NJ Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists

All in favor of taking guns away from people handing our flyers raise your right hand

No one had a bigger gun give away program than Hitler. The guns came with spiffy looking uniforms and the really lucky ones got tanks, bombers, flame throwers, etc. How damn dumb are you frank? The Jewish population in 1933 Germany was less than 1% which really isn`t enough to confront German tanks even if they all had their 6 shooters. It`s hard to believe that you people are still forwarding those dumb emails to each other.

Actually, only the German military had firearms. Civilians were governed by strict gun control. Very few of the inmates of German Death Camps had firearms of any kind.
Domestic terrorism is way too important to ignore or joke around about. We are talking about real threats to the safety of the general public as we go about our daily lives from people who hide among us and plot against us. A real effort has to be made to stop these people before they can kill or injure any more than they have already.

New Jersey is doing the right thing in raising public awareness. All other states that haven't done this, should.

This may sound like a "Pollyanna" comment, but damn it, we are dealing with a REAL IMMEDIATE THREAT TO OUR NATION.

What would you suggest that New Jersey, or any jurisdiction, do that would stop this kind of "white supremacist shooting"?

The gentleman who was pinched in this case doesn't belong to any group, there is no group to keep an eye on here. BTW, law enforcement already has numerous informants and moles in EVERY extremist group that they identify

The only thing that we can do as a group is to be vigilant: if you see something, say something. Have trained eyes on the internet, which is a free-for-all that greatly facilities outwardly anonymous contacts between violent people and groups.

I don't understand why the trump administration tried to direct our attention solely toward Islamist terrorism, when they knew that domestic terrorism has long been a threat in the U.S.

Moreover, I don't understand why you are focusing on one particular incident out of a long list of them, targeting several different groups, and emphasizing the idea that all terrorist acts are the result of a "lone wolf" despite the influence of the internet. It gives the impression that you are an apologist for violent terrorist conduct, which I hope is false.

We are dealing with a cancer that has invaded our country along with several others. Look at Germany just this week.

Hitler took guns away from german citizens
All in favor of taking guns away from people handing our flyers raise your right hand

No one had a bigger gun give away program than Hitler. The guns came with spiffy looking uniforms and the really lucky ones got tanks, bombers, flame throwers, etc. How damn dumb are you frank? The Jewish population in 1933 Germany was less than 1% which really isn`t enough to confront German tanks even if they all had their 6 shooters. It`s hard to believe that you people are still forwarding those dumb emails to each other.

Actually, only the German military had firearms. Civilians were governed by strict gun control. Very few of the inmates of German Death Camps had firearms of any kind.
We try not to arm our prisoners either. It was Hitler who loosened gun laws for German citizens. You people really don`t know shit do you?
The Hitler gun control lie
All in favor of taking guns away from people handing our flyers raise your right hand

No one had a bigger gun give away program than Hitler. The guns came with spiffy looking uniforms and the really lucky ones got tanks, bombers, flame throwers, etc. How damn dumb are you frank? The Jewish population in 1933 Germany was less than 1% which really isn`t enough to confront German tanks even if they all had their 6 shooters. It`s hard to believe that you people are still forwarding those dumb emails to each other.

Actually, only the German military had firearms. Civilians were governed by strict gun control. Very few of the inmates of German Death Camps had firearms of any kind.

Modern democrat Socialists LOVE Hitler's gun control laws because the Nazis only disarmed people they targeted for extermination
You people need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?

Are they expressing an opinion or did they, like Born in Kenya Obama, use the FBI as their Secret Police?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.
Domestic terrorism is way too important to ignore or joke around about. We are talking about real threats to the safety of the general public as we go about our daily lives from people who hide among us and plot against us. A real effort has to be made to stop these people before they can kill or injure any more than they have already.

New Jersey is doing the right thing in raising public awareness. All other states that haven't done this, should.

This may sound like a "Pollyanna" comment, but damn it, we are dealing with a REAL IMMEDIATE THREAT TO OUR NATION.

What would you suggest that New Jersey, or any jurisdiction, do that would stop this kind of "white supremacist shooting"?

The gentleman who was pinched in this case doesn't belong to any group, there is no group to keep an eye on here. BTW, law enforcement already has numerous informants and moles in EVERY extremist group that they identify

The only thing that we can do as a group is to be vigilant: if you see something, say something. Have trained eyes on the internet, which is a free-for-all that greatly facilities outwardly anonymous contacts between violent people and groups.

I don't understand why the trump administration tried to direct our attention solely toward Islamist terrorism, when they knew that domestic terrorism has long been a threat in the U.S.

Moreover, I don't understand why you are focusing on one particular incident out of a long list of them, targeting several different groups, and emphasizing the idea that all terrorist acts are the result of a "lone wolf" despite the influence of the internet. It gives the impression that you are an apologist for violent terrorist conduct, which I hope is false.

We are dealing with a cancer that has invaded our country along with several others. Look at Germany just this week.


Federal law enforcement has had informants and moles in extremist outfits for a hundred years, ditto with state and local agencies. Some the groups would probably dissolve if all of the undercover folks quit, retired or were fired from their jobs in law enforcement.
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?

Are they expressing an opinion or did they, like Born in Kenya Obama, use the FBI as their Secret Police?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.
What would your plan look like?

Who is in charge of making the rules, and how are they carried out?
So you're okay with what these groups are doing?

Are they expressing an opinion or did they, like Born in Kenya Obama, use the FBI as their Secret Police?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Are they expressing an opinion or did they, like Born in Kenya Obama, use the FBI as their Secret Police?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?

What about the Klu Klux Klan?
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?

What about the Klu Klux Klan?

You mean like Robert Byrd?
Are they expressing an opinion or did they, like Born in Kenya Obama, use the FBI as their Secret Police?
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.
What would your plan look like?

Who is in charge of making the rules, and how are they carried out?
I'm no expert in legislative or governmental cogs and gears, Mac. But if I hear a plan from someone who does know how, I will let you know. For starters, I suppose organizations on a bonafide list of known white supremacist organizations (not necessarily the one by the Southern Poverty Law Center, since that seems to create conflict) might not be able to get permits for public rallies?
New Jersey Raises Terror Threat Level for White Supremacist Extremists to High

While most of these guys obviously don't have the intellectual horsepower to organize a game of solitaire, they may have guns and/or bombs, and there's plenty of beer out there, and this is definitely their time in America's history, their last gasp. Not good.
The decision to put white supremacists at the highest possible level comes after a number of threats and attacks in 2019, including the El Paso attack that left 22 people dead and two dozen more injured. In New Jersey, a man allegedly conspired with members of a neo-Nazi network to vandalize synagogues in the Midwest. He also allegedly once sat with a machete in the parking lot of a New Jersey mall, and considered an attack on black shoppers.

There was also an increase in efforts by white supremacists to identify and recruit members in New Jersey and New York while spreading their messages of hate in 2019, the report reads. Reported incidents of white supremacists distributing their propaganda — particularly in the form of flyers in public venues in cities and on college campuses — surged to 168 since January 2019, up from just 46 in 2018.

The report said that "supporters of this ideology demonstrate the willingness and capability to carry out attacks, direct and inspire sympathizers online, and attempt to network globally." Nationwide, extremist white supremacists carried out four attacks and had at least 19 additional plots, threats of violence or weapons stockpiling incidents, according to NJOHSP's report.


Hmm...this seems a bit strange.
You raise the threat level to it's highest degree based on an attack on the other side of the country.
Well...that's weird.
But in a country where politics, not reason and logic, drive policy - I guess this is normal.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?

What about the Klu Klux Klan?
What about them?
So...I was just looking... going on 8000 black people were murdered in 2019.
How many of those were by white supremacist groups?
And how many of the were murdered by black gangs?

Yet... let's raise the white gangs to it's highest level and don't even have a measure for black gangs.
Yeah....that's America.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?

What about the Klu Klux Klan?
What about them?
I see you are a KKK member.
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.
What would your plan look like?

Who is in charge of making the rules, and how are they carried out?
I'm no expert in legislative or governmental cogs and gears, Mac. But if I hear a plan from someone who does know how, I will let you know. For starters, I suppose organizations on a bonafide list of known white supremacist organizations (not necessarily the one by the Southern Poverty Law Center, since that seems to create conflict) might not be able to get permits for public rallies?
Well, I guess that would be one example. I'd be against that, because it sure sends us down a dangerous road.
I definitely want you guys to express yourselves without fear, intimidation or oppression.

I want to know who you are, where you are, what you believe, and who agrees with you.

Thank goodness for freedom of expression.
Why, Mac? What are you going to do about it once you know?
That's an argument that does nothing but allow these assholes to spread their hate farther. Just like the "sunshine" argument, which I haven't seen "disinfect" anything yet. The problem is GROWING, not fading away.
What is your solution? To not let them speak in public? To let this fester and grow in the dark?

Would such a strategy make things better, or worse?
Why should ideas so antithetical to everything this country stands for and was founded on and continues to fight for on a daily basis be welcomed in public? How does it grow in the dark? It's already a festering stinkhole of hate. It won't get any worse because they are relegated to their club house or their barn to discuss their meetings. And it won't be influencing other lost souls desperately in need of a group that will accept them.

That's why we need to eradicate the ones who turned the FBI into their Secret Police
Get your head out of the Conspiracy Theorists ass, Frank. When are you going to figure out that you're being told a fairy tale by the Emperor with no clothes?

Just fess up: Barack was born in Kenya and he ended the most unAmerican Administration in history by spying on the incoming Administration including catching the income NSA in a perjury trap

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