No Anchor Babies for Illegals.

Thanks to our president, we are not overrun and actually don't have illegals coming here from the south. Illegals are not hiding in churches, there are no "anchor baby houses" (whatever the hell that is) We will not 'lose our credit rating and become a second, third world' country.

Please remember that you do not have the Constitution that we do. Perhaps you can take rights away from people because they brown skin, but our Constitution bars that happening here. (Not saying we don't have our fair share of nutters who would try. Ya want them? The nutters, I mean. We'll keep the brown skinned folks.)

Hey're getting pretty adept at wriggling out of your straight-jacket....maybe you should see if anybody is making a movie about Houdini and teach them your trick.
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Illegal immigration is low in comparison to the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush years, and the deportations are at record highs.

Why the bitching.

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