Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Are the Jews part of this discussion, or Hindus, or Adventists?
Since you brought it up, the Jews will recognize God's Son when He returns to stop their complete slaughter in WW3.
You do know that the title "Son of God" is just a relational metaphor for the prophet described in Deuteronomy 18:18, a Jewish man like Moses who would come to 'reveal all of Gods commands' indicating a rank and intimacy with God above that of other prophets called "servants of God"

Don't you?
"The son of man" is how Jesus often spoke of himself.
Jesus did call himself son of man 81 times but also called himself the son of God here

"do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?" John 10:36
you got that from the NT? I don't remember that
The Identity of the Son of ManAnd in fact Jesus himself confirms this for us, explicitly associating himself with Daniel's “son of man” (Matt. 26:63–64). This is in fact his favorite self-designation, recurring some eighty times in the Gospels, and becomes on his lips a Messianic title.

Obviously, the above quotes an internet site.
You left out raising Christ from the dead for all to see for 40 days. I'm with that guy...
Well, no I didn't leave it out...

In all probability, it didn't happen. In fact, in the earliest editions of the first Gospel written, Mark makes no mention of Jesus rising from the dead in earlier editions. It just ends with the empty tomb.

So here are several plausible explanations.

1) Jesus's followers stole his body and spread rumors he came back from the dead.
2) Jesus didn't actually die on the cross (The Romans took him down after a day, while Crucifixion was usually a process that lasted days.
3) Jesus never really existed; his story was made up by later writers working off the teachings of Greek philosophy mixed with Judaic religion.
You do know that the title "Son of God" is just a relational metaphor for the prophet described in Deuteronomy 18:18, a Jewish man like Moses who would come to 'reveal all of Gods commands' indicating a rank and intimacy with God above that of other prophets called "servants of God"

Don't you?
I believe in this guy's Son:

Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus is not a metaphor...
Well, no I didn't leave it out...

In all probability, it didn't happen. In fact, in the earliest editions of the first Gospel written, Mark makes no mention of Jesus rising from the dead in earlier editions. It just ends with the empty tomb.

So here are several plausible explanations.

1) Jesus's followers stole his body and spread rumors he came back from the dead.
2) Jesus didn't actually die on the cross (The Romans took him down after a day, while Crucifixion was usually a process that lasted days.
3) Jesus never really existed; his story was made up by later writers working off the teachings of Greek philosophy mixed with Judaic religion.

There is another possibility.

Every single "eyewitness account" of Jesus after the crucifixion was an eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in dreams. Since the belief was that dreams were the medium through which God communicates with man, seeing Jesus in a dream would have convinced the disciples that Jesus survived death and was living in the eternal realm of God, the reward of the righteous.

Dead people do not eat fish, pop into and out of locked rooms, ask people to poke their mortal wounds, or float up into the sky. The only place where such things are possible is in a dream....

The empty tomb is a reference to pharisaic beliefs which Jesus compared to a white washed tomb. He first rose from the death of false beliefs, Jesus was nowhere to be found in that tomb.

then he rose from the death of this mortal coil and was received into an eternal abode, body.

According to the story that is.....
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I believe in this guy's Son:

Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus is not a metaphor...

Neither is Jesus God. Son of God was a relational metaphor for the awaited messiah. Simple.

In visions when God says "Son of man", etc., etc., he was just saying "hey human" etc., etc.,....

"God is not a man, so he does not lie; he is not human, so he does not change his mind."
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Well, no I didn't leave it out...

In all probability, it didn't happen. In fact, in the earliest editions of the first Gospel written, Mark makes no mention of Jesus rising from the dead in earlier editions. It just ends with the empty tomb.

So here are several plausible explanations.

1) Jesus's followers stole his body and spread rumors he came back from the dead.
2) Jesus didn't actually die on the cross (The Romans took him down after a day, while Crucifixion was usually a process that lasted days.
3) Jesus never really existed; his story was made up by later writers working off the teachings of Greek philosophy mixed with Judaic religion.
1. A Roman guard varied in number. It wasn't one sleepy guard. The Roman soldiers, <plural, went to the Temple to give them the news and the Priests tried to bribe them to keep quiet. If a Roman soldier was found sleeping on the job, they would wake him so he could see the dagger shoved in their stomach for dereliction of duty.
In order to steal a body, you had to physically move the giant boulder they used to block the opening. It was noisy. So there was no theft of the body.

2.He was tortured so badly, He didn't resemble a human when they nailed Him to the cross. He only lasted 6 hrs.

3. Thallus determined that the darkness that happened while Christ was on the cross, was an eclipse. Africanus, points out that such an explanation is unreasonable because Passover always occurs at the time of the full moon, and the full moon cannot come between the earth and the sun. So the explanation, according to Africanus, must be that the darkness was miraculous.
Flavius Josephus mentions Jesus twice in his works.
1. A Roman guard varied in number. It wasn't one sleepy guard. The Roman soldiers, <plural, went to the Temple to give them the news and the Priests tried to bribe them to keep quiet. If a Roman soldier was found sleeping on the job, they would wake him so he could see the dagger shoved in their stomach for dereliction of duty.

First, it was unlikely they were Roman Legionaires guarding a Crucifixion. This was the kind of garbage duty they gave to auxilleries.

Second according to the Bible accounts, they wanted to hurry this thing up, because of the Passover holiday. It's why they broke the legs of the other two prisoners, but Jesus was already dead. So a soldier, in a hurry to finish an unwanted detail, no medical training, says, "Yup, he looks dead to me!" and let's his friends take the body.

Certainly a lot more plausible than "rose from the dead"!

2.He was tortured so badly, He didn't resemble a human when they nailed Him to the cross. He only lasted 6 hrs.

Gee, you would think that Demigods are made of sterner stuff.
You've been watching Mel Gibson's torture porn again, haven't you?


3. Thallus determined that the darkness that happened while Christ was on the cross, was an eclipse. Africanus, points out that such an explanation is unreasonable because Passover always occurs at the time of the full moon, and the full moon cannot come between the earth and the sun. So the explanation, according to Africanus, must be that the darkness was miraculous.
Flavius Josephus mentions Jesus twice in his works.

First, one of the two references to Jesus in Josephus was added by later transcribers. The other mentions a general "Jesus", (Yeshua) who may or may not have been the same person as Christ.

Secondly, we don't actually HAVE Thallus' writings, they've been lost. What we have is Sextus Julius Africanus's account of what in Thallus' history. This is hearsay on top of hearsay! I wouldn't even convict Trump on testimony like that!
No. Allah is the Arabic word for God.

There are millions of Arabic speaking Christians. Their word for God is Allah because they speak Arabic.

Do French speaking Christians worship a “different” God because their word for god is “dieu”? Of course not
Except that there is no God in Islam. It's a scam. A hoax. Designed to force people to adhere to it, because nobody wants to go up against God, right ?
Close but I think the Romans win that contest hands down.

God diddled a virgin to father himself and become a fully human little baby boy only to abolish his own laws, perform some magic tricks, including turning himself into a matzo so that believers can sin with impunity for life as long as they celebrate his death as a perfect human sacrifice and then worship and eat him for spiritual life because he loved the Roman world so much of course!

Who wouldn't love a maudlin story about a god like that who became a widdle baby. Sniff sniff.

That Jesus, whoever he really was, must have really pissed off the Romans so much that they abolished all other religions and replaced them with just one dedicated to defying the Laws of the Hebrew God, persecuting "unbelievers", and celebrating the torture and death of Jesus, all for a nominal service charge (10% of your income for life, weekly spare change, your soul, your sanity, your freedom, and all of your children)

Judging by the goofy things the "believers" of over 30,000 denominations still have the audacity to claim in this day and age, apparently, this con, that began in 325CE, still works like a charm!

Woo hooo! Jesus, an innocent man, died a horrible death, (instead of me) so I can sin and be an asshole for life with impunity! Yay! Praise God! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. :rolleyes:

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