No Charges for Clinton

It will be interesting to see if her poll number fall any because of this? I doubt it...NO ONE CARES EXCEPT THE FRIGIN REPUBLICANS!
wingers are funny
Yes they are, including you, sweetie.

It's one thing to say Trump sucks, but it's a very sad thing to admit Hillary sucks and Trump only sucks worse.

‘Giant Meteor’ of death tied with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump among independents: Poll
Roughly 13 percent of Americans think extinction via “Giant Meteor” would be preferable to electing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump the next U.S. commander in chief.

Public Policy Polling decided to gauge just how disaffected voters are with the presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential contenders. A survey conducted June 27-28 among 853 registered voters yielded telling results, particularly among independents.

“It’s a simple reality that both of this year’s Presidential candidates are unpopular. Clinton’s favorability is 39/54, and Trump is even worse off at 35/58,’ the pollster’s report reads. “This has given rise to the ‘Giant Meteor for President’ movement, and we find that the Meteor would poll at 13 percent — far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot — withClinton at 43 percent and Trump at 38 percent. The Meteor is particularly appealing to independent voters, functionally in a three-way tie at 27 percent to 35 percent for Clinton and 31 percent for Trump. Maybe that’s who the Libertarians should have nominated.”
wingers are funny
Yes they are, including you, sweetie.

It's one thing to say Trump sucks, but it's a very sad thing to admit Hillary sucks and Trump only sucks worse.

‘Giant Meteor’ of death tied with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump among independents: Poll
Roughly 13 percent of Americans think extinction via “Giant Meteor” would be preferable to electing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump the next U.S. commander in chief.

Public Policy Polling decided to gauge just how disaffected voters are with the presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential contenders. A survey conducted June 27-28 among 853 registered voters yielded telling results, particularly among independents.

“It’s a simple reality that both of this year’s Presidential candidates are unpopular. Clinton’s favorability is 39/54, and Trump is even worse off at 35/58,’ the pollster’s report reads. “This has given rise to the ‘Giant Meteor for President’ movement, and we find that the Meteor would poll at 13 percent — far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot — withClinton at 43 percent and Trump at 38 percent. The Meteor is particularly appealing to independent voters, functionally in a three-way tie at 27 percent to 35 percent for Clinton and 31 percent for Trump. Maybe that’s who the Libertarians should have nominated.”

the problem with you wingers is..... you're so far gone that you don't know what left of center is.

wingers are funny
Yes they are, including you, sweetie.

It's one thing to say Trump sucks, but it's a very sad thing to admit Hillary sucks and Trump only sucks worse.

‘Giant Meteor’ of death tied with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump among independents: Poll
Roughly 13 percent of Americans think extinction via “Giant Meteor” would be preferable to electing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump the next U.S. commander in chief.

Public Policy Polling decided to gauge just how disaffected voters are with the presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential contenders. A survey conducted June 27-28 among 853 registered voters yielded telling results, particularly among independents.

“It’s a simple reality that both of this year’s Presidential candidates are unpopular. Clinton’s favorability is 39/54, and Trump is even worse off at 35/58,’ the pollster’s report reads. “This has given rise to the ‘Giant Meteor for President’ movement, and we find that the Meteor would poll at 13 percent — far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot — withClinton at 43 percent and Trump at 38 percent. The Meteor is particularly appealing to independent voters, functionally in a three-way tie at 27 percent to 35 percent for Clinton and 31 percent for Trump. Maybe that’s who the Libertarians should have nominated.”

the Donald's unfavorables are over 60% so I don't know what poll you cherry picked

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's are at about 55%, yes.... but that includes the 47% of the population that is registered GOP and probably wouldn't vote for her if she was the second coming.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

you're grasping at straws. your guy is a bigoted fascist. she was exonerated. the group temper tantrum being thrown by the right notwithstanding, little boy.
the problem with you wingers is..... you're so far gone that you don't know what left of center is.
Sweetie, I doubt you've been anything less than far Left in years. At least I've been left of center on several issues such as gay marriage and abortion.
Let's get a grip, loonies.

No revolution will occur.

No secession will occur.

An election will occur this fall, and we all will abide it.


This hive mentality = tyranny. And, you don't speak for many of us.

It's not tyranny just because your party can't win a general election. Conservatives are like children who want to ruin the game for everyone because they don't get their way.

Only in the minds of those who put party power before country. Sounds like you are one of those idjits..........
The far right are putting Trump and personal power before country, yes,
We understand that, in the secrecy of the voting booth, those professing their love for Johnson will go with their FIRST love - Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But it's cute to see them pretend.
You confuse "hate" with "pity."
Wrong, but haters often are wrong. They lie a lot too.

Pity is a compassionate feeling. You are simply hateful. Your choice.
That makes you a hater than since you lied about what I said.

You claim I said Hillary did absolutely nothing wrong -- not true;

and you claim I said it was all the fault is on the Republican side of the aisle. Also not true.

You wouldn't have to lie if truth and facts were on your side. :mm:

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