No Assimilation ? Illegal Aliens Aren’t Alone


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

Some ethnic groups (or parts of them) however, have taken it upon themselves to be different from the nation's culture. Illegal aliens from Mexico are notorious for this.

Just as much, blacks in America have done the same >> created a culture distinctly different, too. Rather than name black baby girls common American names like Nancy, Mary, Elizabeth, or Jane, they get names like Lawanda, Leticia, and Tawana. Baby boys, rather than being named George, William, Robert, or James, get name like Laquan, Lemaricus, and Ornethal.

Speech has a sharp divergence. There has developed a distinct black language, separate from mainstream American English. Black slang is so prevalent among many black speakers, they can't even be understood by those in mainstream, non-black America.

Music ? Wow. Has this ever gone rogue. In my life, Americans (white & black both) have enjoyed Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Country/Western, Bluegrass, and Classical music. Decades ago, blacks separated themselves with Soul music (often called Motown). Now, when cars driven by blacks drive into my apartment complex, about all I her is rap, which some people ludicrously call rap "music", recited by "artists" too inept to play a musical instrument. They instead, just holler often hateful and profane trash into a microphone, and somehow get people to pay money for this.

Clothing. This about ties rap for absurdity, with young black guys letting their pants fall to below their asses, exposing their underwear, giving up the use of one hand, to hold up their pants with that hand. People who lost a hand in war or accidents, must really be confounded on this.

And why would anybody complain about not being accepted by society, when they go far out of their way to keep themselves separate ?
I've asked myself this same question....why are they so different from us, but want to be viewed as the same? As a whole they don't do much to fit in do they? Plenty of generations here to have been able to assimilate to American culture and speech, but they don't assimilate, and we are supposed to feel that they are the same and are our equals. They are sharply different from us. Not just in culture, but also in physical appearance and IQ. I was raised to believe that they were different, but we weren't supposed to acknowledge it. It's an inconvenient truth that black people don't like acknowledging and they refuse to let us acknowledge it. Genetics is the foreground for being who we are. People think evolution affected every part of the human body among the races, but that brain was left unaffected. Fools....
In other words, the OP doesn’t want any brown people moving here. Who could have guessed that?
In other words, the OP doesn’t want any brown people moving here. Who could have guessed that?
Not me. I am "brown". Grandparents immigrated from Central America, in the 1880s, and Yes, I speak fluent Spanish.

But we get responses from the ubitiquous race card. Who could have guessed that?
Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

Some ethnic groups (or parts of them) however, have taken it upon themselves to be different from the nation's culture. Illegal aliens from Mexico are notorious for this.

Just as much, blacks in America have done the same >> created a culture distinctly different, too. Rather than name black baby girls common American names like Nancy, Mary, Elizabeth, or Jane, they get names like Lawanda, Leticia, and Tawana. Baby boys, rather than being named George, William, Robert, or James, get name like Laquan, Lemaricus, and Ornethal.

Speech has a sharp divergence. There has developed a distinct black language, separate from mainstream American English. Black slang is so prevalent among many black speakers, they can't even be understood by those in mainstream, non-black America.

Music ? Wow. Has this ever gone rogue. In my life, Americans (white & black both) have enjoyed Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Country/Western, Bluegrass, and Classical music. Decades ago, blacks separated themselves with Soul music (often called Motown). Now, when cars driven by blacks drive into my apartment complex, about all I her is rap, which some people ludicrously call rap "music", recited by "artists" too inept to play a musical instrument. They instead, just holler often hateful and profane trash into a microphone, and somehow get people to pay money for this.

Clothing. This about ties rap for absurdity, with young black guys letting their pants fall to below their asses, exposing their underwear, giving up the use of one hand, to hold up their pants with that hand. People who lost a hand in war or accidents, must really be confounded on this.

And why would anybody complain about not being accepted by society, when they go far out of their way to keep themselves separate ?
I don't believe people complain about not being accepted. I believe they have legitimate complaints about inequality and injustice. To want to be treated fairly within a society is not the same as wanting to be accepted by the dominant society.

The other things you bring up remind me of how teenagers rebel against authority, usually their parents. Girls want their skirts shorter than dad wants them. Guys want tatoos. They want to smoke and drink. They want to be left alone. All natural rebellions. But at some point, as they mature, they realize that their parents really had their best interest at heart. That their attempts at guidance and control came out of their love.

Black folks are often told by white folks how they should look, how they should sound, how they should dress, etc., etc. But what they feel from those claiming authority and superiority over them is anything but love. It is criticism. It is anger. It is hatred. And it does not change as they age.
Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

Some ethnic groups (or parts of them) however, have taken it upon themselves to be different from the nation's culture. Illegal aliens from Mexico are notorious for this.

Just as much, blacks in America have done the same >> created a culture distinctly different, too. Rather than name black baby girls common American names like Nancy, Mary, Elizabeth, or Jane, they get names like Lawanda, Leticia, and Tawana. Baby boys, rather than being named George, William, Robert, or James, get name like Laquan, Lemaricus, and Ornethal.

Speech has a sharp divergence. There has developed a distinct black language, separate from mainstream American English. Black slang is so prevalent among many black speakers, they can't even be understood by those in mainstream, non-black America.

Music ? Wow. Has this ever gone rogue. In my life, Americans (white & black both) have enjoyed Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Country/Western, Bluegrass, and Classical music. Decades ago, blacks separated themselves with Soul music (often called Motown). Now, when cars driven by blacks drive into my apartment complex, about all I her is rap, which some people ludicrously call rap "music", recited by "artists" too inept to play a musical instrument. They instead, just holler often hateful and profane trash into a microphone, and somehow get people to pay money for this.

Clothing. This about ties rap for absurdity, with young black guys letting their pants fall to below their asses, exposing their underwear, giving up the use of one hand, to hold up their pants with that hand. People who lost a hand in war or accidents, must really be confounded on this.

And why would anybody complain about not being accepted by society, when they go far out of their way to keep themselves separate ?
I don't believe people complain about not being accepted. I believe they have legitimate complaints about inequality and injustice. To want to be treated fairly within a society is not the same as wanting to be accepted by the dominant society.

The other things you bring up remind me of how teenagers rebel against authority, usually their parents. Girls want their skirts shorter than dad wants them. Guys want tatoos. They want to smoke and drink. They want to be left alone. All natural rebellions. But at some point, as they mature, they realize that their parents really had their best interest at heart. That their attempts at guidance and control came out of their love.

Black folks are often told by white folks how they should look, how they should sound, how they should dress, etc., etc. But what they feel from those claiming authority and superiority over them is anything but love. It is criticism. It is anger. It is hatred. And it does not change as they age.
Act like a gangster, get treated like one.
Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

Some ethnic groups (or parts of them) however, have taken it upon themselves to be different from the nation's culture.

What is your definition of American culture?

Speech has a sharp divergence. There has developed a distinct black language, separate from mainstream American English. Black slang is so prevalent among many black speakers, they can't even be understood by those in mainstream, non-black America.

Are you familiar with the term code-switching? In a casual setting you might communicate using "slang"; however, standardized English is used at work or dependent on whom you are speaking to. You can slide from one to another easily. There are people who believe that standardized English is "talking white" but that isn't the whole population. It's oddly similar to people that have a lot of facial piercings and expect to get a corporate job. Really, what the hell do you do with all that? Wait and hope they come around and figure it out or recognize the trade off.

I don't have time to do the rest.
Webster's New World College Dictionary defines "Nation" as a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and distinctive language and culture in common.

Some ethnic groups (or parts of them) however, have taken it upon themselves to be different from the nation's culture. Illegal aliens from Mexico are notorious for this.

Just as much, blacks in America have done the same >> created a culture distinctly different, too. Rather than name black baby girls common American names like Nancy, Mary, Elizabeth, or Jane, they get names like Lawanda, Leticia, and Tawana. Baby boys, rather than being named George, William, Robert, or James, get name like Laquan, Lemaricus, and Ornethal.

Speech has a sharp divergence. There has developed a distinct black language, separate from mainstream American English. Black slang is so prevalent among many black speakers, they can't even be understood by those in mainstream, non-black America.

Music ? Wow. Has this ever gone rogue. In my life, Americans (white & black both) have enjoyed Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Country/Western, Bluegrass, and Classical music. Decades ago, blacks separated themselves with Soul music (often called Motown). Now, when cars driven by blacks drive into my apartment complex, about all I her is rap, which some people ludicrously call rap "music", recited by "artists" too inept to play a musical instrument. They instead, just holler often hateful and profane trash into a microphone, and somehow get people to pay money for this.

Clothing. This about ties rap for absurdity, with young black guys letting their pants fall to below their asses, exposing their underwear, giving up the use of one hand, to hold up their pants with that hand. People who lost a hand in war or accidents, must really be confounded on this.

And why would anybody complain about not being accepted by society, when they go far out of their way to keep themselves separate ?

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