Another explanation is that he's not an unhinged TDS suffering fuckng crackpot, like you two schmendricks.
If you're referring to McConnell, I would agree he's no crackpot. He could be a traitor too who has covertly manipulated his party into taking the position they took and are now saddled with.

And there's little doubt that McConnell has taken it up the ass from Trump many times already!

How can McConnell handle this situation now, as he's been forced to take a position against having his party involved?
McConnell speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Much like Trump, he lies and lies about his lies by lying.
What are republicans so afraid of...? Those in office are such slimey, yellowbelly cowards shows where they stand, which is with their own reelection and not their oath of office, instead of getting answers for those harmed on January 6th, and getting to the bottom of why security failed so miserably, and what happened with Ashley, and who ordered what, when? Did Capitol Police chief get orders from sergeant of arms to stand down or not prepare for possible civil unrest?

This commission outside of congress, bipartisan, equal commissioners, equal subpoena power... on both sides, should have been welcomed by everyone.
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Investigation of a field trip ? Who took selfies inside the ropes? Democrats are so childish ... boo hoo we are not getting our way , time to go nuclear ... bunch of dopes. . . If you fools need to investigate, investigate nov. 3.
Another explanation is that he's not an unhinged TDS suffering fuckng crackpot, like you two schmendricks.
If you're referring to McConnell, I would agree he's no crackpot. He could be a traitor too who has covertly manipulated his party into taking the position they took and are now saddled with.

And there's little doubt that McConnell has taken it up the ass from Trump many times already!

How can McConnell handle this situation now, as he's been forced to take a position against having his party involved?
McConnell speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Much like Trump, he lies and lies about his lies by lying.
It sounds like this is too complicated for you to understand.
I still want to know who killed JFK.

It was Sirhan Sirhan! :smoke:
On the grassy knoll, while Osama bin Laden was taking pilot training from Amelia Erhart!

Idiot-gram ^^^; Varity typical of Odd Dude: he's not a Democrat, he's not a Republican, he's not a Libertarian, or Green. He has proved to be a No Nothing curmudgeon with a desperate need for attention. In short, one very sick puppy.
Too much of a fucking dullard to recognize that he and his loonytoons crew are being mocked into the ground, as you should be.
The sad fact is, I didn't mock you, what I posted is factual.
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.
You pussies are crying a little girl who didn't get a Tiny Tears doll for Christmas.

Methinks thou dost protesteth too much.

Nah, I predict this ends very badly for The Insurrectionist Party.

What a great name for the democrats! They steal elections, drive people to stampede the Capitol in hot protest, then want to spend millions investigating WHY it happened. WE ALREADY KNOW!

The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.
I still want to know who killed JFK.

It was Sirhan Sirhan! :smoke:
On the grassy knoll, while Osama bin Laden was taking pilot training from Amelia Erhart!

Idiot-gram ^^^; Varity typical of Odd Dude: he's not a Democrat, he's not a Republican, he's not a Libertarian, or Green. He has proved to be a No Nothing curmudgeon with a desperate need for attention. In short, one very sick puppy.
Too much of a fucking dullard to recognize that he and his loonytoons crew are being mocked into the ground, as you should be.
The sad fact is, I didn't mock you, what I posted is factual.

Everything you post is dead balls-on factual. I set my watch by you. You're so accurate that the Sun checks with you first on what time to come up. :smoke:
What are republicans so afraid of...? Those in office are such slimey, yellowbelly cowards shows where they stand, which is with their own reelection and not their oath of office, instead of getting answers for those harmed on January 6th, and getting to the bottom of why security failed so miserably, and what happened with Ashley, and who ordered what, when? Did Capitol Police chief get orders from sergeant of arms to stand down or not prepare for possible civil unrest?

This commission outside of congress, bipartisan, equal commissioners, equal subpoena power... on both sides, should have been welcomed by everyone.
You might just consider that many of the R's who voted against it were also casting a vote against Trump and his control over the R party.

This whole issue could have been handled and eventually put to bed much quicker with a bi-partisan commission. Now it has a new life!
I still want to know who killed JFK.

It was Sirhan Sirhan! :smoke:
On the grassy knoll, while Osama bin Laden was taking pilot training from Amelia Erhart!

Idiot-gram ^^^; Varity typical of Odd Dude: he's not a Democrat, he's not a Republican, he's not a Libertarian, or Green. He has proved to be a No Nothing curmudgeon with a desperate need for attention. In short, one very sick puppy.
Too much of a fucking dullard to recognize that he and his loonytoons crew are being mocked into the ground, as you should be.
The sad fact is, I didn't mock you, what I posted is factual.
Read for comprehension much?...You really are a dumbfuck, aren't you?
Nine Republican senators and two Democrats didn't vote on the January 6 commission.
These are the 11 senators who didn't vote on the bill:

  • Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
  • Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri
  • Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana
  • Republican Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina
  • Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma
  • Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington
  • Republican Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota
  • Republican Sen. James Risch of Idaho
  • Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama
  • Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona
  • Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

How convenient...
Let's face this fact: The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has become the RINO. The values and principles going back to IKE [see: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project] have devolved into a party rejecting the first principle in the link above:

"Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose."
Further more in the same link:

"Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."

"While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.
"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."
This 21st century Republican Party is not conservative by any means, it is radical and rejects overtly by their words and deeds (meaning McConnell & trump specifically, and those elected members of Congress who put their job first and foremost) a rejection of the words in bold above.

Ya know, most of the time I semi-comprehend McTurtle’s political plays.
Not this one - Just flat out box-o-rocks stoopid.

View attachment 494645
The only explanation is that he was manipulated into his position by stupid people down the ladder. McConnell will have realized that his party was being conned.

Or.................... Could McConnell have been a willing part of the con?

This can only serve McConnell's goal of being able to deal with the Trump problem. He's blown his cover too many times on what he thinks of Trump, but he was hijacked into having to pretend to be Trump's friend.
Or maybe Schumer knew he didn't have the votes in the first place, and only brought it to the floor to get deranged moonbats like you to shit chickens for a few days.

Looks like its working.

Nine Republican senators and two Democrats didn't vote on the January 6 commission.
These are the 11 senators who didn't vote on the bill:

  • Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
  • Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri
  • Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana
  • Republican Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina
  • Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma
  • Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington
  • Republican Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota
  • Republican Sen. James Risch of Idaho
  • Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama
  • Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona
  • Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

How convenient...
Schumer knew this...Continue with your unhinged hysterics.....It's what Chucky wants you to do.
I still want to know who killed JFK.

It was Sirhan Sirhan! :smoke:
On the grassy knoll, while Osama bin Laden was taking pilot training from Amelia Erhart!

Idiot-gram ^^^; Varity typical of Odd Dude: he's not a Democrat, he's not a Republican, he's not a Libertarian, or Green. He has proved to be a No Nothing curmudgeon with a desperate need for attention. In short, one very sick puppy.
Too much of a fucking dullard to recognize that he and his loonytoons crew are being mocked into the ground, as you should be.
The sad fact is, I didn't mock you, what I posted is factual.
Fwiw, it was a successful coup. And the murder of Robert was necessary to prevent more of the same reform that Jack was making happen.

The Trump phenomenon could be the motivation for Americans to revisit it and get to the truth.

The conclusion to draw is that both Trump and Biden are at great risk. Neither are concusive to maintaining the status quo for the very wealthy.
The event is being investigated by the Justice Dept. and there`s not a thing that the GQP can do to stop it. Enjoy your high-fives and spiking the ball while you can.
The event is being investigated by the Justice Dept. and there`s not a thing that the GQP can do to stop it. Enjoy your high-fives and spiking the ball while you can.
Yet not a single person of the dozens hauled in has been charged with more than a petty misdemeanor.

Enjoy your contrived outrage while you can.
Or maybe Schumer knew he didn't have the votes in the first place, and only brought it to the floor to get deranged moonbats like you to shit chickens for a few days.

Looks like its working.
There's no doubt Shumer knew he didn't have the votes! Gee he's stupid for trying!

You are so far gone that you're not able to even consider the outcome of this fuck up by the R's. And it's delightful to see you stumble along with your spamming, because you've been left with nothing else.

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