Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Can I ask what a Commission is supposed to find out? Don't you spend your tax dollars on local, state and federal police? Haven't they already investigated?
Republicans showed us with Benghazi, cost doesn't matter.

Can I ask what a Commission is supposed to find out? Don't you spend your tax dollars on local, state and federal police? Haven't they already investigated?
Republicans showed us with Benghazi, cost doesn't matter


For over 30-Fucking Investigations they tried and they failed to prove single goddamn thing. They got nothing.

Even Trey Gobber Gowdy would admit, "Nothing new was learned".

HRC has been under investigation on and off for over 25-Years.....she is the Great White Democratic Whale for them.

But when it comes to Violent Proud Punks invading the United States Capitol Building, they don't want a damn thing to happen. Brush it under the rug.


That's one. So one guy was trying to overthrow the government?
And about 400 more with either lesser or greater charges pending against them.
But what does it matter to a worthless piece of shit precocious teenage mutt?
We have one example of an actual deadly weapon. Otherwise, you got bear spray and cable ties. How do you overthrow the government with bear spray or cable ties? How do you do it with a baseball bat, for that matter?

There are no "greater charges," retard. All the others have lessor charges pending against them. Carrying cable ties is not a felony, or even a crime, for that matter. Neither is carrying bear spray.
Stop lying, fucking moron. It wasn't just one guy with a dangerous weapon. It was dozens, as the link I gave you to DoJ indictments to date shows.
The police called cable ties a dangerous weapon. It says so right in that report you posted.
You're lying again, fucking moron. There's no mention of "cable ties."
During the course of the violent protests, several violent protestors were armed with weapons including bats, pepper spray, sticks, zip ties, as well as bulletproof vests and anti-tear gas masks. During the course of the violent protest, several law enforcement officers were assaulted by these violent protesters.
They called them "zip ties."
Fucking moron, YOU called them "cable ties."

This is a cable tie...

They didn't arrest Larry the Cable Guy. They arrested Larry Brock and Eric Munchel who were in possession of "flex-cuffs" according to their indictments.

And neither of them are charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon.

But I understand, you're a rightwingnut so lying comes as natural to you as speaking and posting.
Your "report" listed zip ties as dangerous weapons, asshole.

Larry Rendell Brock, of Texas, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Brock was arrested today in Texas.
It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, of Tennessee, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Munchel was arrested today in Tennessee.
Yeah, those are serious crimes. NOT.

Next time try posting that includes
That's one. So one guy was trying to overthrow the government?
And about 400 more with either lesser or greater charges pending against them.
But what does it matter to a worthless piece of shit precocious teenage mutt?
We have one example of an actual deadly weapon. Otherwise, you got bear spray and cable ties. How do you overthrow the government with bear spray or cable ties? How do you do it with a baseball bat, for that matter?

There are no "greater charges," retard. All the others have lessor charges pending against them. Carrying cable ties is not a felony, or even a crime, for that matter. Neither is carrying bear spray.
Stop lying, fucking moron. It wasn't just one guy with a dangerous weapon. It was dozens, as the link I gave you to DoJ indictments to date shows.
The police called cable ties a dangerous weapon. It says so right in that report you posted.
You're lying again, fucking moron. There's no mention of "cable ties."
During the course of the violent protests, several violent protestors were armed with weapons including bats, pepper spray, sticks, zip ties, as well as bulletproof vests and anti-tear gas masks. During the course of the violent protest, several law enforcement officers were assaulted by these violent protesters.
They called them "zip ties."
Fucking moron, YOU called them "cable ties."

This is a cable tie...

They didn't arrest Larry the Cable Guy. They arrested Larry Brock and Eric Munchel who were in possession of "flex-cuffs" according to their indictments.

And neither of them are charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon.

But I understand, you're a rightwingnut so lying comes as natural to you as speaking and posting.
Your "report" listed zip ties as dangerous weapons, asshole.

Larry Rendell Brock, of Texas, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Brock was arrested today in Texas.
It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, of Tennessee, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Munchel was arrested today in Tennessee.
Yeah, those are serious crimes. NOT.

Next time be sure post something that includes "Dangerous Weapons", which you post does not.

When trying to create a distraction, be sure to create one that at least attempts to have facts involved.
The fascists win again.
fascists won when they stole and was allowed to steal the election

You have not one single solitary shred of credible, verifiable, provable to support evidence that lie. You lack the one thing you need. Proof. Nothing.

Over 60+Lawsuits tried and over 60+failed to prove Voter Fraud. All you have is lies.
The fascists win again.
fascists won when they stole and was allowed to steal the election
The fascists win again.
fascists won when they stole and was allowed to steal the election

You have not one single solitary shred of credible, verifiable, provable to support evidence that lie. You lack the one thing you need. Proof. Nothing.

Over 60+Lawsuits tried and over 60+failed to prove Voter Fraud. All you have is lies.
when you have the democrat controlled propagandist media in your hip pocket you have no credible sources that state I'm wrong
fact is judges are afraid of correcting the theft of the election because you antirights fascists will go unhinged and riot.
The fascists win again.
fascists won when they stole and was allowed to steal the election

You have not one single solitary shred of credible, verifiable, provable to support evidence that lie. You lack the one thing you need. Proof. Nothing.

Over 60+Lawsuits tried and over 60+failed to prove Voter Fraud. All you have is lies.
when you have the democrat controlled propagandist media in your hip pocket you have no credible sources that state I'm wrong
fact is judges are afraid of correcting the theft of the election because you antirights fascists will go unhinged and riot.

Again, and please very close attention to the facts presented.

You have no proof, which is defined as "Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement".

Evidence is defined as, "The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

Do not blame any media, blame the source of the lies you have been told.

Over 60+Lawsuits alleging "Voter Fraud" were filed.

Over 60+Lawsuitis alleging "Vote Fraud" were tossed.

There must verifiable, provable evidence of Voter Fraud to support a charge of Voter Fraud.

You have nothing.

Correction: You have lies.

All you have are lies.

You want the lies.

You love the lies

You need the lies.

Without the lies, you have nothing.

There no, nor has there ever been any form conspiracy to deny the Traitor his reelection. He has only himself to blame for lying and cheating and even that did not work.

It is the Traitor who is in fact facing charges of Voter Fraud in Fulton County. In phone calls to both the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of State for Georgia, the Traitor asked for them to "Find Votes" that would change the winner in Georgia Presidential Race. That is Voter Fraud.

The Traitor wanted elected officials in the State of Georgia to alter vote totals in favor of him, a clear violation of Federal, State and Local Election Law. That is the very definition of Voter Fraud.

When you haver proof, when you have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt (the legal standard) then talk. Because right now you ain't got shit and you know you got shit.

All you have are lame ass excuses and excuses are like assholes. Everybody has one.

Or as my Drill Sergeant Staff Sergeant Lando once said, "You can't make chicken soup out of chicken shit" and all you have is a whole fucking lot of chicken shit.
That's one. So one guy was trying to overthrow the government?
And about 400 more with either lesser or greater charges pending against them.
But what does it matter to a worthless piece of shit precocious teenage mutt?
We have one example of an actual deadly weapon. Otherwise, you got bear spray and cable ties. How do you overthrow the government with bear spray or cable ties? How do you do it with a baseball bat, for that matter?

There are no "greater charges," retard. All the others have lessor charges pending against them. Carrying cable ties is not a felony, or even a crime, for that matter. Neither is carrying bear spray.
Stop lying, fucking moron. It wasn't just one guy with a dangerous weapon. It was dozens, as the link I gave you to DoJ indictments to date shows.
The police called cable ties a dangerous weapon. It says so right in that report you posted.
You're lying again, fucking moron. There's no mention of "cable ties."
During the course of the violent protests, several violent protestors were armed with weapons including bats, pepper spray, sticks, zip ties, as well as bulletproof vests and anti-tear gas masks. During the course of the violent protest, several law enforcement officers were assaulted by these violent protesters.
They called them "zip ties."
Fucking moron, YOU called them "cable ties."

This is a cable tie...

They didn't arrest Larry the Cable Guy. They arrested Larry Brock and Eric Munchel who were in possession of "flex-cuffs" according to their indictments.

And neither of them are charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon.

But I understand, you're a rightwingnut so lying comes as natural to you as speaking and posting.
Your "report" listed zip ties as dangerous weapons, asshole.

Larry Rendell Brock, of Texas, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Brock was arrested today in Texas.
It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, of Tennessee, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Munchel was arrested today in Tennessee.
Yeah, those are serious crimes. NOT.

Fucking moron, there's nothing in that link about dangerous weapons. :cuckoo:

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ad Hominems don't change the fact it was neither armed nor an insurrection.
The PGA tour fan breech was more armed with golf clubs then protestors were on Jan 6.
You forgot, you were suppose to search and find his voter registration, thus proving it's being censored, otherwise you would have boasted about his party....wah. Wah wahhhh!
the attack on the capital by your hate group.
What hate group?

View attachment 495887

Is that the new phrase for people who hate having their election stolen and their vote suppressed?

Better watch out Beagle, better watch Bander doesn't burued your ass again. :smoke:
I don't even know what's going on in this thread anymore, because the words showing above under my name, heck I didn't even write them... LOL.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Or you know, the democrats could have actually compromised and agreed to investigate all their violent protests too as part of this non-partisan commission.

The Dems do not need to "Compromise". Why should they? The 01-06-21 was Republican, that is why those shits don't want an investigation.

If they wanted their commission they needed to compromise. They elected not to. Strange that they would even ask for this commossion since they already impeached Trump with no investigation whatsoever claiming he caused it.
Yep, and then they run around calling Trump "impeached Trump" even though he was exonerated and/or acquitted.

They want something to be there so bad, that they make fool's of themselves constantly trying to create it, even if it's not there.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Can I ask what a Commission is supposed to find out? Don't you spend your tax dollars on local, state and federal police? Haven't they already investigated?
Nothing, it's just political grandstanding by Democrat's wanting to milk something weak for all that it's worth, meanwhile ignoring what happened during the 2020 season of riot's, looting, murdering, burning, destruction of monuments in hopes to rewrite history, occupying government property, beating and maiming the innocent, and using government offices to aid and abett the criminal gang's out doing terrible things to this country. Now that is going to be an investigation worth having, and if the audit's prove the steal, then the capital protest will turn out heroes instead of plain old rabble rousers trying to show their aces on that day. That's what the great fear is by the Democrat's, otherwise everything is riding on burying the truth if lies have been told and the steal was real.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Or you know, the democrats could have actually compromised and agreed to investigate all their violent protests too as part of this non-partisan commission.

The Dems do not need to "Compromise". Why should they? The 01-06-21 was Republican, that is why those shits don't want an investigation.

If they wanted their commission they needed to compromise. They elected not to. Strange that they would even ask for this commossion since they already impeached Trump with no investigation whatsoever claiming he caused it.
Yep, and then they run around calling Trump "impeached Trump" even though he was exonerated and/or acquitted.

They want something to be there so bad, that they make fool's of themselves constantly trying to create it, even if it's not there.

He’ll forever be impeached twice and there ain’t nothin you can do about it. :cool-45:
That's one. So one guy was trying to overthrow the government?
And about 400 more with either lesser or greater charges pending against them.
But what does it matter to a worthless piece of shit precocious teenage mutt?
We have one example of an actual deadly weapon. Otherwise, you got bear spray and cable ties. How do you overthrow the government with bear spray or cable ties? How do you do it with a baseball bat, for that matter?

There are no "greater charges," retard. All the others have lessor charges pending against them. Carrying cable ties is not a felony, or even a crime, for that matter. Neither is carrying bear spray.
Stop lying, fucking moron. It wasn't just one guy with a dangerous weapon. It was dozens, as the link I gave you to DoJ indictments to date shows.
The police called cable ties a dangerous weapon. It says so right in that report you posted.
You're lying again, fucking moron. There's no mention of "cable ties."
During the course of the violent protests, several violent protestors were armed with weapons including bats, pepper spray, sticks, zip ties, as well as bulletproof vests and anti-tear gas masks. During the course of the violent protest, several law enforcement officers were assaulted by these violent protesters.
They called them "zip ties."
Fucking moron, YOU called them "cable ties."

This is a cable tie...

They didn't arrest Larry the Cable Guy. They arrested Larry Brock and Eric Munchel who were in possession of "flex-cuffs" according to their indictments.

And neither of them are charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon.

But I understand, you're a rightwingnut so lying comes as natural to you as speaking and posting.
Your "report" listed zip ties as dangerous weapons, asshole.

Larry Rendell Brock, of Texas, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Brock was arrested today in Texas.
It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, of Tennessee, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Munchel was arrested today in Tennessee.
Yeah, those are serious crimes. NOT.

Fucking moron, there's nothing in that link about dangerous weapons. :cuckoo:

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ad Hominems don't change the fact it was neither armed nor an insurrection.
The PGA tour fan breech was more armed with golf clubs then protestors were on Jan 6.
View attachment 496032
Grow a pair and stop whing about ad hominem. Till then, you should contact the attorneys for the dozens charged with being in possession of dangerous weapons and tell them it's not fair because golfers play golf with clubs. :cuckoo:
That's one. So one guy was trying to overthrow the government?
And about 400 more with either lesser or greater charges pending against them.
But what does it matter to a worthless piece of shit precocious teenage mutt?
We have one example of an actual deadly weapon. Otherwise, you got bear spray and cable ties. How do you overthrow the government with bear spray or cable ties? How do you do it with a baseball bat, for that matter?

There are no "greater charges," retard. All the others have lessor charges pending against them. Carrying cable ties is not a felony, or even a crime, for that matter. Neither is carrying bear spray.
Stop lying, fucking moron. It wasn't just one guy with a dangerous weapon. It was dozens, as the link I gave you to DoJ indictments to date shows.
The police called cable ties a dangerous weapon. It says so right in that report you posted.
You're lying again, fucking moron. There's no mention of "cable ties."
During the course of the violent protests, several violent protestors were armed with weapons including bats, pepper spray, sticks, zip ties, as well as bulletproof vests and anti-tear gas masks. During the course of the violent protest, several law enforcement officers were assaulted by these violent protesters.
They called them "zip ties."
Fucking moron, YOU called them "cable ties."

This is a cable tie...

They didn't arrest Larry the Cable Guy. They arrested Larry Brock and Eric Munchel who were in possession of "flex-cuffs" according to their indictments.

And neither of them are charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon.

But I understand, you're a rightwingnut so lying comes as natural to you as speaking and posting.
Your "report" listed zip ties as dangerous weapons, asshole.

Larry Rendell Brock, of Texas, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Brock was arrested today in Texas.
It is alleged that Brock was identified as one of the individuals who unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol wearing a green helmet, green tactical vest with patches, black and camo jacket, and beige pants holding a white flex cuff, which is used by law enforcement to restrain and/or detain subjects.
Eric Gavelek Munchel, of Tennessee, was charged with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Munchel was arrested today in Tennessee.
Yeah, those are serious crimes. NOT.

Fucking moron, there's nothing in that link about dangerous weapons. :cuckoo:

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ad Hominems don't change the fact it was neither armed nor an insurrection.
The PGA tour fan breech was more armed with golf clubs then protestors were on Jan 6.
View attachment 496032
Hey every club along with the guns that were there and the bombs is being armed. Do you actually think it only means guns. What a hoot. Ducks in a barrel.

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