No Benghazi Stand Down Order

There are only two possible reasons for the lack of response during the 13 hour Benghazi attack. The most likely reason is a stand down order given how close in proximity CIA forces were. The other possibility is that the CIA personnel were too scared to get their asses over their and fight. Your 5 million dollar bet is a joke because you know it is impossible to prove or disprove a verbal order.
You need to watch the movie "13 Hours".
The Libyans provided lots of help to the Americans in Benghazi.

February 17 Martyrs Brigade had twelve men at the diplomatic mission minutes after the attack started. They engaged the attackers with machine guns and grenade launchers. Eventually 40 - 60 members of the Martyrs got into the fight at the diplomatic facility.

The Martyrs sent a hundred men to assist the CIA Annex when it came under attack.

The Libyan Shield sent 50 machine gun trucks to escort the convoy that took the Americans to the Benghazi airport.

The Libyan Air Force sent a C-13 to transport the Americans from Benghazi to Tripoli.
There are only two possible reasons for the lack of response during the 13 hour Benghazi attack. The most likely reason is a stand down order given how close in proximity CIA forces were. The other possibility is that the CIA personnel were too scared to get their asses over their and fight. Your 5 million dollar bet is a joke because you know it is impossible to prove or disprove a verbal order.
You need to watch the movie "13 Hours".
The movie wasn't based on facts.
John Tiegen claims:

"When we got the phone call. It was 23 minutes from the time we got the call to the time we got over there. Our station chief told me to stand down. I got out of the car and put my two cents in it. We could actually see the consulate was on fire. We said, “Hey, we need to get over there. We’re losing the initiative.” The chief of base operations said to stand down because we needed to come up with a plan. I told him it was too late. We needed to get eyes on and come up with a plan on the move. The final straw was when the State guy got on the radio and said, “If you don’t get here now, we’re all going to [expletive] die. We need your help now.”

Tiegen told Congress that the Chief's exact words were, "Stand down, you need to wait. You need to make a plan."

Tiegen told Congress the Chief told him to "stand down"View attachment 215704 while they were standing on the front porch of the CIA Annex. Tiegen told Congress that the Deputy Chief and the Security Team Leader were there when the Chief told him to "stand down."

The Chief, the Deputy Chief and the Security Team Leader dispute Tiegen's "stand down" claim. The Chief denies he told Tiegen to "stand down." The Deputy Chief and the Security Team Leader say they didn't hear the Chief tell Tiegen to "stand down."
The CIA has been busted lying so many times about violating the Constitution, breaking laws, and doing unethical shot their word is worthless.

Again, I will believe a man who fought terrorists there on the ground before believing Obama loyalists and liars who were NOT in harm's way but left Americans in harm's way.

What the Obama administration once the red and final attack began pales in comparison to the fact that they had multiple chances to protect Americans and get them out before those attacks occurred...

...but they CHOSE to leave them there with virtually no security, outnumbered, indefensible, and with no official rescue team in case fecal matter hit the fan.

While other nations pulled their people out due to growing Al Qaeda presence and increasing terrorist violence, Hillary hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia and a security company who had never provided security in a hostile combat area and who had never carried weapons before to protect Americans in the heart of Al Qaeda-land...

Hillary took away some of those security personnel while the militia quit days just before the final attack...and none of this caused Hillary to think about pulling the Americans out knowing the anniversary of 9/11 was days away.

Obama had a lot of help headed for Benghazi and Tripoli. But, the Americans in the CIA Annex were rescued by the Libyans before the Army and Marines could get there.

Operation Jukebox Lotus was the name for the crisis response to the events at the US Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on 11-12 September 2012. The operation was led by US Africa Command, but received support from other commands, namely US European Command.

At 0200 hours local time, one hour after the attack started, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta convened a series of meetings in the Pentagon with senior officials Including General Dempsey and General Ham.

During these meetings, Secretary Panetta directs (provides verbal authorization) the following actions: 1) A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon, stationed in Rota, Spain, is directed to prepare to deploy to Benghazi, and a second FAST platoon, also stationed in Rota, Spain, is directed to prepare to deploy to the Embassy in Tripoli; 2) a EUCOM special operations force, which was training in Central Europe, is directed to prepare to deploy to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe (this force is later reported to be Company C, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group); and 3) a special operations force based in the United States is directed to prepare to deploy to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe (this force is later reported to have been a detachment from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta or "Delta Force").
Keep in mind that there were twenty six men in the CIA Annex when the attack on the mission started. Only of of those men, John Tiegen, claims he heard the Chief issue a stand down order. The Chief denies Tiegan's claim and the other two men Tiegen claims were there, say they never heard the Chief issue a stand down order.
Keep in mind, the temporary diplomatic mission in Benghazi was there because Ambassador Stevens put it there. It stayed there, after everyone else pulled out, because Ambassador Stevens wanted to stay.
February 17 Martyrs Brigade was not affiliated with Al Qaeda. However, the group that attacked the diplomatic mission, Ansar Al Sharia, was.

About eight Libya guards were at the diplomatic mission when it was attacked. All of them were also members of the Martyrs Brigade. Four on five were guarding the front gate. They were not armed. Others were in the guard barracks.
I'll wager you $5,000,000, or a lower amount, if you don't have that much, that you can't prove by a preponderance of the credible evidence that the CIA Chief of Base in Benghazi ordered the CIA rescue team not to go assist the diplomatic mission that was under attack.View attachment 215349

My God you are a hateful POS.

You can contact the Board Admin to to arrange payment of the $5M you owe me.

Gregory Hicks Benghazi Testimony: 5 Facts You Need To Know |
What type of laser designators were the contractors on the ground using to identify targets for air support?

FYI: Those sighting lasers on the weapons used by the CIA GRS officers in Benghazi can't be used to guide smart bombs or other laser guided weapons carried by F-16s. .

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How would Gregory Hicks, who was 400 miles away in Tripoli when the Chief supposedly issued Tiegen an order calling off the rescue mission, know what transpired on the porch of the CIA Annex?
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I bet $5 million the issue was settled except for the fucking morons that live in a mental prison and expect Clinton to share a cell with them.............
Africom and Eurocom were in contact via telephone with the Chief of Base in Benghazi. The Chief never requested shooters or air support from either command.
liar of benghazi mark geist.jpg
Trump would have been impeached had he handled Benghazi like BO did and rightfully so.

The old double standard.

Imagine the outrage lefties and their media would have had.
There are only two possible reasons for the lack of response during the 13 hour Benghazi attack. The most likely reason is a stand down order given how close in proximity CIA forces were. The other possibility is that the CIA personnel were too scared to get their asses over their and fight. Your 5 million dollar bet is a joke because you know it is impossible to prove or disprove a verbal order.
You need to watch the movie "13 Hours".
The movie wasn't based on facts.
that's fine. from your posts, your opinions don't seem to be either.
There are only two possible reasons for the lack of response during the 13 hour Benghazi attack. The most likely reason is a stand down order given how close in proximity CIA forces were. The other possibility is that the CIA personnel were too scared to get their asses over their and fight. Your 5 million dollar bet is a joke because you know it is impossible to prove or disprove a verbal order.
You need to watch the movie "13 Hours".
The movie wasn't based on facts.
that's fine. from your posts, your opinions don't seem to be either.
Point out one factual claim I have made that you believe is false. I will provide links to evidence supporting it. If I was wrong, I will correct my mistake. Thanks.
Liars of Benghazi all three.jpg
Trump would have been impeached had he handled Benghazi like BO did and rightfully so.

The old double standard.

Imagine the outrage lefties and their media would have had.
What did Obama do, or not do, in connection with Benghazi that you believe warranted impeachment? Thanks.


Operation Jukebox Lotus was the name for the crisis response to the events at the US Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on 11-12 September 2012. The operation was led by US Africa Command, but received support from other commands, namely US European Command.

At 0200 hours local time, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta convenes a series of meetings in the Pentagon with senior officials Including General Dempsey and General Ham. They discuss additional response options for Benghazi and for the potential outbreak of further violence throughout the region, particularly in Tunis, Tunisia; Tripoli, Libya; Cairo, Egypt; and Sana'a, Yemen. During these meetings, Secretary Panetta directs (provides verbal authorization) the following actions: 1) A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon, stationed in Rota, Spain, is directed to prepare to deploy to Benghazi, and a second FAST platoon, also stationed in Rota, Spain, is directed to prepare to deploy to the Embassy in Tripoli; 2) a EUCOM special operations force, which was training in Central Europe, is directed to prepare to deploy to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe (this force is later reported to be Company C, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group); and 3) a special operations force based in the United States is directed to prepare to deploy to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe (this force is later reported to have been a detachment from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta or "Delta Force"). During this period, actions were verbally conveyed from the Pentagon to the affected Combatant Commands in order to expedite movement of forces upon receipt of formal authorization. At 0239 hours local time, as ordered by Secretary Panetta, the National Military Command Center transmitted formal authorization for the 2 Marine Corps FAST platoons, and associated equipment, to prepare to deploy and for the US European Command special operations force, and associated equipment, to move to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe. At 0253 hours local time, as ordered by Secretary Panetta, the National Military Command Center transmitted formal authorization to deploy a special operations force, and associated equipment, from the United States to an intermediate staging base in southern Europe. At 0500 hours local time, a second, unmanned, unarmed surveillance aircraft was also directed to relieve the initial asset still on station over Benghazi.

To meet the evacuating personnel in Tripoli, at 0605 hours local time, US Africa Command ordered a C-17 aircraft in Germany to prepare to deploy to libya to evacuate Americans. A US Air Force C-130 aircraft is also dispatched. At 1915 hours local time on 12 September 2012, the US Embassy Tripoli evacuees, Benghazi personnel, and those wounded in the attacks departed Tripoli on the C-17 aircraft, with military doctors and nurses aboard providing en route medical care to the injured. The aircraft arrived at Ramstein Air Force Base at approximately 2230 hours Tripoli time on 12 September 2012, just over 24 hours after the attacks in Benghazi had commenced.

Crisis response activities continued during this period. At 0757 hours local time, the US European Command special operations force, and associated equipment, arrives at an intermediate staging base in southern Europe. At 0856, the FAST platoon, and associated equipment, arrived in Tripoli. At 0928, the special operations force deployed from the United States, and associated equipment, arrived at an intermediate staging base in southern Europe. Naval Forces Europe's forward-stationed and rotational forces played a critical role in these parts of the response mission. The availability of Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, and Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, Greece, enabled US forces to be rapidly postured, employed, and sustained as tasking evolved over the course of the crisis response. US Navy and joint force operations could not have occurred without these bases and the direct support they provided. Additionally, the command flagship, USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), operating from international waters with the Commander, US Sixth Fleet, embarked, provided command and control, planning, and support coordination during the initial phase of the crisis. Mount Whitney was joined by the landing ship dock USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43) and the destroyers USS McFaul (DDG 74), USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109), and USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) during the initial response. The USS Fort McHenry and USS McFaul continued to participate in the extended Operation Jukebox Lotus mission after the initial attack.

Crisis response elements remained in Libya into October 2012, and were deployed to other locations in the region in response to the potential for similar attacks elsewhere.

Operation Jukebox Lotus

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