everything President Obama did was intended to undermine our nation.

I think Trump is a corrupt charlatan. I think Trump is not acting in the best interests of this nation, especially regarding Russia.

But I think his motives are acting in the best interests of himself and not intentionally designed to undermine our nation.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

Are you really here trying to claim that Lerner wasn't targeting conservative groups? Or that the Obama White House wasn't in the loop? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Lois took the 5th and her retirement? What would make someone who was doing their job on the up and up DO THAT!

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