No Cake for You

You know what's really funny? The biggest support for gays and PA laws comes from the black community. I wonder why that is?


Ask the question differently, and you would get a different answer.

How about this way?

"Should a business that refuses to provide a service for a gay marriage ceremony be punished by either fining or revocation of their business license?"

At least this poll is honest enough to show the question up front.

The question is plenty clear and you are the one "copping out". A majority of those polled said you should have to serve overwhelming majority of minorities think that way. I wonder why...
Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I'm shocked! Shocked to hear it........................the owners must be members of the Church of St Luby's......Cafeteria Christianity.
I disagree, and so does Oregon law. It's up to the business owner/s to not be ignorant of the laws.

From the link in the OP...

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."

Again, boo fucking hoo....serves the bitch right. Hypocrites!

Again, who the fuck are you to decide how a person's morals are interpreted, and more importantly, what right does government have to get involved in something as trivial as this?

Again, you like making other people live the way YOU want them to live, and worse, you are a fucking coward because you let government do your dirty work.

I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.

Ah, the old "you didn't build it" argument, the last refuge of someone who doesn't have an actual fucking point to make.

The baker pays taxes as well, probably more than the lesbians due to being a business owner. They also pay all sorts of fees to continue being in business.

Just admit you get a chubby from watching government fuck people over, and stop with the justifications.
Are you working, like MLK Jr. did, to change what you perceive to be unjust laws, those PA laws? Or do you just sit at your computer and whine? I don't think that's MLK Jr's style.
If I was in the bakery bussiness these days, I would put up a sign that said

"No cakes will be baked for the following"
Homo wanting to make a political statements"
"Crazy assed bible thumpers"
"Race Pimps"
"Black Panthers"
"RW Nutters"
" Climate change nutters"
And other group that wants to use this bakery to make a political statement.

I think I covered most of the bases, now I might not have many customers but I would not be sued because I deny them all service.
It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

So says you. Who the fuck are you to tell people how to live their own lives? More importantly, who the fuck is the government to do the same?

You are a perfect example of the mindless progressive drone, that only sees things through their own eyes, and decides that if "I don't like it, it has to be bad and must be punished"

So what's the difference, if you're disagreeing with me?
I didn't decide, the Oregon law did. :D

I'm sorry you are unhappy with the law. Maybe you should move. I hear Russia is a good place, with plenty of anti-gay laws.

What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I'm shocked! Shocked to hear it........................the owners must be members of the Church of St Luby's......Cafeteria Christianity.

Exactly....the pick and choose buffet. :p
What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I'm shocked! Shocked to hear it........................the owners must be members of the Church of St Luby's......Cafeteria Christianity.

Exactly....the pick and choose buffet. :p
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

The bakers found in violation were found in violation of STATE laws.
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

Oh look at the far left propaganda being pushed by the far left drones..

So if the far left cared about your "gay" cause, then Obama would make an Executive order doing so. Obama would make "gay" marriage the law of the land with an EO, so why hasn't he done it?

Why has Obama not come to the rescue with his pen and his phone?
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

The bakers found in violation were found in violation of STATE laws.

I know...they're all about states rights until they aren't. And they aren't even TRYING a to attack these laws at the Federal level...because THOSE don't protect gays.
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

The bakers found in violation were found in violation of STATE laws.

The far left drones and their propaganda..

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