Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Islam is fake. Not a religion. Biggest hoax in world history.

How is what they believe any more fake than what you believe?

You are hopeless, as you continue to defend a pagan death cult.

Allah was the chief god of the Arab pagan pantheon. It was the moon god. Which is why Islam is represented by a crescent moon with a star in the middle of it, which is a lie.

The Jews are a Canaanite tribe who worshipped the Canaanite Pantheon. You're ridiculous.
Correct, which means they do not believe in the same God either.

As Jesus told them, they do not know the Father.

In Hosea God calls Israel his son. You're making a fool of yourself in some wasted effort to be superior or intellectual.

Hosea 11

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more I called Israel, the further they went from me.

Exodus 4:22
And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:
Allah makes it a point, on the Dome of the Rock, that Allah has no son.
The Christian God has a Son named Jesus, the Messiah.
So they can't be the same...

Jeremiah 31:9

They shall come with weeping,
And with supplications I will lead them.
I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters,
In a straight way in which they shall not stumble;
For I am a Father to Israel,
And Ephraim is My firstborn.
well, when you put it that way... :lol:
Yes, it does sound silly.

Now, here's the thing. There are a lot of positive things in Christianity. Treat people the way you'd want to be treated, extend charity to the less fortunate, forgive those who have wronged you. These are all good things.

But it's wrapped up in so much superstitious crazy, some inherited from Judaism, some they took from other pagan religions, and some they came up with on their own, that I just can't take it seriously.
God is the English noun for the generic "god"
The central figure, the 'deity', of Judaism and Christianity is the One identified by Moses. This One has no name, being much too great to be defined by a noun, and used an expression closer to being a verb, "I am".
"Allah" does not mean "I am". "Allah" means Allah in English.
No. Allah is the Arabic word for God.

There are millions of Arabic speaking Christians. Their word for God is Allah because they speak Arabic.

Do French speaking Christians worship a “different” God because their word for god is “dieu”? Of course not
Yes, it does sound silly.

Now, here's the thing. There are a lot of positive things in Christianity. Treat people the way you'd want to be treated, extend charity to the less fortunate, forgive those who have wronged you. These are all good things.

But it's wrapped up in so much superstitious crazy, some inherited from Judaism, some they took from other pagan religions, and some they came up with on their own, that I just can't take it seriously.
Charity and the golden rule are also essential to Judaism and Islam.
No. Allah is the Arabic word for God.

There are millions of Arabic speaking Christians. Their word for God is Allah because they speak Arabic.

Do French speaking Christians worship a “different” God because their word for god is “dieu”? Of course not
This failure to understand language and its hold ou humans is exactly what is best used against us by those who would subvert thought itself.
Cult Christians playing that baby game of ,

My Daddy is better than your Daddy .
Always look at the fruits:
Islam - rotten fruit
Atheism - rotten fruit
Christians - good fruit

That's the test. It never fails.
In Hosea God calls Israel his son. You're making a fool of yourself in some wasted effort to be superior or intellectual.

Hosea 11

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more I called Israel, the further they went from me.
Tell it to the Jews who don’t believe God is a Father.
Islam is fake. Not a religion. Biggest hoax in world history.

Close but I think the Romans win that contest hands down.

God diddled a virgin to father himself and become a fully human little baby boy only to abolish his own laws, perform some magic tricks, including turning himself into a matzo so that believers can sin with impunity for life as long as they celebrate his death as a perfect human sacrifice and then worship and eat him for spiritual life because he loved the Roman world so much of course!

Who wouldn't love a maudlin story about a god like that who became a widdle baby. Sniff sniff.

That Jesus, whoever he really was, must have really pissed off the Romans so much that they abolished all other religions and replaced them with just one dedicated to defying the Laws of the Hebrew God, persecuting "unbelievers", and celebrating the torture and death of Jesus, all for a nominal service charge (10% of your income for life, weekly spare change, your soul, your sanity, your freedom, and all of your children)

Judging by the goofy things the "believers" of over 30,000 denominations still have the audacity to claim in this day and age, apparently, this con, that began in 325CE, still works like a charm!

Woo hooo! Jesus, an innocent man, died a horrible death, (instead of me) so I can sin and be an asshole for life with impunity! Yay! Praise God! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?

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