Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Be as skeptical as you like.

That aside, isn't what Jesus said, in the NEW TESTICLE, a more rational way to understand kosher law that actually reflects practical wisdom worthy of a loving and benevolent God?

You would attribute that saying to Constantine, a pagan? Not a Jew? Your analysis sucks.
Yes---I would attribute it to Constantine. The Romans were generally barbaric BUT they were not entirely stupid. They had an affinity for the thoughtful culture of Greece and its philosophies. The issues most resistant
to INTERVENTION when acculturating any people is THEIR FOOD CUSTOMS.
Christianity would never have SOLD amongst the Romans if they were told
to "GO KOSHER" Constantine needed a religion to bind his nation and
imperialist military----He did not need to deprive that nation and military of
its customary food
The Koran says be kind to the Christians. They are nearest us in faith. Muslims revere Jesus, Mary and the patriarchs.

Over 1400 years, marauding Muslims have killed
  • 10 Million Buddhists
  • 60 Million Christians
  • 80 Million Hindus
  • 120 Million Africans
In recent years >>
On February 3, 2016, the European Union recognized the persecution of religious minorities, including Christians, by the Islamic State as genocide.[7][8][9] The vote was unanimous. The United States House of Representatives followed suit on March 15, 2016, declaring that these atrocities against minorities were genocide.[10] On April 20, 2016, the British Parliament unanimously voted to denounce the actions against minorities as genocide.[11]

Christianity would never have SOLD amongst the Romans if they were told

Of course they would have gone for GO KOSHER according to the (alleged) teaching of Jesus that the subject of Kosher law was not about food, just like many dedicated Jewish people did.

Its easy.

Don't "just believe" anything and fill your head with garbage without ruminating or your mind will be defiled and contaminated to the point of uselessness, and you will surely die, go insane.

How hard is it to not "just believe" without RUMINATING?

What type of creature are you? Clean or unclean? THINK!
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The gospels were written between 70-100 AD.

Exactly. Written by unknown authors who witnessed the brutal destruction of Judea and the enslavement, exile and slaughter of hundred of thousands of Jewish men women and children.

I see it as malware uploaded directly into the belly of the beast, the first century nuclear option.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword" (Jesus H. Christ)

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

"Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant"

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."
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Exactly. Written by unknown authors who witnessed the brutal destruction of Judea and the enslavement, exile and slaughter of hundred of thousands of Jewish men women and children.

I see it as malware uploaded directly into the belly of the beast, the first century nuclear option.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword" (Jesus H. Christ)

"Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


The temple wouldn't have been destroyed except the Jews were fighting each other and the Romans. Christians didn't do anything. They left Jerusalem and went to Pella.
The Koran says be kind to the Christians. They are nearest us in faith. Muslims revere Jesus, Mary and the patriarchs.
Muslims revere MUSLIM ISSA and MUSLIMAH MARYAM. Graduates of islamic grammar schools KNOW that the NT is a GROSS, PERVERSE LIE ---
A trivial example---MUSLIM ISSA would NEVAH transform water to wine because MUSLIM ISSA would nevah touch wine. Muslim Issa would never
advise "turn the cheek" Muslim Issa would advise SLIT THE GUY'S THROAT.
I learned about islam from several credible sources---muslims, mosques and
many persons educated in muslim countries. Not only do muslims revere muslim Issa and muslimah maryam----they even revere various and sundry
"muslim scholars"----who---as it turns out are not and never were muslims---
irosie91 CarlinAnnArbor

Abyssinia, a Christian county known today to be in Ethiopia, was ruled by a just and fair king known as The Negus. Fleeing persecution, Muslims sought a place to worship and practice their faith in peace.

It is narrated that Prophet Mohammed advised a group of Muslims to secretly immigrate to Abyssinia, for their “king will not tolerate injustice.” His main aim was to allow his companions to perform their religious duties without torture and abuse.

It is narrated that Prophet Mohammed advised a group of Muslims to secretly immigrate to Abyssinia, for their “king will not tolerate injustice.” His main aim was to allow his companions to perform their religious duties without torture and abuse.

Fascinating! An Episcopalian apologist for a barbaric pedophile. I never heard of such a thing!

This is a strange new contemptible creature with no eyes. Alert the media! A new species has been found lurking in the dark depths of a slimy pond hidden within a cavity under the earth.


Don't bother.
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Fascinating! An Episcopalian apologist for a barbaric pedophile. I never heard of such a thing!

This is a strange new contemptible creature with no eyes. A new species has been found lurking in the dark depths of a slimy pond hidden deep within a cavity under the earth. Alert the media!

Don't bother.
Be not confounded. -----the Brits never got over their fondest memory---
LOST----THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE---uhm---union jack?
Fascinating! An Episcopalian apologist for a barbaric pedophile. I never heard of such a thing!

This is a strange new contemptible creature with no eyes. Alert the media! A new species has been found lurking in the dark depths of a slimy pond hidden within a cavity under the earth.

Don't bother.

Muhammad protected the Christians of Najran after the Jewish king of Yemen burned 2000 of them.
Islam has nothing to do with God. It is not even a religion. It is a deranged ideology masquerading as a religion. Since Muslims cannot come to terms with this, mankind will always be plagued with their Koranic lunacies.

The Christians of Najran were massacred in 524 by the Himyarite king, Yusuf As'ar Dhu Nuwas. An Sabaic inscription commissioned by one of the kings army commanders, Ja 1028, celebrates the massacre. When Dhu Nuwas invaded, he called upon its people to abandon Christianity and embrace Judaism.


Fall of Dhu Nuwas
Dhu Nuwas' reign, and his persecution of Christians, was brought to an end after he was defeated by an Ethiopian army. The emperor of Byzantium, Justin I, requested his ally, the Abyssinian ruler Kaleb of Axum, to invade Najran, kill Dhu-Nuwas, and annex Himyar.[8] According to the Book of the Himyarites, Najrani Christian refugees (including one by the name of Umayyah) arrived in Aksum and requested aid from its king.

In either case, the Abyssinians sent an army of 7000 men led by Abraha, the Christian viceroy of the Negus of Axum, defeated Dhu Nuwas's forces and restored Christian rule in Najran.

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