Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
No dog-and-pony show to distract from what a complete cluster fuck train wreck your senile suck puppet and his neo-fascist handlers are...


I'm not the one shitting myself over losing the vote, you are....And it was brought to the floor on purpose, as you already acknowledged.

We're too far away from the '22 election for this to be remembered...The intent is clear...Congrats on being such an easily manipulated tool. :thankusmile: :yes_text12:
Yeah USMBS resident troll sockpuppet shill from Langley Donald is indeed shitting himself over losing the vote.:abgg2q.jpg:
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
What Trump did?

The democrat party had a 3 year witch hunt from anything from paying taxes to Russian collusion headed by Mueller that resulted in a nothing burger with 24/7 press coverage.

Then Trump stumbles onto the Hunter Biden scandal and the press refuses to print anything about it.

In fact, about 30% of Biden voters said they would have voted differently had they known.

If the DNC can have their conspiracy theories then why not the GOP?


Well, the Mueller commission was blocked by the Republicans who were deep in Trump's ass and placed power over truth and freedom.

The difference is, what the Democrats accuse Trump of, as any sane, sober American should do, is fact, it actually happened.

While almost everything the Republicans accused Democrats of was nothing but obviously fabricated blatant lies and patent absurdities dispersed by a huge fake news propaganda machine.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Investigation of a field trip ? Who took selfies inside the ropes? Democrats are so childish ... boo hoo we are not getting our way , time to go nuclear ... bunch of dopes. . . If you fools need to investigate, investigate nov. 3.

Are you really this dishonest, or so brainwashed you actually believe this fantasy?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

No keep the filibuster. If the filibuster is removed and the republicans get control of our government again, there will be nothing to stop their irresponsible economic policies and their irresponsible, hateful and discriminatory social policy.

Look what has happened with the courts since the filibuster was removed on federal judges. The filibuster brought at least some balance and moderation to appointees. Without it, we got a Supreme Court and federal courts full of right wing crazy people.

The answer is to vote. Over come all the obstacles that the republicans put in place for voting and vote every single one of them out of office.

Then set to the big job of cleaning up the huge mess they made.

People with their economic and social policies don't belong in our government.
Or maybe Schumer knew he didn't have the votes in the first place, and only brought it to the floor to get deranged moonbats like you to shit chickens for a few days.

Looks like its working.
There's no doubt Shumer knew he didn't have the votes! Gee he's stupid for trying!

You are so far gone that you're not able to even consider the outcome of this fuck up by the R's. And it's delightful to see you stumble along with your spamming, because you've been left with nothing else.
I'm not the one shitting myself over losing the vote, you are....And it was brought to the floor on purpose, as you already acknowledged.

We're too far away from the '22 election for this to be remembered...The intent is clear...Congrats on being such an easily manipulated tool.
It could be that the charges against the rioters are being saved until it gets closer to the 22 election. That would be a dirty trick that would be the D's usual dirty tricks.
And then just how long can they keep the one-sided commission going?

You could always take the position that there will be no significant charges! Please?
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.
Why is it “inherently a political issue” ? What Donny is accused of doing on Jan.6 (inciting a riot/insurrection) is a CRIME right?

We’ve already dealt with the political side of the equation in the manner mandated by the U.S.Constitution for a sitting President (impeachment) if there are further actions necessary they fall SOLELY in the realm of LAW ENFORCEMENT (principally the Justice Department).

What the Democrats are attempting to do is insert themselves into the realm of Law Enforcement, which from my perspective is likely because:
1. They want to use that heinous incident as a GRANDSTANDING exercise
2. They want to perform a de facto extension of the IMPEACHMENT PROCESS

The more this gets politicized the more likely the hands of LAW ENFORCEMENT will get restrained from seeing Justice Served.

The FBI is FAR more capable of investigating this than Congress Critters ever have been or ever will be, that is as long as politicians leave them alone and let them do their job.
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
What Trump did?

The democrat party had a 3 year witch hunt from anything from paying taxes to Russian collusion headed by Mueller that resulted in a nothing burger with 24/7 press coverage.

Then Trump stumbles onto the Hunter Biden scandal and the press refuses to print anything about it.

In fact, about 30% of Biden voters said they would have voted differently had they known.

If the DNC can have their conspiracy theories then why not the GOP?


Well, the Mueller commission was blocked by the Republicans who were deep in Trump's ass and placed power over truth and freedom.

The difference is, what the Democrats accuse Trump of, as any sane, sober American should do, is fact, it actually happened.

While almost everything the Republicans accused Democrats of was nothing but obviously fabricated blatant lies and patent absurdities dispersed by a huge fake news propaganda machine.

So Hunter Biden earned all those millions of dollars overseas that had nothing to do with political corruption?

The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.

The only thing this very odd dude seems to post are personal attacks. Can anyone prove to disprove this claim?
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.

Your then sitting, but diselected President incited a mob to storm the US Parliament. The whole world could see it.

What is so hard for you to understand about that?

I imagine it must be hard for you to admit that the guy you placed all your hopes in, suddenly turns out as cartoonishly evil ... but seriously, this is bigger than party politics. Your freedom and democracy is at stake.
The fascists win again.

Actually they lost. They are so stupid that they actually caused themselves more problems.

The democrats gave the republicans everything they demanded for that commission. It was bipartisan. Equal power to all.

Now, democrats can form their own investigations in both houses without it being bipartisan with everyone having equal power.

trump didn't want the commission so they voted to stop it.

trump and the republicans are their own worst enemy.
Or maybe Schumer knew he didn't have the votes in the first place, and only brought it to the floor to get deranged moonbats like you to shit chickens for a few days.

Looks like its working.
There's no doubt Shumer knew he didn't have the votes! Gee he's stupid for trying!

You are so far gone that you're not able to even consider the outcome of this fuck up by the R's. And it's delightful to see you stumble along with your spamming, because you've been left with nothing else.
I'm not the one shitting myself over losing the vote, you are....And it was brought to the floor on purpose, as you already acknowledged.

We're too far away from the '22 election for this to be remembered...The intent is clear...Congrats on being such an easily manipulated tool.
It could be that the charges against the rioters are being saved until it gets closer to the 22 election. That would be a dirty trick that would be the D's usual dirty tricks.
And then just how long can they keep the one-sided commission going?

You could always take the position that there will be no significant charges! Please?
Well, nobody thought that those straws were going to grasp at themselves. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't think voters will forget this. At least a majority of us. We know who the enemy of democracy is.
Yup, politicians.
Incredible,this is the first post i have ever seen you make in your entire existance here where you were not trolling and not acting juvenile posting facts instead of defending everything the government told you to be true.the world MUST be coming to an end.
Ya must not have looked to hard.......... As for the rest of your assessment. :rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.
as always,you nailed it.you are so much owning and humiliating these paid trolls. :finger3: their bosses sure pay them a lot for their ass beatings,no way in hell would these trolls you own do it for free and keep coming back for these ass beatings everyday from folks like you.:finger3:
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why can't Democrats respect the law?
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.

Your then sitting, but diselected President incited a mob to storm the US Parliament. The whole world could see it.

What is so hard for you to understand about that?

I imagine it must be hard for you to admit that the guy you placed all your hopes in, suddenly turns out as cartoonishly evil ... but seriously, this is bigger than party politics. Your freedom and democracy is at stake.
No he didn't....The mob scene happened only after a couple minutes of Trump speaking....For them to be incited, they would have had to leave the speech before he started to "storm" the capitol.....It's a half-hour walk from one point to the other without a throng of thousands.

The cartoonish ones are you hysterical freaks.
The republicans filibustered the bill. So there wasn't 60 votes to advance the legislation.

The republicans succeeded in killing the legislation just like they do with all good legislation our nation needs so badly.

Most Americans know why the republicans don't want an investigation into their attack on our capitol last January.

This won't stop the investigations. All it does is prevent a bipartisan investigation.

Now, the democrats can and probably will set up their own investigations without republicans stopping it.

Bad choice. At least with the commission it was bipartisan. Now, republicans will have little if any say in the investigations.

Why is a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Riot "good legislation that our nation needs so badly"? Have the pertinent law enforcement agencies STOPPED investigating it or something? If not, why do the Congress Critters need to waste their time & OUR MONEY investigating it? Don't they have better things to do?

Let law enforcement do its job and refrain from politicizing this mess, we don't need another "Congressional Commission" aka GRANDSTANDING EXERCISE.
First of saying you don't want to politicize an instance where the former US president didn't want to accept election results to the point that he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election is kind of disingenuous. This is NOT just a law enforcement issue. This is an inherently political issue too.

The political question is way more important IMO. How do you have a representative Democracy when one party of a binary election can simply say, "I lost legally so I feel within my rights to use extralegal means to remain in power?"

Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.

The whole problem is I suspect, that having to reckon with that answer is something the GOP doesn't want to do because it would force them to take a position instead of straddling the fence in order to keep their caucus together.

It's certainly safe to say that the future of American freedom and democracy is still at grave danger -- until the Republicans finally acknowledge what Trump did, openly distance themselves from him and condemn him.

Until this happens, there is still the risk of an anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and democracy party winning the next election and turning America into a dictatorship, so that 200 years of freedom and constitutional rule will appear like a historical exception.

America will then become just one more of these American banana republics where the military or some right-wing insurgents putsch themselves to power and establish a half-assed nationalistic dictatorship.

Christians know that there is a clear rule: There can be no forgiveness without remorse. Likewise, the Republicans cannot be forgiven what they attempted to do on January 6th, unless they stop sinning against freedom and democracy and put Trump on trial.
View attachment 494657

Nope, it's not hyperbole.

It's exactly what happened. The entire world can see it for what it is. That so many Americans still cannot, is very naive, but perhaps not surprising, considering you never had such a threat to your freedom.

But hey, take this advice from a German for what it's worth.
It's massive hyperbole and projection...Like the rest of your moonbat crew, you're totally hysterical to go with completely lacking of any introspection whatsoever.
Tell me what is hyperbolic?
Trump didn't ask his supporters to stop the certification of the election?
Trump didn't do this after he lost all his legal challenges?
This isn't literally asking to ignore the election results?
Or maybe Schumer knew he didn't have the votes in the first place, and only brought it to the floor to get deranged moonbats like you to shit chickens for a few days.

Looks like its working.
There's no doubt Shumer knew he didn't have the votes! Gee he's stupid for trying!

You are so far gone that you're not able to even consider the outcome of this fuck up by the R's. And it's delightful to see you stumble along with your spamming, because you've been left with nothing else.
I'm not the one shitting myself over losing the vote, you are....And it was brought to the floor on purpose, as you already acknowledged.

We're too far away from the '22 election for this to be remembered...The intent is clear...Congrats on being such an easily manipulated tool.
It could be that the charges against the rioters are being saved until it gets closer to the 22 election. That would be a dirty trick that would be the D's usual dirty tricks.
And then just how long can they keep the one-sided commission going?

You could always take the position that there will be no significant charges! Please?
Well, nobody thought that those straws were going to grasp at themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Donald always gets desperate and throws hail marys everyday.:abgg2q.jpg: the sockpuppet from langley needs to be well paid for his humiliation he suffers everyday from folks like you.:abgg2q.jpg:

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