No Anchor Babies for Illegals.

Another question many ask is why do we reward those who kill another human being in combat ? Are you proud of being a part of war? You would be more brave if you rejected fighting in war.

That was an extraordinarily stupid thing to say.
Maybe you should calm down and stop being Against certain people.
Another question many ask is why do we reward those who kill another human being in combat ? Are you proud of being a part of war? You would be more brave if you rejected fighting in war.
Why don't you go live in a foreign country for a while so you'll understand a few things about tyrants and lawless lords. I pick Somalia. Take lots of cash. :muahaha:
Why do we reward those who break our laws?
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby. The babies born here are citizens, if their parents are here illegally the US is under no obligation to let them stay because their child is a citizen. If the parent(s) get deported, they can give the child over to the state, or let him/her live here with friends or relatives.

Or they can take they spawn with them when they leave. If we didn't allow the families to stay it would remove a huge incentive to pop out these babies to begin with.

The great majority of them are at home now, just as you and yours are at home.

That won't change at all, because once the TPM is crushed, the next order of business is the immigration bill in the House.
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Votes, you see.

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The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Again, it’s not a ‘law,’ nor does it ‘give’ anyone anything. It’s part of the Constitution:

14th Amendment, Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).
Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

Hey dumbass....we know the Constitution, what the law is....this is about changing the law...sneaking across the border so your child is a think mehico allows that from central american border-jumpers? Hell no, they beat them, rob them, and throw them out.
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Bullkurtz continues to shovel bull shit.

Hang yourself.
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Why do we reward those who break our laws?
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


There's that pesky ole constitution again.

What is you rw's want? Thanks to President Obama, the net illegal immigration is zip. Obama has put more Border Patrol on the border than the Repubs ever did and has deported more.

Educate yourself.


Unless you want to move to Russia so you can live with your hero, Putin, you're stuck with the Constitution so just please SHUT UP.
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Votes, you see.

Why is it so hard to understand that you're talking about the Constitution?

But, you're right that we do invite them to come here.

Thanks to the damn fool Ronnie Ray-Gun, we give them **free medical care, deliver their babies and give them abortions. And, it was a Republican who started the practice of sending airplanes to bring them here.

**I'm sure you know that ObamaCare is not available to illegals. You DO know that, right? I mean, it looks like you know nothing about the current administration deporting more than any R ever did. Looks likely that you don't know that it was Bush and Reagan who wanted amnesty while President Obama has refused to go any further than a 2 year moratorium and then only for a very select few.
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Again, it’s not a ‘law,’ nor does it ‘give’ anyone anything. It’s part of the Constitution:

14th Amendment, Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

No worries, amend the Constitution.

"Any babies born on US soil must take the nationality of their parents".

ie; Chinese, British, German, Lebanese, Canadian, Mexican, Pakistani, Israeli, Norwegian etc citizens in the US on tourist/visitor/work visas....any child born to them takes their nationality.

Anchor babies...all gone, are no more.
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Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Again, it’s not a ‘law,’ nor does it ‘give’ anyone anything. It’s part of the Constitution:

14th Amendment, Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

No worries, amend the Constitution.

"Any babies born on US soil must take the nationality of their parents".

ie; Chinese, British, German, Lebanese, Canadian, Mexican, Pakistani, Israeli, Norwegian etc citizens in the US on tourist/visitor/work visas....any child born to them takes their nationality.

Anchor babies...all gone, are no more.

Doesn't your backwater, also-ran nation have immigration issues of its own to worry about?
Again, it’s not a ‘law,’ nor does it ‘give’ anyone anything. It’s part of the Constitution:

Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

No worries, amend the Constitution.

"Any babies born on US soil must take the nationality of their parents".

ie; Chinese, British, German, Lebanese, Canadian, Mexican, Pakistani, Israeli, Norwegian etc citizens in the US on tourist/visitor/work visas....any child born to them takes their nationality.

Anchor babies...all gone, are no more.

Doesn't your backwater, also-ran nation have immigration issues of its own to worry about?

It does.

We dispensed with 'anchor babies' long ago.
Babies take the nationality of their parents.
No worries, amend the Constitution.

"Any babies born on US soil must take the nationality of their parents".

ie; Chinese, British, German, Lebanese, Canadian, Mexican, Pakistani, Israeli, Norwegian etc citizens in the US on tourist/visitor/work visas....any child born to them takes their nationality.

Anchor babies...all gone, are no more.

Doesn't your backwater, also-ran nation have immigration issues of its own to worry about?

It does.

Then STFU and go deal with them. Here in the First World we'll get along just fine without your unsolicited advice.
The Anchor Baby Law encourages illegal immigration.


Sure does.

The law that gives US citizenship to any baby born on US soil is very misguided...only encourages illegal immigration, and amnesties.

If the federal govt is not really interested in jailing employers who hire illegals, not really interested in jailing/deporting illegals...then it's not surprising it's in no hurry to change the law concerning 'anchor babies'.

Again, it’s not a ‘law,’ nor does it ‘give’ anyone anything. It’s part of the Constitution:

14th Amendment, Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Moreover, the immigration status of a citizen’s parents is irrelevant with regard to his status as a citizen; as one realizes his citizenship solely as a consequence of his humanity, of being a person, separate and apart from his parents or their motives, even if those motives are nefarious. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972).

The irony reflected from the worlds apart rulings handed down ,a mire year between, this and Row.v Wade particularly the wording" solely as a consequence of his humanity"would be correct in one yet blind to the other.
Doesn't your backwater, also-ran nation have immigration issues of its own to worry about?

It does.

Then STFU and go deal with them. Here in the First World we'll get along just fine without your unsolicited advice.

Seems to me you're not getting along just fine at all.
You''re shutdown, and being overrun with illegal immigrants and anchor babies.
The illegals running into churches with their anchor babies, knowing the govt won't go get them.

Then there are all those anchor baby houses.

And if someone doesn't do something about your ever spiralling debt, you'll lose your credit rating and become the second world, then the third world.
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Then STFU and go deal with them. Here in the First World we'll get along just fine without your unsolicited advice.

Seems to me you're not getting along just fine at all.
You''re shutdown, and being overrun with illegal immigrants and anchor babies.
The illegals running into churches with their anchor babies, knowing the govt won't go get them.

Then there are all those anchor baby houses.

And if someone doesn't do something about your ever spiralling debt, you'll lose your credit rating and become the second world, then the third world.

There is not one tiny speck of truth in your post.

Thanks to our president, we are not overrun and actually don't have illegals coming here from the south. Illegals are not hiding in churches, there are no "anchor baby houses" (whatever the hell that is) We will not 'lose our credit rating and become a second, third world' country.

Please remember that you do not have the Constitution that we do. Perhaps you can take rights away from people because they brown skin, but our Constitution bars that happening here. (Not saying we don't have our fair share of nutters who would try. Ya want them? The nutters, I mean. We'll keep the brown skinned folks.)
Then STFU and go deal with them. Here in the First World we'll get along just fine without your unsolicited advice.

Seems to me you're not getting along just fine at all...

Nobody asked you, Dundee. Go climb back up your tree and STFU.

Po lil UnKotex.....looks like you got your smelly little ass handed to ya again...maybe you should report bianco to the mods for picking on ya like you do me. :badgrin:

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