We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
I think it's time to start considering whether Trump can gain enough support to make him a threat to your country and democracy. He almost certainly can't gain enough support by voters but he do huge damage to America with even just a third of the people supporting him.

Fascism can win out over a democracy by the use of force, when that force can be appied by their greater will to bring fascism, over the comparably peaceful populace who aren't inclined toward violence.

While the Jan.6 demonstration by Trump only became a circus act if compared to a real coup attempt, it still should have sent a very powerful message. Can Trump rally his troops to try it again, only with guns the next time and with serious intent?

I still think that the democracy's army will eliminate him first, or at least make the attempt.

Can he still rise again to power even with much less support than a majority? Hitler did.

A huge landslide vote against Trump and his enablers may not be powerful enough to stop him!
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

No keep the filibuster. If the filibuster is removed and the republicans get control of our government again, there will be nothing to stop their irresponsible economic policies and their irresponsible, hateful and discriminatory social policy.

Look what has happened with the courts since the filibuster was removed on federal judges. The filibuster brought at least some balance and moderation to appointees. Without it, we got a Supreme Court and federal courts full of right wing crazy people.

The answer is to vote. Over come all the obstacles that the republicans put in place for voting and vote every single one of them out of office.

Then set to the big job of cleaning up the huge mess they made.

People with their economic and social policies don't belong in our government.

I get that Dana. But history is on the side of Rs in midterms.
Gotta get everything done (that the American people WANT) before then!

Then they will take over the congress and reverse everything that the democrats did.

No thank you.

Not if D’s get stuff done that 60-70% of the American people WANT! ;)

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.

Of course these links are well known now, but maybe some will read them and actually think outside the box where they have been placed:
Oh those that voted against this will be documented in history as total imbeciles. Party over democracy. Once you divorce yourself from that orange tub of goo you will see clearly that your political career is over.

I hope so, the problem is the GOP promulgates BIG LIES over and over and accepts Conspiracy Stories are the truth; they're then are echoed by the true believers that the election was stolen by the Democrats.

I see you are not in dress today. What is odd, besides you, is that you and PoliticalChic are never seen together.
Is that all you got, Francis?
More than the truth? Hardly, but putting the truth to you is a waste of time. Thus I mock you, and of course in doing so I'm actually using truths.
Oh those that voted against this will be documented in history as total imbeciles. Party over democracy. Once you divorce yourself from that orange tub of goo you will see clearly that your political career is over.

I hope so, the problem is the GOP promulgates BIG LIES over and over and accepts Conspiracy Stories are the truth; they're then are echoed by the true believers that the election was stolen by the Democrats.

I see you are not in dress today. What is odd, besides you, is that you and PoliticalChic are never seen together.
Is that all you got, Francis?
More than the truth? Hardly, but putting the truth to you is a waste of time. Thus I mock you, and of course in doing so I'm actually using truths.

This just makes you a sore loser this political round.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:


(inhales EXTRA deep)

All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
Nope, the SCOTUS only has authority to correct unconstitutional actions taken by the Congress. The Congress can constitutionally deny Trump certification of the election based on the 14th Amendment.
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
Nope, the SCOTUS only has authority to correct unconstitutional actions taken by the Congress. The Congress can constitutionally deny Trump certification of the election based on the 14th Amendment.
… Oh so you’re theory is that Congress can challenge the eligibility of a Candidate that WON an election Based on the 14th Amendment without it going to the Judicial Branch? Tell me exactly how that’s going to happen? Is Congress going to overturn the election results from EVERY STATE and just de facto APPOINT A PRESIDENT that the VOTERS DIDN’T ELECT by simply holding up the 14th Amendment and declaring “hey, screw the judicial branch, screw the voters WE SAY WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS!”

By the way, What Country are you talking about? North Korea ?
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
Nope, the SCOTUS only has authority to correct unconstitutional actions taken by the Congress. The Congress can constitutionally deny Trump certification of the election based on the 14th Amendment.
… Oh so you’re theory is that Congress can challenge the eligibility of a Candidate that WON an election Based on the 14th Amendment without it going to the Judicial Branch? Tell me exactly how that’s going to happen? Is Congress going to overturn the election results from EVERY STATE and just de facto APPOINT A PRESIDENT that the VOTERS DIDN’T ELECT by simply holding up the 14th Amendment and declaring “hey, screw the judicial branch, screw the voters WE SAY WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS!”

By the way, What Country are you talking about? North Korea ?
I would elaborate, but since you already admitted you're on a lower plane than myself and that there's no basis for continuing this debate, there's no need to.
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
Nope, the SCOTUS only has authority to correct unconstitutional actions taken by the Congress. The Congress can constitutionally deny Trump certification of the election based on the 14th Amendment.
… Oh so you’re theory is that Congress can challenge the eligibility of a Candidate that WON an election Based on the 14th Amendment without it going to the Judicial Branch? Tell me exactly how that’s going to happen? Is Congress going to overturn the election results from EVERY STATE and just de facto APPOINT A PRESIDENT that the VOTERS DIDN’T ELECT by simply holding up the 14th Amendment and declaring “hey, screw the judicial branch, screw the voters WE SAY WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS!”

By the way, What Country are you talking about? North Korea ?
I would elaborate, but since you already admitted you're on a lower plane than myself and that there's no basis for continuing this debate, there's no need to.
LOL, I DO have to hand it to you, that’s a some genuine SOVIET STYLE shit you’ve dreamed up.

Sheesh.. I thought Donny and his gaggle of Trumpkins were irrational but you’ve got them beat by several thousand miles, CONGRATS, I did NOT think that was possible.
Oh those that voted against this will be documented in history as total imbeciles. Party over democracy. Once you divorce yourself from that orange tub of goo you will see clearly that your political career is over.

I hope so, the problem is the GOP promulgates BIG LIES over and over and accepts Conspiracy Stories are the truth; they're then are echoed by the true believers that the election was stolen by the Democrats.

I see you are not in dress today. What is odd, besides you, is that you and PoliticalChic are never seen together.
Is that all you got, Francis?
More than the truth? Hardly, but putting the truth to you is a waste of time. Thus I mock you, and of course in doing so I'm actually using truths.

This just makes you a sore loser this political round.
I'm not a sore loser, a nation gets the governance it deserves. I'm fiscally secure, have a healthy family and retired at age 57. My concern is noted in my post #22 in the thread, "No 1/6 Commission" on the Republican Party.

To repeat:

Let's face this fact: The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has become the RINO. The values and principles going back to IKE

[see: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project]

have devolved into a party rejecting the first principle in the link above:

"Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose."

Further more in the same link:

"Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."
"While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."

This 21st century Republican Party is not conservative by any means, it is radical and rejects overtly by their words and deeds (meaning McConnell & trump specifically, and those elected members of Congress who put their job first and foremost), a rejection of the words in bold above.
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.
Which branch has responsibility for interpreting CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS when, for example, a candidates eligibility for the Presidency is challenged based on the 14th AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION?

Come on now, you know better than this.
If you think the SCOTUS can overrule a Congressional certification of an election, why do you think that same SCOTUS didn't do that in 2021? :cuckoo:
I KNOW FOR A FACT That SCOTUS CAN OVERRULE A CHALLENGE TO A CANDIDATES ELIGIBILTY IF THAT CHALLENGE IS BASED ON THE 14th AMENDMENT but since you don't (or you DO and just cannot admit that you're WRONG) I can only draw one of two conclusions:
  1. You have no idea how our legal system at the Federal Level functions or what the term "judicial review" means
  2. You're one of those individuals that just cannot bring themselves to admit when he/she is CLEARLY WRONG.
No matter which one of those possibilities is actually the case, You & I have no basis for continuing the conversation since we're operating on two completely different levels.

Good luck.
Nope, the SCOTUS only has authority to correct unconstitutional actions taken by the Congress. The Congress can constitutionally deny Trump certification of the election based on the 14th Amendment.
… Oh so you’re theory is that Congress can challenge the eligibility of a Candidate that WON an election Based on the 14th Amendment without it going to the Judicial Branch? Tell me exactly how that’s going to happen? Is Congress going to overturn the election results from EVERY STATE and just de facto APPOINT A PRESIDENT that the VOTERS DIDN’T ELECT by simply holding up the 14th Amendment and declaring “hey, screw the judicial branch, screw the voters WE SAY WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS!”

By the way, What Country are you talking about? North Korea ?
I would elaborate, but since you already admitted you're on a lower plane than myself and that there's no basis for continuing this debate, there's no need to.
LOL, I DO have to hand it to you, that’s a some genuine SOVIET STYLE shit you’ve dreamed up.

Sheesh.. I thought Donny and his gaggle of Trumpkins were irrational but you’ve got them beat by several thousand miles, CONGRATS, I did NOT think that was possible.

Uh, no. We abide by our Constitution, not the Soviets.
Oh those that voted against this will be documented in history as total imbeciles. Party over democracy. Once you divorce yourself from that orange tub of goo you will see clearly that your political career is over.

I hope so, the problem is the GOP promulgates BIG LIES over and over and accepts Conspiracy Stories are the truth; they're then are echoed by the true believers that the election was stolen by the Democrats.

I see you are not in dress today. What is odd, besides you, is that you and PoliticalChic are never seen together.
Is that all you got, Francis?
More than the truth? Hardly, but putting the truth to you is a waste of time. Thus I mock you, and of course in doing so I'm actually using truths.

This just makes you a sore loser this political round.
I'm not a sore loser, a nation gets the governance it deserves. I'm fiscally secure, have a healthy family and retired at age 57. My concern is noted in my post #22 in the thread, "No 1/6 Commission" on the Republican Party.

To repeat:

Let's face this fact: The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has become the RINO. The values and principles going back to IKE

[see: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project]

have devolved into a party rejecting the first principle in the link above:

"Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose."

Further more in the same link:

"Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."
"While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."

This 21st century Republican Party is not conservative by any means, it is radical and rejects overtly by their words and deeds (meaning McConnell & trump specifically, and those elected members of Congress who put their job first and foremost), a rejection of the words in bold above.

And of course, in your misguided perspective, the Democrats are not radical.
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.

What you're calling for, is treason. That's some third world shit you wanna do...lol

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