No Cake for You

This thread is about the OP once again exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, ignorance common to many on the right.

Whether their ignorance is willful or not only they can say.

They do love a good "martyr" story, however, the bakery broke the law as stated in the ding-dong's OP.

"Consequently, as a “public business,” the bakery cannot discriminate because it is allowed by the state of Oregon to exist through a business permit."

Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.
It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
MLK never signed on to be discriminated against. Nor had a choice of where he was born.

The bakers signed the dotted line and choose to do business in that city.

Try again, fascist.
However, *business* does not mean they are forced to bake cakes for ceremonies they believe are sacreligious.

You lose, fascist.

And this sort of blatant discrimination is EXACTLY the sort of garbage that MLK objected to. Forcing people to abide by laws that are unconstitutional is fascism....the baker was right to ignore the law, just as those men and women who insisted on sitting on the wrong side of the café were right to ignore the law. Bad laws should be broken. Though honestly, I know there's no law that requires bakers to commit sacrilege.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So the business requirements require that bakers bake cakes to be used in ceremonies that they think are sacrilege?

Sorry, I know they don't.

Generally, people whose religion is against drinking alcohol simply choose not to open bars. The choice is theirs.
They do love a good "martyr" story, however, the bakery broke the law as stated in the ding-dong's OP.

"Consequently, as a “public business,” the bakery cannot discriminate because it is allowed by the state of Oregon to exist through a business permit."

Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
MLK never signed on to be discriminated against. Nor had a choice of where he was born.

The bakers signed the dotted line and choose to do business in that city.

Try again, fascist.

Your attempt at justification is meaningless. I win, you lose. fuck off and die.
Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.

Ah, the old "you didn't build it" argument, the last refuge of someone who doesn't have an actual fucking point to make.

The baker pays taxes as well, probably more than the lesbians due to being a business owner. They also pay all sorts of fees to continue being in business.

Just admit you get a chubby from watching government fuck people over, and stop with the justifications.
I am still waiting for someone to present a cogent argument as to how baking a cake somehow is forcing the baker to betray his faith.

Surely that baker has made cakes for gay people, adulterers, pedophiles etc without even knowing or caring about those sins.

IMO this is plain old hypocrisy that one must be a yoga master to perform the stretch required to justify

Its not up to anyone else, especially the government to demand a person explain their religious beliefs or practices. The document explicitly states "Free Exercise Thereof." The most you can do is refuse to associate with such a person.

I have yet to see baking a cake equated with the practice of a religion in a logical way.

These so called deeply held religious beliefs of bigots seem to be selective to me.

A gay couple getting married offends them but children born of adultery don't as birthday cakes for bastard children are made all the time with no complaint.

That said I am all for a business owner reserving the right to refuse service. But I am also for the right of the public to apply pressure to those businesses for their bigotry.

It's not your place, and it is certainly not government's place to say how a person practices their religion, barring activities that are 1) illegal (illegal illegal, not naughty illegal). 2) actively imposing directly on other people (not hurting their feeewings or making them drive around another 10 minutes).

By all means use your own personal power of the purse, and right to assemble like minded people to show your disapproval both verbally/written, and economically, but leave government out of it.

I have yet to see any religion with a commandment against baking a cake.

It's a ridiculous argument to say that making a confection for someone is tantamount to a sin

And I have every right to call a bigot out who uses such a specious argument to justify his bigotry
I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.

Ah, the old "you didn't build it" argument, the last refuge of someone who doesn't have an actual fucking point to make.

The baker pays taxes as well, probably more than the lesbians due to being a business owner. They also pay all sorts of fees to continue being in business.

Just admit you get a chubby from watching government fuck people over, and stop with the justifications.

They didn't build it without help from tax payers, and those lesbians may be business owners themselves.

The baker pays taxes as well, but the bakers aren't the ones being discriminated against, they are the ones doing the discriminating, while breaking the law.

I don't believe anti-discrimination laws are fucking anyone over. They are put in place to protect people from being discriminated against.

Melissa needs to continue baking cakes out of the privacy of her own home. She's not professional enough to run a storefront, and has no knowledge of the Oregon laws.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
MLK never signed on to be discriminated against. Nor had a choice of where he was born.

The bakers signed the dotted line and choose to do business in that city.

Try again, fascist.

Your attempt at justification is meaningless. I win, you lose. fuck off and die.
LOL! Please produce the document where MLK agreed to be discriminated against.
No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
MLK never signed on to be discriminated against. Nor had a choice of where he was born.

The bakers signed the dotted line and choose to do business in that city.

Try again, fascist.

Your attempt at justification is meaningless. I win, you lose. fuck off and die.
LOL! Please produce the document where MLK agreed to be discriminated against.

LOL is right!!!
Which is still wrong. Nothing like getting your way of fucking people over who disagree with you without getting your own hands dirty.

I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.
I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I guess they dont like faggots and lesbians.
I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I guess they dont like faggots and lesbians.

I guess being a professional business owner is not for everyone.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
I remember MLK Jr. I admired MLK Jr. You, sir, are no MLK Jr.
Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

No, Fascists use government to punish those they disagree with, THAT would be you and your ilk. Too cowardly to do it yourself, too gutless to admit you just like fucking people over.
You really are stooooooooooooooopid. This bakery agreed to abide by the city's business requirements. They made the choice to not go along with the requirements. They are the ones in this saga that are in the wrong. And you, mr. personal responsibility, want to blame their idiocy on everyone but them.

Delicious. Libertarian fool.

So by that Logic MLK was wrong to break the segregation laws, and should have just gone to jail, shut up, and kept on sitting on the back of the bus.

Fascist twatwaddle.

And I am not a big L libertarian, try to keep up asshat.
I remember MLK Jr. I admired MLK Jr. You, sir, are no MLK Jr.
Where did he claim to be MLK?
I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

Most of those angry lesbians don't pay taxes, because most of them don't work.
What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I guess they dont like faggots and lesbians.

I guess being a professional business owner is not for everyone.
If someone has religious objections to certain people getting legally married, maybe they shouldn't be in the wedding business in PA states.....just like if someone has religious objections to certain people bringing booze or dogs when they travel, maybe they shouldn't be in the taxi business in PA states.

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