No Cake for You

So you'd rather the gay people be punished by not allowing them to shop at their local bakery.

The use of government force to make people comply with a good or service that is readily available from other sources and is not an economic of life necessity is worse than two people having to find another baker and maybe having their feelings hurt.
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.
You know what's really funny? The biggest support for gays and PA laws comes from the black community. I wonder why that is?


Ask the question differently, and you would get a different answer.

How about this way?

"Should a business that refuses to provide a service for a gay marriage ceremony be punished by either fining or revocation of their business license?"

At least this poll is honest enough to show the question up front.
Not really. Failure to pay fines would be the reason the license was revoked, not for refusing to provide a service.

That's a weak bullshit excuse and you know it.

It would be like blaming the bullet for someone's death, and not the person pulling the trigger.
On the contrary. Business pay fines all the time for engaging in unlawful practices. They get their licenses revoked if they don't.

So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?
Oh Gawd, not this again. So they don't get to use their religion to fucking hoo!

Coming from a neo-liberal who cries racism at the drop of a hat, thats hilarious!

This thread isn't about racism, it's about discrimination.
This thread is about the OP once again exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, ignorance common to many on the right.

Whether their ignorance is willful or not only they can say.

They do love a good "martyr" story, however, the bakery broke the law as stated in the ding-dong's OP.

"Consequently, as a “public business,” the bakery cannot discriminate because it is allowed by the state of Oregon to exist through a business permit."

Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!
The use of government force to make people comply with a good or service that is readily available from other sources and is not an economic of life necessity is worse than two people having to find another baker and maybe having their feelings hurt.
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.
Ask the question differently, and you would get a different answer.

How about this way?

"Should a business that refuses to provide a service for a gay marriage ceremony be punished by either fining or revocation of their business license?"

At least this poll is honest enough to show the question up front.
Not really. Failure to pay fines would be the reason the license was revoked, not for refusing to provide a service.

That's a weak bullshit excuse and you know it.

It would be like blaming the bullet for someone's death, and not the person pulling the trigger.
On the contrary. Business pay fines all the time for engaging in unlawful practices. They get their licenses revoked if they don't.

So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?

Well considering you are treating them like criminals, I am making nothing up at all. You used the term unlawful, and that implies criminal behavior? Or is the government now our nanny?

If this was civil the offended party has to show some damage, besides "mah fewwings were hurt." All the EEO bullshit does is make hurt feelings actionable.
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

So says you. Who the fuck are you to tell people how to live their own lives? More importantly, who the fuck is the government to do the same?

You are a perfect example of the mindless progressive drone, that only sees things through their own eyes, and decides that if "I don't like it, it has to be bad and must be punished"
It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Not really. Failure to pay fines would be the reason the license was revoked, not for refusing to provide a service.

That's a weak bullshit excuse and you know it.

It would be like blaming the bullet for someone's death, and not the person pulling the trigger.
On the contrary. Business pay fines all the time for engaging in unlawful practices. They get their licenses revoked if they don't.

So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?

Well considering you are treating them like criminals, I am making nothing up at all. You used the term unlawful, and that implies criminal behavior? Or is the government now our nanny?

If this was civil the offended party has to show some damage, besides "mah fewwings were hurt." All the EEO bullshit does is make hurt feelings actionable.
It isn't a criminal offense it is a civil offense. And the city certainly has a right to require a business to follow its laws when it grants the business an operating license.
Coming from a neo-liberal who cries racism at the drop of a hat, thats hilarious!

This thread isn't about racism, it's about discrimination.
This thread is about the OP once again exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, ignorance common to many on the right.

Whether their ignorance is willful or not only they can say.

They do love a good "martyr" story, however, the bakery broke the law as stated in the ding-dong's OP.

"Consequently, as a “public business,” the bakery cannot discriminate because it is allowed by the state of Oregon to exist through a business permit."

Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.
That's a weak bullshit excuse and you know it.

It would be like blaming the bullet for someone's death, and not the person pulling the trigger.
On the contrary. Business pay fines all the time for engaging in unlawful practices. They get their licenses revoked if they don't.

So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?

Well considering you are treating them like criminals, I am making nothing up at all. You used the term unlawful, and that implies criminal behavior? Or is the government now our nanny?

If this was civil the offended party has to show some damage, besides "mah fewwings were hurt." All the EEO bullshit does is make hurt feelings actionable.
It isn't a criminal offense it is a civil offense. And the city certainly has a right to require a business to follow its laws when it grants the business an operating license.


hopefully one day government will get around to forcing you to go against your morals, but considering your type, you would probably gutlessly go along with it like a fucking lemming.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.
If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
On the contrary. Business pay fines all the time for engaging in unlawful practices. They get their licenses revoked if they don't.

So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?

Well considering you are treating them like criminals, I am making nothing up at all. You used the term unlawful, and that implies criminal behavior? Or is the government now our nanny?

If this was civil the offended party has to show some damage, besides "mah fewwings were hurt." All the EEO bullshit does is make hurt feelings actionable.
It isn't a criminal offense it is a civil offense. And the city certainly has a right to require a business to follow its laws when it grants the business an operating license.


hopefully one day government will get around to forcing you to go against your morals, but considering your type, you would probably gutlessly go along with it like a fucking lemming.
We could test it and I could refuse a request for services from you because you're a huge asshole. :lol: Oh, wait, being an asshole is a choice, so that wouldn't work. :(
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.
Refusing to bake a cake to be used as a part of a ceremony that you have a religious objection to is NOT the same as taking action against a person based on their color, or killing a person at an altar.

They're just ridiculous analogies made by a progressive who can't find any other way to justify the fact that he wants to walk all over the freedom of Americans, and he wants our laws to be changed to allow that.

How about refusing to bake a cake to be used as a part of a mixed-race ceremony?

Would that be ok?

If they objected to the ceremony itself for religious reasons.

Yup. It would be okay. Just as if they would be okay if they refused to bake a cake that they knew was to be used at some sort of satanic party.
It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So the business requirements require that bakers bake cakes to be used in ceremonies that they think are sacrilege?

Sorry, I know they don't.
This thread isn't about racism, it's about discrimination.
This thread is about the OP once again exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, ignorance common to many on the right.

Whether their ignorance is willful or not only they can say.

They do love a good "martyr" story, however, the bakery broke the law as stated in the ding-dong's OP.

"Consequently, as a “public business,” the bakery cannot discriminate because it is allowed by the state of Oregon to exist through a business permit."

Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.
Law doesn't *decide*. People decide. And the law doesn't require anyone, in Oregon or elsewhere in the country, to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.

If it does then it's a bad law that should never have been made, as it is unconstitutional, and as such, should not be obeyed.
So not selling a cake to someone is now criminal?
No it is civil. Why are you making things up?

Well considering you are treating them like criminals, I am making nothing up at all. You used the term unlawful, and that implies criminal behavior? Or is the government now our nanny?

If this was civil the offended party has to show some damage, besides "mah fewwings were hurt." All the EEO bullshit does is make hurt feelings actionable.
It isn't a criminal offense it is a civil offense. And the city certainly has a right to require a business to follow its laws when it grants the business an operating license.


hopefully one day government will get around to forcing you to go against your morals, but considering your type, you would probably gutlessly go along with it like a fucking lemming.
We could test it and I could refuse a request for services from you because you're a huge asshole. :lol: Oh, wait, being an asshole is a choice, so that wouldn't work. :(

Being an asshole is my lifestyle, I was born that way. Who are you to judge me and deny me due to something I have no control over, and that is natural and normal?

(i hope you get the irony, jackass)

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