No agency examined DNC servers. But we are to believe that the Russians hacked the election.

The content of the e-mails doesn't matter? Are you fuckinjg kidding or what?

No, it doesn't matter compared to the hack. Not sure what part of that you don't get. I can't explain it easier than this. If a girl gets sexually assaulted do you blame her because she dressed "slutty?"
Perhaps you can explain why the content of the e-mails doesn't matter.

You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?
The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

No, it doesn't matter compared to the hack. Not sure what part of that you don't get. I can't explain it easier than this. If a girl gets sexually assaulted do you blame her because she dressed "slutty?"
Perhaps you can explain why the content of the e-mails doesn't matter.

You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?
State run news. Fucking hilarious. As if CNN and MSNBC aren't simply stenographers for the Democratic Party establishment.

Ok so you don't understand what "State Run" news means. Got it. Maybe you should Google it or something.
I can well understand why Hilarybots don't like to think about Wikileaks.

Sorry I'm not a Hillarybot... but I do know that a "State Run" news agency isn't going to admit their government hacked into another country's political party in order to attempt to influence the election... especially after their President categorically denied doing so. But that is probably beyond your comprehension.

Unfortunate that those e-mails are authentic, embarrassing to say the least.

That doesn't matter...the more important thing is the Russian hack. Why is that so hard to understand?

No US government agency has examined the servers. Please tell me you understand that there should be a concern about the FBI using a third party to claiming that there was a Russian hack.

Holy toledo....I'm thinking the whole National Intelligence Committees should just head on down to Madame Rue's down on 34th and Vine.

Give me a report after that.


Oh no now I can't get the song out of my head. Too funny.

"She said "What you need is Love Potion Number Nine"

She bent down and turned around and gave me a wink
She said "I'm gonna make it up right here in the sink"
It smelled like turpentine, it looked like Indian ink
I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink

I didn't know if it was day or night
I started kissin' everything in sight
But when I kissed a cop down on Thirty-Fourth and Vine
He broke my little bottle of Love Potion Number Nine"

Love Potion Number Nine Lyrics - The Clovers
Ok so you don't understand what "State Run" news means. Got it. Maybe you should Google it or something.
I can well understand why Hilarybots don't like to think about Wikileaks.

Sorry I'm not a Hillarybot... but I do know that a "State Run" news agency isn't going to admit their government hacked into another country's political party in order to attempt to influence the election... especially after their President categorically denied doing so. But that is probably beyond your comprehension.

Unfortunate that those e-mails are authentic, embarrassing to say the least.

That doesn't matter...the more important thing is the Russian hack. Why is that so hard to understand?

No US government agency has examined the servers. Please tell me you understand that there should be a concern about the FBI using a third party to claiming that there was a Russian hack.

Holy toledo....I'm thinking the whole National Intelligence Committees should just head on down to Madame Rue's down on 34th and Vine.

Give me a report after that.


Oh no now I can't get the song out of my head. Too funny.

"She said "What you need is Love Potion Number Nine"

She bent down and turned around and gave me a wink
She said "I'm gonna make it up right here in the sink"
It smelled like turpentine, it looked like Indian ink
I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink

I didn't know if it was day or night
I started kissin' everything in sight
But when I kissed a cop down on Thirty-Fourth and Vine
He broke my little bottle of Love Potion Number Nine"

Love Potion Number Nine Lyrics - The Clovers do understand that the U.S. government uses contractors all the time right? That's because the government doesn't always pay the best... so sometimes the best and the brightest in their field work in the private sector instead.
Perhaps you can explain why the content of the e-mails doesn't matter.

You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?
Meaning we haven't seen any specific evidence of Russian hacking with regards to the election. Try to follow along and keep up.
Perhaps you can explain why the content of the e-mails doesn't matter.

You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?
You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?
Meaning we haven't seen any specific evidence of Russian hacking with regards to the election. Try to follow along and keep up.

No one has even looked at the servers. How whacked out is this?
You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?
Meaning we haven't seen any specific evidence of Russian hacking with regards to the election. Try to follow along and keep up.

So you still don't get it? Ok I got it. So you accept everything Trump says as truth except when he sees the CLASSIFIED evidence and agrees that Russia did hack the DNC?
Not a Hilarybot.....absolutely fucking hilarious.

No...I'm not a Hillarybot. What her and the DNC did was wrong and unethical... BUT having Russia hack into our political system is more important. The fact that you want to defend Russia is a lot more alarming than anything else. Dare I say it is quite un-American. so you can keep calling me a Hillarybot... and I'll call you un-American. How about that?
You didn't get the memo? The emails didn't effect the election according to Trump and all his followers.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?
Meaning we haven't seen any specific evidence of Russian hacking with regards to the election. Try to follow along and keep up.

So you still don't get it? Ok I got it. So you accept everything Trump says as truth except when he sees the CLASSIFIED evidence and agrees that Russia did hack the DNC?
Not a Hilarybot.....absolutely fucking hilarious.

No...I'm not a Hillarybot. What her and the DNC did was wrong and unethical... BUT having Russia hack into our political system is more important. The fact that you want to defend Russia is a lot more alarming than anything else. Dare I say it is quite un-American. so you can keep calling me a Hillarybot... and I'll call you un-American. How about that?
I can hardly wait to see something besides an unsubstantiated, generic, frenzied last minute report, obviously cobbled together for political purposes. How about you?
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
In other words: Sanders got screwed and that's OK with you.
No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
In other words: Sanders got screwed and that's OK with you.

No it isn't ok with me... but when confronted with two evils, I know which one is the more important one.

Again... so if a girl gets sexually assaulted, do you blame her for dressing slutty?
You seem to be avoiding direct relevant questions.....just like every other Hilarybot.

No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

With all due respect and I do mean it take a look at the truth of it.

The FBI didn't look at the servers. No one did. And yet they are firing off reports saying the Russians "did it".

*sigh* and please take it to heart.

So you have here a cyber situation that doesn't even come close to representing the potenial individuals who hacked the DNC.

When someone in politics uses "password" as their "password" and doesn't put up a firewall, yes even I know this running on dial up It shows beyond sloppy.

This team fucked up big time.
No...I told you exactly what is going on. You said the emails were so important...but Trump and his supporters say they meant nothing and didn't effect the election. So are you saying that isn't true?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

With all due respect and I do mean it take a look at the truth of it.

The FBI didn't look at the servers. No one did. And yet they are firing off reports saying the Russians "did it".

*sigh* and please take it to heart.

So you have here a cyber situation that doesn't even come close to representing the potenial individuals who hacked the DNC.

When someone in politics uses "password" as their "password" and doesn't put up a firewall, yes even I know this running on dial up It shows beyond sloppy.

This team fucked up big time.

It doesn't matter what his password was...he was phished and changed it on the link they provided in the email. Not sure why you guys keep brining up what his password was, because it didn't matter.

Again... CrowdStrike had guys that were better Cyber-security experts than any of the people in the intelligence agencies... they collected the data as contractors and passed it along to the agencies. There is nothing wrong with that. The government uses contractors ALL the time... these contractors have to pass the same security clearance protocols as government workers... there is NO difference between them and a government worker other than who signs their pay check.
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

With all due respect and I do mean it take a look at the truth of it.

The FBI didn't look at the servers. No one did. And yet they are firing off reports saying the Russians "did it".

*sigh* and please take it to heart.

So you have here a cyber situation that doesn't even come close to representing the potenial individuals who hacked the DNC.

When someone in politics uses "password" as their "password" and doesn't put up a firewall, yes even I know this running on dial up It shows beyond sloppy.

This team fucked up big time.

It doesn't matter what his password was...he was phished and changed it on the link they provided in the email. Not sure why you guys keep brining up what his password was, because it didn't matter.

Again... CrowdStrike had guys that were better Cyber-security experts than any of the people in the intelligence agencies... they collected the data as contractors and passed it along to the agencies. There is nothing wrong with that. The government uses contractors ALL the time... these contractors have to pass the same security clearance protocols as government workers... there is NO difference between them and a government worker other than who signs their pay check.

Really when they are known democrats and one founding father is a former FBI agent.
Six months after the FBI first said it was investigating the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, the bureau has still not requested access to the hacked servers, a DNC spokesman said. No US government entity has run an independent forensic analysis on the system.
The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

“The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia, the president-elect tweeted after the DNC reportedly confirmed that the bureau failed to send their own staff to check the servers.

“So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?,” the next US president asked.
‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

View attachment 105876

The answer is they asked nicely, the DNC yelled at them, scared the agents and they ran home to Mommy..

Apparently.. There was no commitment of Fed Resources to the problem until Election night.
What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

With all due respect and I do mean it take a look at the truth of it.

The FBI didn't look at the servers. No one did. And yet they are firing off reports saying the Russians "did it".

*sigh* and please take it to heart.

So you have here a cyber situation that doesn't even come close to representing the potenial individuals who hacked the DNC.

When someone in politics uses "password" as their "password" and doesn't put up a firewall, yes even I know this running on dial up It shows beyond sloppy.

This team fucked up big time.

It doesn't matter what his password was...he was phished and changed it on the link they provided in the email. Not sure why you guys keep brining up what his password was, because it didn't matter.

Again... CrowdStrike had guys that were better Cyber-security experts than any of the people in the intelligence agencies... they collected the data as contractors and passed it along to the agencies. There is nothing wrong with that. The government uses contractors ALL the time... these contractors have to pass the same security clearance protocols as government workers... there is NO difference between them and a government worker other than who signs their pay check.

Really when they are known democrats and one founding father is a former FBI agent.

And? Because a guy is a former FBI agent that changes things? One guy is Russian born... don't you think that would mean he would be good at spotting Russian activity?
How would I know if the e-mails effected the election? How would anyone know since we haven't seen any evidence?

What do you mean you haven't seen the evidence? You've seen the emails right? You've seen the news reports on the WikiLeaks releases right? You've read the threads here right? So is it your opinion those emails were damning enough to effect the election or not?

Well all of us including Sanders supporters just had their worst suspicions by the emails. We had suspected. But now we were validated.

As far as influencing the election would you seriously want an investigation to include how the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders? Or how all the key media outlets in America sought to smear and slander Trump with lies?

Lies about Trump? Are you kidding? Trump flat out gets caught in lie after lie....

Sanders got screwed... but I guarantee if you ask him point blank what is more important what they did to him, or that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info, he is going to say the Russian hack every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
In other words: Sanders got screwed and that's OK with you.

No it isn't ok with me... but when confronted with two evils, I know which one is the more important one.

Again... so if a girl gets sexually assaulted, do you blame her for dressing slutty?
I'd like to see President Trump initiate a full investigation of all the people involved in trying to foment war with Russia for petty political purposes.

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