Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Doc, have you forgotten what happened the last time the Democrats went after the filibuster? Allow me to refresh your memory, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid nuked the filibuster regarding Presidential and Judicial Nominees THEN Republicans used that as a precedent to bust it for SCOTUS nominees.

How’d that work out for your team? You looking for a repeat the next time Crime Family-R is in charge? Or do you just have an aversion to learning the lessons history wants to teach you.
Democrat trolls like Dr Love and Donald expose what hypocrite shills they are. last year the democrats were up in arms screaming about dominion voting how it stole votes from them,NOW that the shoe is on the other foot that they stole votes away from Trump and gave them to Biden,all of a sudden they have the fucked up logic the machines were right then but somehow are wrong now, these democrat trolls are on dregs,such fucking hypocricy the lies they come up with that this was a fair election with no votre fraud.

What a curious piece of work you have become! What's to debate with you when you can't even express with clear meaning, what you'r trying to say??

D or R or whatever you are, you are undoubtedly the dumbest fukking wanker on this board!
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
It was going to be another Leftist goat fuck, anyway.

Well Bill, you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! ;)
It's hilarious watching the Democrats fuck the dog, Doc...lol
The term is “screw the pooch” And for the love of God, stop doing that to yours!
You realize it's the same thing. Right?...lol
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.

Why did you need 10 Ben Ghazi investigations which found bupkis?
Did Hillary try to hang Biden or something?
Hillary didnt send them help, thats why. Also, at no point did they fabricate evidence like democrats did against Trump.

you hurt the trolls feelings,,he got so angry over that truth you spoke he neg repped you and is crying now over that truth,the truth hurts. :abgg2q.jpg:
Patty Murray didn't vote for it??

Her and Shumer must have discussed that move thoroughly beforehand. There's absolutely no way she would do that if there was a chance of it passing.

This time the con job on the R's is complete!

She wasn't there to vote for it.

I'm sure if she had been in DC she would have voted for it.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Doc, have you forgotten what happened the last time the Democrats went after the filibuster? Allow me to refresh your memory, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid nuked the filibuster regarding Presidential and Judicial Nominees THEN Republicans used that as a precedent to bust it for SCOTUS nominees.

How’d that work out for your team? You looking for a repeat the next time Crime Family-R is in charge? Or do you just have an aversion to learning the lessons history wants to teach you.

Yes Fox I am familiar. Time for Ds to play Trumpian-style hardball.
I’m an Indy, but Ds are too damn nice.
That changes NOW!!
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.
Why is it “inherently a political issue” ? What Donny is accused of doing on Jan.6 (inciting a riot/insurrection) is a CRIME right?

We’ve already dealt with the political side of the equation in the manner mandated by the U.S.Constitution for a sitting President (impeachment) if there are further actions necessary they fall SOLELY in the realm of LAW ENFORCEMENT (principally the Justice Department).

What the Democrats are attempting to do is insert themselves into the realm of Law Enforcement, which from my perspective is likely because:
1. They want to use that heinous incident as a GRANDSTANDING exercise
2. They want to perform a de facto extension of the IMPEACHMENT PROCESS

The more this gets politicized the more likely the hands of LAW ENFORCEMENT will get restrained from seeing Justice Served.

The FBI is FAR more capable of investigating this than Congress Critters ever have been or ever will be, that is as long as politicians leave them alone and let them do their job.

Nice spin. In short, however, you might as well make a claim that trump is innocent and the event on January 6th last was just any other day. Let's see how this plays out during the next 19 months.

You can fool ....
To be perfectly honest, from what I saw from the publicly available video evidence, I think Donny is GUILTY, however I know of one sure way to make sure that he’s NEVER held accountable for it and that is to let the party before country Congress Critters to politicize this even more than it already has been by enpaneling yet another “Congressional Commission”, they just make it harder for LAW ENFORCEMENT to investigate and prosecute the case.

Despite all of the partisan attacks on the FBI, it still has WAY more credibility than Congress Critters with the majority of Americans.

Did you learn nothing from the way the Hillary Clinton “illegal server” investigation unfolded after our Boys & Girls in Congress got a hold of it? How did that work out with respect to the way the FBI was backed into a corner with respect to handling the case?
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
.. yeah and Democrat partisans are doing everything they possibly can to ensure that Republicans win back control of Congress in 2024, did you folks learn nothing from 2010? Apparently not because from what I can see Crime Family-D is making all the same mistakes.

The Definition of Insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results”Albert Einstein
With so many on the right feeling utter hopelessness over our election process, I'm not too concerned about that.
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
WillHaftawaite , would this be considered "trolling"?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.

Why did you need 10 Ben Ghazi investigations which found bupkis?
Did Hillary try to hang Biden or something?
Hillary didnt send them help, thats why. Also, at no point did they fabricate evidence like democrats did against Trump.

Remind me of when Dear Leader called off his riot or called in the National Guard
Wait never mind, he didn’t - Too busy watching on TeeVee FOR 3 hours.
Why would you want them to call the National Guard? It was over almost instantly. Democrats got angry when Trump sent Feds to Portland, remember? Trump wanted to use the National Guard all fucking year but democrats said that was bad. Why the sudden change of heart?

This level of hypocrisy requires a tremendously low IQ. How stupid are you to hand me such an easy lay up? :cuckoo:
There's more political value in it for the D's to have it blocked.

Unfortunately for the R's, they talked themselves into taking a position that's going to cost them support and haunt them for long time to come.

Too fkng obvious!

The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up.

This has got to be an outstanding example of American stupidity on the part of the R's.

Morning Joe Scarborough predicts the same and he’s politically pretty damn astute.

D’s gave them everything they wanted. Happens every damn time of late. No reason to bargain with them on infrastructure either.

Same deal will happen again. These are not honest brokers.
The D's couldn't lose on this thing, but the outcome gave them a bigger win than the opposite result.

And too, this gives the D's added energy on their ambitions of dumping the filibuster, by putting egg all over Manchin's face.

I think Joe has about had it with this bunch. He may be about ready to give up his bipartisan schtick and nuke the filibuster.

Why, so he can kiss his seat goodbye?

Well Billy, what is IS. You can either grow a fucking backbone, or kill your party that was.
Standing up to the Communist Democrats will grow the Republican party.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
No worries. Democrats tried to hold a bipartisan joint investigation. Now it will have to be partisan investigations held independently in each chamber.
Bipartisan? Who are you kidding? Bicommunist is more like it.
Fuck off, nut, until you learn what bipartisan means.
Fuck off troll. There should have been a bipartisan investigation of fraud and Jan. 6th never would have happened.
The states already did that, Fruitcake. Then they certified their slates. In turn, certified by the Congress which included several objections.
They were offered the chance to do what they did in the late 1800's. 40% of voters had viable questions, 7 states symbolically picked alternative electors, one state PA. wrote Pence and asked him not to certify their electors and Congress did nothing but vote it down and prove their complicity in the theft of the election. Period Assflap.
Congress fulfilled exactly what the Constitution provides.
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
Donald is a sockpuppet troll from langley as are all the dem lovers on here,they are reserving themselves a spot in hell with their participation in this coverup.
The sad fact is, I didn't mock you, what I posted is factual.
Read for comprehension much?...You really are a dumbfuck, aren't you?
Another personal attack lacking any substance, that being no evidence to prove your claim. The use of "dumbfuck" isn't a rebuttal, it's from the gutter, not from someone with a high education or a mature person.

BRILLIANT. Say the stupidest things, get called out on the rug for it, then try to fall back on the excuse that a mature person of high education wouldn't rebuttal like that, ie, attack the credibility of the rebuttal, yet apparently you can still say the stupidest things which PROVOKED the response in the first place with impunity! :uhh:

Shades of 1/6. Will call that the Insurrectionist Defense.
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
WillHaftawaite , would this be considered "trolling"?
Why ask, did the mean man upset you?
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
WillHaftawaite , would this be considered "trolling"?
Why ask, did the mean man upset you?
Oh yes, very much.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.
What Democrat commission was that??
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!
WillHaftawaite , would this be considered "trolling"?
Why ask, did the mean man upset you?
Oh yes, very much.

I can delete it myself if I gave you a headache.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Doc, have you forgotten what happened the last time the Democrats went after the filibuster? Allow me to refresh your memory, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid nuked the filibuster regarding Presidential and Judicial Nominees THEN Republicans used that as a precedent to bust it for SCOTUS nominees.

How’d that work out for your team? You looking for a repeat the next time Crime Family-R is in charge? Or do you just have an aversion to learning the lessons history wants to teach you.

Yes Fox I am familiar. Time for Ds to play Trumpian-style hardball.
I’m an Indy, but Ds are too damn nice.
That changes NOW!!
That’s just SHORT TERM thinking and is a principal reason that our politics is so fucked up right now, nobody seems to consider the consequences beyond the next election.

The Senate filibuster is the last mechanism left that encourages ANY cooperation, you want to get rid of that so the Republicans can run roughshod the next time they put someone like Donny (or heaven forbid Donny himself) in the Oval Office?

Personally I don’t want either of the major crime families to have ZERO roadblocks to inflicting idiotic ideas and fanciful legislative experiments on the citizenry, we already had enough of that nonsense to last 50 life times.

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