No agency examined DNC servers. But we are to believe that the Russians hacked the election.

hmmm So I just read CNN's report and it looks they are tying it to the Russian military by saying CrowdStrike hacked them? The very people their Russian link evidence came from... Perhaps spy thrillers are even more twisty in the modern age. Very interesting.
Check out the top three links crowdstrike DNC hack - Bing

I'll be laughing my ass off if it's not propaganda, even so that's apparently what the peeps are reading, it's getting top results. you even pay attention to the sites you look at?

How about I start a site and start posting random crazy stories... then all I have to do is pay some group in India that is a click farm to bump my site to the top of search engines.
Like I said, if its not propaganda.

There's almost as much "evidence" in those reports as there is in our 17 agencies report heh
Using a video from Russia Today a state run Russian news service... again a "State run" news service. Do you understand what that means?
Donald Trump donated money to Hilary Clinton's Senate campaign as well as "donating" to the Clinton Foundation. What do you suppose he got in return?

Are you always supposed to get something directly in return for donating to your political party or a charity? Maybe you forgot that Trump used to be a Democrat?
Not very inquisitive.....are you.

Do you understand what charity is?
Yeah I do. I also understand that only 10% of the money going to the Clinton Foundation actually goes to charitable causes.

That is completely false...did you hear that on RT Putin Vision?

10% is what CLinton Foundation passes through to OTHER charity organizations, but most of what they do are their own charitable programs:

CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? -
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With all due respect and I do mean it take a look at the truth of it.

The FBI didn't look at the servers. No one did. And yet they are firing off reports saying the Russians "did it".

*sigh* and please take it to heart.

So you have here a cyber situation that doesn't even come close to representing the potenial individuals who hacked the DNC.

When someone in politics uses "password" as their "password" and doesn't put up a firewall, yes even I know this running on dial up It shows beyond sloppy.

This team fucked up big time.

Again completely false, servers were analyzed directly by Crowdstrike contracted by DNC who forwarded their findings and server data to FBI.
hmmm So I just read CNN's report and it looks they are tying it to the Russian military by saying CrowdStrike hacked them? The very people their Russian link evidence came from... Perhaps spy thrillers are even more twisty in the modern age. Very interesting.

Russian's sloppy hacking system that by chance allowed them to get into Podesta emails allowed Crowdstrike to get a 1000+ list of their phishing targets, which corroborated other intel re. who Russia was targeting.
One would think that the investigators would have their cyber experts look at the site that was hacked.

Wonder why they didn't??
We should just take their word for it. Why even ask questions?

No, why ask questions that you know you can't get answered because it is Classified information that you aren't and will never be privy to?

Why would hiring an outside contractor be classified? Especially if they were hired by the DNC?

Something's amiss here

Why are you asking who hired them if you are going to state that the DNC hired them?

That made zero sense. You are the one who said they were hired. I only ask, by whom?

Yes, I said they were hired... but I didn't say by whom. Someone else is asking that.

I am. And without an answer to that question all you have is high confidence speculation.
I'm looking for any update and can't find any. Is this some sort of monumentally bad fucking joke? What game is this shit all about?

"The FBI never examined the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) computer servers during its investigation into Russian attempts to interfere in the presidential election, BuzzFeed reports.

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (D.C.) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker told BuzzFeed in an email.

According to one intelligence official who spoke to the publication, no U.S. intelligence agency has performed its own forensics analysis on the hacked servers."

FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report

I love the smell of Orange Butthurt in the evening... :lmao:
Republicans have suddenly become cyber-security experts lol

You'd think after the orange messiah admitted that the Russians had meddled the rubes would have accepted their marching orders.

You still up with that orange messiah bullshit even though THAT has been proven false as well. And to date Trump has admitted no such thing.

You know another lie.

Just like this big whopper that the FBI and the CIA and other agencies concluded jack shit based on a compny's opinion hired by the freaking Democrats.
It's been proven that Trump isn't the Messiah? :rofl:

Anyways, Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

Though Trump is happy about it, and will probably ask for Putin's help again in 2020 if he's still alive and President then. So expect no repercussions for the most severe foreign election tampering in United States election history.

That headline is bullshit. It's twisted. Here's what Trump said.

"Even following a high-profile intelligence meeting on the subject Friday, Trump still hedged his response.

"While Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations including the Democrat National Committee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election including the fact that there was no tampering whatsoever with voting machines," Trump said in a statement.

Not everyone in Trump's inner circle was willing to directly acknowledge that Russia was the primary actor behind the cyberintrusions.

Asked whether she believed Russia was behind the hacks, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway told CNN on Sunday that "Russia, China, and others" attempted to infiltrate networks of top American political organizations."

Trump's chief of staff acknowledges that Russia was behind DNC hacks
No, why ask questions that you know you can't get answered because it is Classified information that you aren't and will never be privy to?

Why would hiring an outside contractor be classified? Especially if they were hired by the DNC?

Something's amiss here

Why are you asking who hired them if you are going to state that the DNC hired them?

That made zero sense. You are the one who said they were hired. I only ask, by whom?

Yes, I said they were hired... but I didn't say by whom. Someone else is asking that.

I am. And without an answer to that question all you have is high confidence speculation.

CrowdStrike is bought and paid for by the DNC. And we are to believe that there would be nooooooooo bias.

I want to know why the FBI, the CIA freaking anybody within the government intelligence community has not independently examined the servers.

Yet they've issued reports based on CrowdStrike's assessment. How whacked out is this?

Oh and I'll have to look it up for a link but the Senate Intelligence Committee that was trying to look into this hacking is being denied classified information.

Don't forget the first report by CrowdStrike was in June. Curiouser and curiouser.
The argument out there (on the govs side) is that they installed software on the DNC servers to monitor the activities of the hackers. While this can, and does happen, it may or may not dig through TOR and VIP.

To wit, there are a number of reports on this matter out there - a moment and I shall find and link them.

First we have the report from Crowdstrike about the DNC hack (note they edited it on july 15) - Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee »

WHY they edited it, Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility posting not only DNC emails, but shit on Trump as well - 'Guccifer 2.0' Claims Responsibility for DNC Hack, Releases Docs to Prove it

Analysis of above situation as a whole - DNC hacker slams CrowdStrike, publishes opposition memo on Donald Trump

Last week it came out that the Ukraine military is denying CrowdStrike's December 2015 claim that Fuzzy and Cozy bear had hacked into their military - Russian Hack Attack ; Ukraine’s Military Denies Speculation — NaijeZie.Com

Bringing the whole shit pile back into utter confusion of what to believe - CrowdStrike had made very similar claims regarding the Ukraine hack as they did the DNC hack, and of course since the US government didn't bother to investigate the DNC systems we have nothing but CrowdStrike's word now in question. Additionally we have CrowdStrike linked to Ukraine (the writers of the malware in question) and an anti-russian lead, there's links to crowdstrike working for the DNC a long time, and right now rumors are flying about evidence that CrowdStrike was hired by the Obama Administration back in 2008 or some shit and they've done all our security crap.

Now if that last bit is true, if CrowdStrike has indeed been the presidents cyber advisor - then we might be getting into the realm of Russian government playing the mother fuck out of us. Something I would personally find far more befitting of their renowned hacking prowess than a crappy publicly available malware and phishing scheme.
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Donald Trump donated money to Hilary Clinton's Senate campaign as well as "donating" to the Clinton Foundation. What do you suppose he got in return?

Are you always supposed to get something directly in return for donating to your political party or a charity? Maybe you forgot that Trump used to be a Democrat?
Not very inquisitive.....are you.

Do you understand what charity is?
Yeah I do. I also understand that only 10% of the money going to the Clinton Foundation actually goes to charitable causes.

That is completely false...did you hear that on RT Putin Vision?

10% is what CLinton Foundation passes through to OTHER charity organizations, but most of what they do are their own charitable programs:

CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? -
Why are all you Hilarybots so incredibly stupid and dishonest all the time?
7 Things You Need To Know About The Clinton Foundation
Are you always supposed to get something directly in return for donating to your political party or a charity? Maybe you forgot that Trump used to be a Democrat?
Not very inquisitive.....are you.

Do you understand what charity is?
Yeah I do. I also understand that only 10% of the money going to the Clinton Foundation actually goes to charitable causes.

That is completely false...did you hear that on RT Putin Vision?

10% is what CLinton Foundation passes through to OTHER charity organizations, but most of what they do are their own charitable programs:

CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? -
Why are all you Hilarybots so incredibly stupid and dishonest all the time?
7 Things You Need To Know About The Clinton Foundation

Unbelivable. Asshole, do everyone a favor and actually READ the link I gave as it easily blows away the your link's misleading half-truths before you even posted it.
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