NJ Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists

Some just will not accept that there are white terrorist groups.

So I guess you wont have a problem posting up all the mayhem they cause?
Inner city blacks kill more than these so called white terrorist groups.
So did the early whites and the KKK.

It's all about poverty and hate. What did they do to you?????

Can you read?
This thread is in current events,not ancient history.
Some just will not accept that there are white terrorist groups.

So I guess you wont have a problem posting up all the mayhem they cause?
Inner city blacks kill more than these so called white terrorist groups.
So did the early whites and the KKK.

It's all about poverty and hate. What did they do to you?????

Can you read?
This thread is in current events,not ancient history.
The KKK still exists as do other white hate people.

"N.J. officials say state faces ‘high’ level of threat from extremist groups, white supremacists."

N.J. officials say state faces ‘high’ level of threat from extremist groups, white supremacists

What white terrorist group do you belong to??

BTW, Blacks, Japanese, and many others are all good people.

Japanese, the ones who almost exclusively welcome Japanese to their nation?

You do know that the left would classify them as Japanese supremacists?
Funny how little discussion there has been here about white supremacist groups, and how much about pretty much anything else.

Funny, and predictable.
Funny how little discussion there has been here about white supremacist groups, and how much about pretty much anything else.

Funny, and predictable.

Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups.

Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger. Meanwhile no criticism of far left groups, let Antifa burn cities down, hush!
Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups. Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger.
Sure, minimize it, push it aside, dismiss it.

Coming from someone who extols the "14 Words".

Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups. Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger.
Sure, minimize it, push it aside, dismiss it.

Coming from someone who extols the "14 Words".


A other insignificant group that no one knows or will ever know, and a person whose name almost no one can even recognize.

But Mac is always pissed off about securing an existence for children though. Big trouble with that one.

And that brings forth an important point. Are these groups even white supremacists groups or do they simply believe that America should be mostly a white nation as it always has been? Criticizing replacement programs is no white supremacy.
More progressive terrorist groups
National origin
Sexual orientation
Technology and intellectual monopolies
Campaign finance

Public journalism:

And, to a lesser extent:

Scholarly journals
Book publishers
Columnists and commentators

City planning
Environment, environmental health, and environmental justice
List of environmental organizations

Human rights
Worker self-management


Labeling all social-action groups as "terrorist" shows an astonishingly profound ignorance on your part. Which of the groups on this list has been involved in stockpiling weapons, threatening or intimidating anyone by words or actions, planning any physical attacks on persons or buildings, building weapons, including bombs, or recruiting or encouraging others to do these things, or otherwise using violent rhetoric against other groups?
and labeling any white group as terrorist groups just because their white is just as bad you dumb fuck.
Domestic terrorism is way too important to ignore or joke around about. We are talking about real threats to the safety of the general public as we go about our daily lives from people who hide among us and plot against us. A real effort has to be made to stop these people before they can kill or injure any more than they have already.

New Jersey is doing the right thing in raising public awareness. All other states that haven't done this, should.

This may sound like a "Pollyanna" comment, but damn it, we are dealing with a REAL IMMEDIATE THREAT TO OUR NATION.
Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups. Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger.
Sure, minimize it, push it aside, dismiss it.

Coming from someone who extols the "14 Words".

Who the fuck is David Lane?
Who the fuck cares? Whoever he is, he came up with a phrase that is important to people like Norman.
Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups. Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger.
Sure, minimize it, push it aside, dismiss it.

Coming from someone who extols the "14 Words".

Who the fuck is David Lane?
Who the fuck cares? Whoever he is, he came up with a phrase that is important to people like Norman.

Yeah securing a future for children is important to me, how very white supremacist of me.

I wonder if the crimes of the "white supremacist groups" were of similar order?
Political propaganda is easy to spot. The Nazis went on a rampage in Germany in the 30's and they managed to blame the Jews. Today's left blames a mysterious unidentified faction they call "white supremacists" for the actions of maniacs while they defend the Islamic Jihad that murdered thousands of Americans on a pretty September day in 2001.
New Jersey Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists to High

While most of these guys obviously don't have the intellectual horsepower to organize a game of solitaire, they may have guns and/or bombs, and there's plenty of beer out there, and this is definitely their time in America's history, their last gasp. Not good.
The decision to put white supremacists at the highest possible level comes after a number of threats and attacks in 2019, including the El Paso attack that left 22 people dead and two dozen more injured. In New Jersey, a man allegedly conspired with members of a neo-Nazi network to vandalize synagogues in the Midwest. He also allegedly once sat with a machete in the parking lot of a New Jersey mall, and considered an attack on black shoppers.

There was also an increase in efforts by white supremacists to identify and recruit members in New Jersey and New York while spreading their messages of hate in 2019, the report reads. Reported incidents of white supremacists distributing their propaganda — particularly in the form of flyers in public venues in cities and on college campuses — surged to 168 since January 2019, up from just 46 in 2018.

The report said that "supporters of this ideology demonstrate the willingness and capability to carry out attacks, direct and inspire sympathizers online, and attempt to network globally." Nationwide, extremist white supremacists carried out four attacks and had at least 19 additional plots, threats of violence or weapons stockpiling incidents, according to NJOHSP's report.

Call us when someone besides a black shoots another black in NJ.
You people need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?
You have no idea what anyone is doing. All you know is what the media tells you and that makes you a fool.
Luckily we have you talk radio Trumpsters to provide "The Truth".
Yep that is correct since you spew the crap democrat media tells you to talk about.
Funny how much talk in general there is about white supremacist groups, considering the impact of said groups. Hint: It is insignificant, total nothing burger.
Sure, minimize it, push it aside, dismiss it.

Coming from someone who extols the "14 Words".

Who the fuck is David Lane?
Who the fuck cares? Whoever he is, he came up with a phrase that is important to people like Norman.
You seem to care since you used a meme with a quote from a person you don't know who he is or anyone else. Hell for all you know this person doesn't exist and the contributor is a leftist propagandist.
This is why Red Flag Laws are nothing more than Camel nose in the tent democrat disarm Americans Fascism.

Oh, it says here you read Ann Rand, that's a big old Red Flag.

You people need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA

Ayn Rand.

"Atlas Shrugged" is one of the greatest books of all time.

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