Nixon Conservative Republicans and the Kennedys

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Nixon Conservative Republicans and the Kennedys

Rightwingers, Republicans, and Conservatives today forget RM Nixon was one of them in an earlier reincarnation of whacky rightwing world

Context of 'July 18, 1969: Nixon Sees Chappaquiddick Tragedy Damages Kennedy' - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts

Nixon Dug Deep For Dirt On Ted Kennedy

...people who deal in the gutter always look at others through that lens. Explains why the rightwingers always suspect the most benign thing of having evil beginnings. It's their world.

and please, I believe left wingers are just as bad, but they haven't taken over a mahjor political party. Of course rightwingers will say they have, which just proves Dante's point

Nixon Conservative Republicans and the Kennedys

Rightwingers, Republicans, and Conservatives today forget RM Nixon was one of them in an earlier reincarnation of whacky rightwing world

Context of 'July 18, 1969: Nixon Sees Chappaquiddick Tragedy Damages Kennedy' - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts

Nixon Dug Deep For Dirt On Ted Kennedy

...people who deal in the gutter always look at others through that lens. Explains why the rightwingers always suspect the most benign thing of having evil beginnings. It's their world.

and please, I believe left wingers are just as bad, but they haven't taken over a mahjor political party. Of course rightwingers will say they have, which just proves Dante's point


"Left wingers haven't taken over a major political party"? Say what? I guess the democrat party isn't major after all. The difference between Kennedy and Nixon centers around the media. The media knew about JFK's chronic back pain and his addiction to drugs with a Dr. Feelgood. They knew about JFK's adultery and his fathers organized crime babes in Vegas that the brothers took advantage of and movie actresses and crazy Bobby's fixation with killing Castro but they said nothing. The media brought down the Nixon administration with a fake informant they kept secret for forty years and a "investigative" reporter who's freaking parents were card carrying communists. Why didn't anyone tell us that Karl Bernstein was a commie? There was no other information source but the liberal media conglomerate who ran the country.
Nixon Conservative Republicans and the Kennedys

Rightwingers, Republicans, and Conservatives today forget RM Nixon was one of them in an earlier reincarnation of whacky rightwing world

Context of 'July 18, 1969: Nixon Sees Chappaquiddick Tragedy Damages Kennedy' - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts

Nixon Dug Deep For Dirt On Ted Kennedy

...people who deal in the gutter always look at others through that lens. Explains why the rightwingers always suspect the most benign thing of having evil beginnings. It's their world.

and please, I believe left wingers are just as bad, but they haven't taken over a mahjor political party. Of course rightwingers will say they have, which just proves Dante's point


"Left wingers haven't taken over a major political party"? Say what? I guess the democrat party isn't major after all. The difference between Kennedy and Nixon centers around the media. The media knew about JFK's chronic back pain and his addiction to drugs with a Dr. Feelgood. They knew about JFK's adultery and his fathers organized crime babes in Vegas that the brothers took advantage of and movie actresses and crazy Bobby's fixation with killing Castro but they said nothing. The media brought down the Nixon administration with a fake informant they kept secret for forty years and a "investigative" reporter who's freaking parents were card carrying communists. Why didn't anyone tell us that Karl Bernstein was a commie? There was no other information source but the liberal media conglomerate who ran the country.

Leftwingers: Bernie Sanders, and Dennis Kucinich, and others of their ilk. What influence do they have? Do they run the party?
Nixon Conservative Republicans and the Kennedys

Rightwingers, Republicans, and Conservatives today forget RM Nixon was one of them in an earlier reincarnation of whacky rightwing world

Context of 'July 18, 1969: Nixon Sees Chappaquiddick Tragedy Damages Kennedy' - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts

Nixon Dug Deep For Dirt On Ted Kennedy

...people who deal in the gutter always look at others through that lens. Explains why the rightwingers always suspect the most benign thing of having evil beginnings. It's their world.

and please, I believe left wingers are just as bad, but they haven't taken over a mahjor political party. Of course rightwingers will say they have, which just proves Dante's point


"Left wingers haven't taken over a major political party"? Say what? I guess the democrat party isn't major after all. The difference between Kennedy and Nixon centers around the media. The media knew about JFK's chronic back pain and his addiction to drugs with a Dr. Feelgood. They knew about JFK's adultery and his fathers organized crime babes in Vegas that the brothers took advantage of and movie actresses and crazy Bobby's fixation with killing Castro but they said nothing. The media brought down the Nixon administration with a fake informant they kept secret for forty years and a "investigative" reporter who's freaking parents were card carrying communists. Why didn't anyone tell us that Karl Bernstein was a commie? There was no other information source but the liberal media conglomerate who ran the country.

Leftwingers: Bernie Sanders, and Dennis Kucinich, and others of their ilk. What influence do they have? Do they run the party?

Yeah...BO, Reid, Pelosi and so many other Ds are not left wingers...but only in your deluded mind.

I bet you think the Rs are a bunch of fanatical right wing crazies. Am I right?
"Left wingers haven't taken over a major political party"? Say what? I guess the democrat party isn't major after all. The difference between Kennedy and Nixon centers around the media. The media knew about JFK's chronic back pain and his addiction to drugs with a Dr. Feelgood. They knew about JFK's adultery and his fathers organized crime babes in Vegas that the brothers took advantage of and movie actresses and crazy Bobby's fixation with killing Castro but they said nothing. The media brought down the Nixon administration with a fake informant they kept secret for forty years and a "investigative" reporter who's freaking parents were card carrying communists. Why didn't anyone tell us that Karl Bernstein was a commie? There was no other information source but the liberal media conglomerate who ran the country.

Leftwingers: Bernie Sanders, and Dennis Kucinich, and others of their ilk. What influence do they have? Do they run the party?

Yeah...BO, Reid, Pelosi and so many other Ds are not left wingers...but only in your deluded mind.

I bet you think the Rs are a bunch of fanatical right wing crazies. Am I right?

Rightwingers have taken over the power in the GOP.

Show where leftwingers have take over power in the DNC

When the left wanted to go after the Bush admin over 911/Iraq the DNC leadership shut it down (2006 and 2008)
Nixon was a decent president. Kennedy was horrible. The difference is Kennedy wasn't exposed for his bullshit and Nixon wasn't assassinated.
Then there was Nixon nominating Rehnquist:

In 1971, Newsweek magazine revealed that in 1952, Mr. Rehnquist, then a law clerk to Justice Robert H. Jackson, prepared a memorandum called "A Random Thought on the Segregation Cases." It was written in the first person and bore Mr. Rehnquist's initials. It urged Justice Jackson to reject arguments made by lawyers in Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark school desegregation case, and to uphold Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 Supreme Court decision holding that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Mr. Rehnquist wrote, "I realize that this is an unpopular and unhumanitarian position for which I have been excoriated by 'liberal' colleagues, but I think Plessy v. Ferguson was right and should be re-affirmed."

Justice Jackson ultimately joined the unanimous Brown decision, handed down in 1954, but 17 years later Mr. Rehnquist's memo created a storm. As opposition to Mr. Rehnquist mounted during the Senate debates, he submitted a letter to the chairman of the judiciary committee. "I believe that the memorandum was prepared by me as a statement of Justice Jackson's tentative views for his own use," Mr. Rehnquist wrote.

Richard Kluger, in his history of the Brown case, "Simple Justice," wrote that substantial internal and external evidence cast doubt on Mr. Rehnquist's account. For instance, Justice Jackson's secretary, Elsie Douglas, told Newsweek that Mr. Rehnquist's account was "incredible on its face."

Rightwingers today try and disown Nixon on some 'economic issues' and a few 'social issues' but Nixon was always accused by his opponents, and to my knowledge he never denied, being a strict constructionist -- like most of the state rights bigots and racists.

Roberts almost got tied to more of this, but... :eusa_whistle:
Then there was Nixon nominating Rehnquist:

In 1971, Newsweek magazine revealed that in 1952, Mr. Rehnquist, then a law clerk to Justice Robert H. Jackson, prepared a memorandum called "A Random Thought on the Segregation Cases." It was written in the first person and bore Mr. Rehnquist's initials. It urged Justice Jackson to reject arguments made by lawyers in Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark school desegregation case, and to uphold Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 Supreme Court decision holding that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Mr. Rehnquist wrote, "I realize that this is an unpopular and unhumanitarian position for which I have been excoriated by 'liberal' colleagues, but I think Plessy v. Ferguson was right and should be re-affirmed."

Justice Jackson ultimately joined the unanimous Brown decision, handed down in 1954, but 17 years later Mr. Rehnquist's memo created a storm. As opposition to Mr. Rehnquist mounted during the Senate debates, he submitted a letter to the chairman of the judiciary committee. "I believe that the memorandum was prepared by me as a statement of Justice Jackson's tentative views for his own use," Mr. Rehnquist wrote.

Richard Kluger, in his history of the Brown case, "Simple Justice," wrote that substantial internal and external evidence cast doubt on Mr. Rehnquist's account. For instance, Justice Jackson's secretary, Elsie Douglas, told Newsweek that Mr. Rehnquist's account was "incredible on its face."

Rightwingers today try and disown Nixon on some 'economic issues' and a few 'social issues' but Nixon was always accused by his opponents, and to my knowledge he never denied, being a strict constructionist -- like most of the state rights bigots and racists.

Roberts almost got tied to more of this, but... :eusa_whistle:

Are you the same Dante from the HOP...your avatar at the HOP was of the fat fool Karl dipshit Marx...the guy responsible for more death and suffering than any other human being in history?

If so, I am glad we can renew our discourse.

Nixon was a moderate and certainly a big government Statist. He instituted the huge and tyrannical EPA and unilaterally dumped the US from the gold standard resulting in the decline of the dollar, which he said would not happen...just another lying policitican. Just two actions of many that prove him a statist and far from a strict constructionist (do you know what strict constructionist is?) We have not had a strict constructionist Potus since Calvin Coolidge. But to someone like yourself, Nixon must be a right wing fanatic.

I would think a Marxist would find Nixon's dictatorial actions admirable.
More people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in the Watergate hotel. Kennedy received a slap on the wrist and the media brought down the Nixon administration.
It took Jimmy Carter to make Nixon look good and Obama to make him look near-perfect. The one in terms of relative intelligence; the other in terms of respect for truth.

you live in a bubble?

thats the understatement of the century.Carter unlike Nixon,didnt go and put a dictater in power or murder 58,000 americans alongside Lyndon Johnson.:cuckoo:
Then there was Nixon nominating Rehnquist:

In 1971, Newsweek magazine revealed that in 1952, Mr. Rehnquist, then a law clerk to Justice Robert H. Jackson, prepared a memorandum called "A Random Thought on the Segregation Cases." It was written in the first person and bore Mr. Rehnquist's initials. It urged Justice Jackson to reject arguments made by lawyers in Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark school desegregation case, and to uphold Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 Supreme Court decision holding that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Mr. Rehnquist wrote, "I realize that this is an unpopular and unhumanitarian position for which I have been excoriated by 'liberal' colleagues, but I think Plessy v. Ferguson was right and should be re-affirmed."

Justice Jackson ultimately joined the unanimous Brown decision, handed down in 1954, but 17 years later Mr. Rehnquist's memo created a storm. As opposition to Mr. Rehnquist mounted during the Senate debates, he submitted a letter to the chairman of the judiciary committee. "I believe that the memorandum was prepared by me as a statement of Justice Jackson's tentative views for his own use," Mr. Rehnquist wrote.

Richard Kluger, in his history of the Brown case, "Simple Justice," wrote that substantial internal and external evidence cast doubt on Mr. Rehnquist's account. For instance, Justice Jackson's secretary, Elsie Douglas, told Newsweek that Mr. Rehnquist's account was "incredible on its face."

Rightwingers today try and disown Nixon on some 'economic issues' and a few 'social issues' but Nixon was always accused by his opponents, and to my knowledge he never denied, being a strict constructionist -- like most of the state rights bigots and racists.

Roberts almost got tied to more of this, but... :eusa_whistle:

Are you the same Dante from the HOP...your avatar at the HOP was of the fat fool Karl dipshit Marx...the guy responsible for more death and suffering than any other human being in history?

If so, I am glad we can renew our discourse.

Nixon was a moderate and certainly a big government Statist. He instituted the huge and tyrannical EPA and unilaterally dumped the US from the gold standard resulting in the decline of the dollar, which he said would not happen...just another lying policitican. Just two actions of many that prove him a statist and far from a strict constructionist (do you know what strict constructionist is?) We have not had a strict constructionist Potus since Calvin Coolidge. But to someone like yourself, Nixon must be a right wing fanatic.

I would think a Marxist would find Nixon's dictatorial actions admirable.

thats the understatement of the century.:clap2:
Dont forget to mention as well he murdered 58,00 americans and helped put a dictater in power and would have gotten us into world war three had he been elected president in 1960.
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More people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in the Watergate hotel. Kennedy received a slap on the wrist and the media brought down the Nixon administration.

Chappaquiddick was a tragic car accident you stupid moron, Watergate was an actual criminal enterprise run out of the Office of the US Presidency and the CREEP-Re-election Committee of Nixon :cuckoo:
Then there was Nixon nominating Rehnquist:

In 1971, Newsweek magazine revealed that in 1952, Mr. Rehnquist, then a law clerk to Justice Robert H. Jackson, prepared a memorandum called "A Random Thought on the Segregation Cases." It was written in the first person and bore Mr. Rehnquist's initials. It urged Justice Jackson to reject arguments made by lawyers in Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark school desegregation case, and to uphold Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 Supreme Court decision holding that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

Mr. Rehnquist wrote, "I realize that this is an unpopular and unhumanitarian position for which I have been excoriated by 'liberal' colleagues, but I think Plessy v. Ferguson was right and should be re-affirmed."

Justice Jackson ultimately joined the unanimous Brown decision, handed down in 1954, but 17 years later Mr. Rehnquist's memo created a storm. As opposition to Mr. Rehnquist mounted during the Senate debates, he submitted a letter to the chairman of the judiciary committee. "I believe that the memorandum was prepared by me as a statement of Justice Jackson's tentative views for his own use," Mr. Rehnquist wrote.

Richard Kluger, in his history of the Brown case, "Simple Justice," wrote that substantial internal and external evidence cast doubt on Mr. Rehnquist's account. For instance, Justice Jackson's secretary, Elsie Douglas, told Newsweek that Mr. Rehnquist's account was "incredible on its face."

Rightwingers today try and disown Nixon on some 'economic issues' and a few 'social issues' but Nixon was always accused by his opponents, and to my knowledge he never denied, being a strict constructionist -- like most of the state rights bigots and racists.

Roberts almost got tied to more of this, but... :eusa_whistle:

Are you the same Dante from the HOP...your avatar at the HOP was of the fat fool Karl dipshit Marx...the guy responsible for more death and suffering than any other human being in history?

If so, I am glad we can renew our discourse.

Nixon was a moderate and certainly a big government Statist. He instituted the huge and tyrannical EPA and unilaterally dumped the US from the gold standard resulting in the decline of the dollar, which he said would not happen...just another lying policitican. Just two actions of many that prove him a statist and far from a strict constructionist (do you know what strict constructionist is?) We have not had a strict constructionist Potus since Calvin Coolidge. But to someone like yourself, Nixon must be a right wing fanatic.

I would think a Marxist would find Nixon's dictatorial actions admirable.

r u an imbecile? HOP? Personal attacks? get a life
The car going off the bridge was, indeed an accident. What happened after that was not so much a tragedy as a travesty.

There was some scientific benefit from it, though. The claw marks on the headliner of the car established once and for all that human fingernails are NOT stronger than steel.

Dr. Mengele would have been proud of "The Swimmer".
The car going off the bridge was, indeed an accident. What happened after that was not so much a tragedy as a travesty.

There was some scientific benefit from it, though. The claw marks on the headliner of the car established once and for all that human fingernails are NOT stronger than steel.

Dr. Mengele would have been proud of "The Swimmer".

Weirdo myth crap again? Oy vey! :eek:

Marks on headliner suggesting alive and clawing and breathing? Ooowie! :cuckoo:

A scuba diver is not a forensic pathologist. :rofl:
Funny thing happened on the way to the Ted K lynching: "

John Farrar, a scuba diver, got the Mary Jo's body out of the car. He believed that she found an air-pocket in the car and probably lived for about an hour. This view was supported by the medical examination of the body. The doctor claimed she had died of suffocation rather than from drowning." - world wide web source

Fact: The medical examiner, Dr. Donald Mills, did not write "suffocation" on the death certificate. Hmm...

The web is so full of crap with a scuba diver being the choice of 'leading expert' on what was in the car and everything else. About as scientific as Scientology

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