No Bailout, Pleeeeeezzzzz!!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

Isn't this the cornerstone of Liberalism: workers and employers pay an additional 15% tax so illegals can have insurance....and they don't pay any of that 15% 'cause they're not on the books.

But....heck, they do vote Democrat.

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Last edited:

Don't they know that the finest President in a century made certain that every person in the or otherwise......has had law.....since 1986?????
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Doubt it will go anywhere, California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse with the state becoming even more deeply bifurcated between the coastal haves and the inland have nots.

Of course with the radical gub'mint worshipers that run the State of California, who knows, maybe it will make it through in which case it'll be interesting to watch as the Golden State provides an abject lesson in the perils of single payer healthcare and exactly what happens when you run out of others peoples money to spend.

Don't they know that the finest President in a century made certain that every person in the or otherwise......has had law.....since 1986?????
yea and what a GREAT idea that was..
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Doubt it will go anywhere, California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse with the state becoming even more deeply bifurcated between the coastal haves and the inland have nots.

Of course with the radical gub'mint worshipers that run the State of California, who knows, maybe it will make it through in which case it'll be interesting to watch as the Golden State provides an abject lesson in the perils of single payer healthcare and exactly what happens when you run out of others peoples money to spend.

"...California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse...."S

Oh, yeah?????

So what.....what are you some sort of Fascist Nazi homophobe Trump supporter or sumptin'?????????

Just figured I'd save the Liberals the trouble of checking in....
I doubt the LWNJ's that have destroyed California will be able to pass this. At least not now. They'll have to paper over some debt first......
Go for it long as it's confined to Liberalville......the state that made it possible to pretend that Bill's wife won the popular vote.....

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.
In the famous training montage, Rocky climbs the steps of which building?

No bailout....pleeeezzzzz!!!!
I doubt the LWNJ's that have destroyed California will be able to pass this. At least not now. They'll have to paper over some debt first......

Could you adds 'low-lifes' to LWNJ's, please.

After all....
"California Democratic Party Leader Leads ‘F*ck Donald Trump’ Chant at Convention


Outgoing California Democratic Party chairman John Burton left his post of eight years on Saturday by waving his middle fingers in the air and rallying his party’s annual convention to chant “F*ck Donald Trump!”
California Democratic Party Leader Leads 'F*ck Donald Trump' Chant at Convention - Breitbart
Look at PC dogging illegals when she was just praising them getting free healthcare :lol:
The plan is simple....they increase debt and taxes.....
Until the residents try to flee to more prosperous Tijuana.....

Oh...wait: they can't-----

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'
The plan is simple....they increase debt and taxes.....
Until the residents try to flee to more prosperous Tijuana.....

Oh...wait: they can't-----

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'


They can and will leave. In fact.....

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies
Leaving coastal California is a 'no-brainer' for some as housing costs rise
Nestle Joins Thousands Of Companies Leaving California Over Anti-Capitalist Lawmakers and Activists
16 Reasons People Are Leaving California By the Millions
No longer California dreaming: The exodus of people leaving California is becoming an avalanche... | RallyPoint
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Doubt it will go anywhere, California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse with the state becoming even more deeply bifurcated between the coastal haves and the inland have nots.

Of course with the radical gub'mint worshipers that run the State of California, who knows, maybe it will make it through in which case it'll be interesting to watch as the Golden State provides an abject lesson in the perils of single payer healthcare and exactly what happens when you run out of others peoples money to spend.

Do you know that California has the 6th largest economy in The World?
Bay Area economy outpaces U.S., China
The plan is simple....they increase debt and taxes.....
Until the residents try to flee to more prosperous Tijuana.....

Oh...wait: they can't-----

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'


They can and will leave. In fact.....

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies
Leaving coastal California is a 'no-brainer' for some as housing costs rise
Nestle Joins Thousands Of Companies Leaving California Over Anti-Capitalist Lawmakers and Activists
16 Reasons People Are Leaving California By the Millions
No longer California dreaming: The exodus of people leaving California is becoming an avalanche... | RallyPoint

What is equally astounding, Z, is that wherever they go, as they flee the excesses of Liberalism, guess what they vote for?


Refugees from NY and NY polluted what used to be a reliable Republican state, Virginia.
California, New York, Illinois, etc. These deep blue states are fiscally insane. They've got unfunded pensions out the wazoo on top of all this other crap that they cannot possibly pay for, and if i'm not mistaken they are required by their own state constitutions to balance their budgets. Don't understand what the residents are thinking to allow this nonsense to go on and on. And a bailout? No fuckin' way that happens unless the Dems get the WH back plus the House and the Senate. Things will get really crazy if that ever happens.
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Doubt it will go anywhere, California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse with the state becoming even more deeply bifurcated between the coastal haves and the inland have nots.

Of course with the radical gub'mint worshipers that run the State of California, who knows, maybe it will make it through in which case it'll be interesting to watch as the Golden State provides an abject lesson in the perils of single payer healthcare and exactly what happens when you run out of others peoples money to spend.

Do you know that California has the 6th largest economy in The World?
Bay Area economy outpaces U.S., China

Rumor has it you have the fewest cerebral neurons in the nation.

At this point it is only anecdotal....but, I have read your posts......

"It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year"
Truman Capote've been in California for .....what.....100 years?
California, New York, Illinois, etc. These deep blue states are fiscally insane. They've got unfunded pensions out the wazoo on top of all this other crap that they cannot possibly pay for, and if i'm not mistaken they are required by their own state constitutions to balance their budgets. Don't understand what the residents are thinking to allow this nonsense to go on and on. And a bailout? No fuckin' way that happens unless the Dems get the WH back plus the House and the Senate. Things will get really crazy if that ever happens.

Not just fiscally insane.....

"A few days ago, a New York Times headline informed readers that the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade held in New York City would honor Oscar Lopez Rivera, a person they described as a “long-jailed militant” and a “nationalist” -- certainly a misleading description of the self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist and terrorist.

What has especially irked New York citizens is that New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, is going to march in the front right behind Lopez Rivera and sees nothing wrong with honoring him.

....New York City has a “distinctive politics” and that the speaker of the City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, is Puerto Rican and “has long championed his cause.” This is the very same City Council that two years ago, on what would have been Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg’s birthday, declared her innocent and gave her two sons, Robert and Michael Meeropol, a plaque proclaiming that the city she had lived in now exonerates her. Last week, Chairman Mark-Viverito flew to Puerto Rico to be with Lopez Rivera to personally share her excitement with him over the announcement of his award and that the parade was to be in his honor."
NYC's Mayor Bill De Blasio Joins in NYC's Honor to a Marxist-Leninist Puerto Rican Terrorist
The plan is simple....they increase debt and taxes.....
Until the residents try to flee to more prosperous Tijuana.....

Oh...wait: they can't-----

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'


They can and will leave. In fact.....

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies
Leaving coastal California is a 'no-brainer' for some as housing costs rise
Nestle Joins Thousands Of Companies Leaving California Over Anti-Capitalist Lawmakers and Activists
16 Reasons People Are Leaving California By the Millions
No longer California dreaming: The exodus of people leaving California is becoming an avalanche... | RallyPoint

What is equally astounding, Z, is that wherever they go, as they flee the excesses of Liberalism, guess what they vote for?


Refugees from NY and NY polluted what used to be a reliable Republican state, Virginia.

The LWNJ's in California are mainly concentrated in 2 high population areas: The San Francisco Gay Area, and LaLa Land. The rest of the state is actually fairly conservative.
OK....the flagship of Liberalism, California....has their collective neck on the chopping block again....and I'm hoping that no federal savior comes to their rescue.

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.....and that means if it sounds good, the heck with the costs!
And by 'costs,' I mean redistribution from earners to....well, authorized 'victims.'

1. "$400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill
By Associated Press | May 23, 2017
A California bill that would eliminate health insurance companies and provide government-funded health coverage for everyone in the state...." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

2. By 'everyone,' that means millions of illegal aliens who don't work, and don't contribute to what the Liberal eggheads claim will be the workplace taxes that will offset the $400 billion.

3. " healthcare costs would increase by an estimated $50 billion to $100 billion a year."
BTW......California: $2,702.3 (in billions of debt)
Compare Debt By State for 2017 - Charts

Hightest debt total in the country.
Think they're gonna be looking for a bailout? You betcha'!!!!!

4. "The concept known as single-payer has energized liberals who are pushing Democratic lawmakers to approve the measure."

5. ".....Medicare, Medicaid, federal public health funds and "Obamacare" subsidies. That's enough to cover about half of the $400 billion cost, according to the legislative analysis.

The rest would come from higher taxes on businesses, residents or both. It would take a 15% payroll tax to raise enough money, the analysis said."

And...when was the last time some Leftist boondoggle came in even near budget?????

6. ".... it would need cooperation from President Donald Trump's administration to waive rules about federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars." $400 billion price tag for California single-payer bill

I almost wish Trump would give 'em the OK just so we could see Social Darwinism in action.

Question......must one start out stupid to be a Liberal....or do they do some sort of exorcism of common sense???
Doubt it will go anywhere, California already has a problem with insane taxation driving out inland business as well as residents, this would just make it far, far worse with the state becoming even more deeply bifurcated between the coastal haves and the inland have nots.

Of course with the radical gub'mint worshipers that run the State of California, who knows, maybe it will make it through in which case it'll be interesting to watch as the Golden State provides an abject lesson in the perils of single payer healthcare and exactly what happens when you run out of others peoples money to spend.

Do you know that California has the 6th largest economy in The World?
Bay Area economy outpaces U.S., China
Yeah and apparently the monkey's that run the state are hoping to turn it into something much farther down the list.

Now that we're done playing non sequitur trivial pursuit, we can get back to something relevant.

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