No Decapitated babies in Israel. Alex Jones, what do you think?

I don't know much about the Jews other than I like Bagels and Cream cheese and corned beef.
What is interesting is they are saying they wont investigate the killings and one person says
you are not supposed to take pictures of dead bodies.

How do you prove any of it took place if you won't investigate it and you won't collect evidence?

Biden was caught lying about it as well

Like I said....Desperate.
I don't know much about the Jews other than I like Bagels and Cream cheese and corned beef.
What is interesting is they are saying they wont investigate the killings and one person says
you are not supposed to take pictures of dead bodies.

How do you prove any of it took place if you won't investigate it and you won't collect evidence?
who says evidence was not collected? The issue here for
"jewish law" is what gets displayed. It is good if you would
like to read the NT with any understanding to know a bit
about Jewish law and custom. Jews are PICKY about gawking
at mutilated humans because it seems "sacrilege" since
(sic) "man is made in "GOD'S" image. That's one of
the reasons why jews cannot nail people to wooden crosses---
Taking into consideration all of the children being trafficked all over the world and the US, I wouldn't be surprised if Hamas sold those babies to be used by Satanists in their sick rituals.
You are reaching mud.

The children that were murdered were a definite number, from well off loving homes. The STATE not only knows the exact number, they know names and who the parents are, and if any parents were killed as well. They know who the grand parents are as well. There are families worried about their children and grandchildren, and I have no doubt, they knew their last location.

They know exactly methods of who and how folks were killed. This is an effort to inflate the numbers for propaganda purposes. We need to be calm, cool, and rational, and understand, that BOTH SIDES, will try to weaponize the facts for political purposes. Remember what Carl von Clausewitz said about war?

What the Hell Just Happened #Israel​

". . . How are we supposed to understand what it means that the official death toll from the massive attack/massacre/pogrom from Hamas is over 300, the injured over 1500, and the kidnapped approaching 200?! How are we supposed to even move out of a paralyzed state of shock and horror as we see our feeds FILLED with gorgeous faces and desperate pleas for any information people may have about loved ones? "

If independent media can find this stuff out, corporate, government and intel can find it out, if they want. IMO.

On Hearing President Trump In Person -- And Not Hating It​

And on Analyzing My Own Indoctrination​

". . . I realized that I had been told that President Trump was unlikable, indeed hateful, for so long that aversion was my conditioned reflex; almost Pavlovian.

There were two issues, though, on which President Trump misjudged, in my opinion, if he wishes to be reelected by a wide enough margin to overcome electronic voting machines’ hostile or unverifiable algorithms. One issue is the “woman issue.” When President Trump mentioned Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, he said something offhandedly, and without presenting evidence, such as, “She doesn’t know anything.” This got a huge wave of laughter and applause from the friendly audience; but it reminded me of my “issues” with President Trump that will not go away if he does not take certain steps to repair the damage caused by the past.

In his dismissive tone, he sounded to many women, no doubt, including me, like that 70-something guy in the most senior role at your firm at your first job, or the guy running your college or your graduate school, who will never ever ever treat women, and especially not young women, meritocratically. It felt old-school, and not in a good way.. . ."


I am bothering because, while I must remain nonpartisan, as an objective observer of the terrible crisis in which the United States finds itself, I believe that a ticket of two reviled outsiders — okay, I will go there: a Trump-RFK Jr ticket (again, I promised to write what I am most afraid to write) — is the one chance we have at this historical moment, at circumventing the murderous plans that the WEF and The WHO have for us.

Some leadership pairings solve existential personality problems. When Al Gore and his wife joined Bill Clinton and his wife on the campaign trail, many voters sighed with relief. Bill Clinton was all Id, and here was a grown-up to balance him out — a Superego. Together they made a comprehensive leadership team.

The same sigh of relief was experienced by many voters when the adolescent-seeming George Bush Jr was joined by VP prospect Dick Cheney. I personally think Mr Cheney is an appalling character, but at the time he was presented as the VP pick, I saw the genius of placing someone whom voters read as being mature and steadying, next to the mouthy Texan boy wonder.

I hope both candidates’ teams will consider, for the good of the country, what I am recommending, with nonpartisan concern for our very survival as a free nation, here.

I hope everyone will reflect in general on whom they are being asked reflexively to hate, or to dismiss, or to disdain; and reflect deeply on why that might be.


President Trump accepted his award, and thanked the black-clad men and modestly-dressed women around him, and left.

I went to take a picture with Brian. We stood against a beautiful formal fountain; against the profusion of dahlias and ivy that clustered around it; as a reddish-gold sun set over the pristine, elegiac landscape.

I mused, as we went back to our room, amid the crickets’ voices that sounded and the velvety night that deepened — on President Trump’s life choices. He was leaving one beautiful, profitable property, to go, no doubt, to another; he had a beautiful wife and young family at home.

He was 77 years old.

And yet he was running for re-election, with all of the rigors that that entailed; with the risk, now a certainty, of legal challenges, if not worse. If he had just faded into obscurity as a private citizen, for sure he would not be facing a Grand Jury indictment, as he is right now.

So I wondered a month ago, as wind soughed softly on on that warm New Jersey evening: why is he doing this?

As he often notes himself — he has a great life, and he does not need to run again.

And I could not help, though it was against every conditioned reflex of many years, considering:

Maybe he is doing this because he loves his country."

(This is written by someone who worked in WH media communications, they know a little about media propaganda.)

Please Calm Down: The Importance of Staying Centered in a Global Crisis​

"First fragment: the images of Jewish civilians held or bound in contexts of unmitigated sadism, against a background of formerly peaceful civilian streets, felt to me, as it did to many Jews no doubt, like images from 1939-1940 Europe, but colorized.

I wrote on Twitter that these images and the attacks across on Israel’s southern border would force a sea change among American Jews. We have had a good, safe, thriving 80 years or so, in the United States. So we’ve had the privilege of not being forced to vote at the level of survival.

I was struck that President Trump, whom I have been taught to hate, was welcomed incredibly warmly by religious Jews at a speaking event which I attended; these were Jews who remembered Europe, remembered the pogroms, remembered the time when “in every generation, they rise up to destroy us”. As I wrote in the linked essay, I’d been impressed to reflect on the fact that President Trump had moved the Israeli Capitol to Jerusalem, and brought about the Abraham Accords – which did in fact create a fragile peace, which peace was good for Palestinians as well as for Israelis – – and that he had been an unshakable and very strong ally for Israel. As no doubt for many Jews watching the current scenes of horrors across Israel’s southern border, and instability rolling out in a terrifying counterattack over Gaza, that record of what that Republican President had achieved — compared with the pathetic and dangerous abandonment of the Jewish State and I’d say, of Palestine’s real interests too — on the watch of a Democratic President — for me, required re-evaluation.


Second fragment: no messaging about conflict has no intentionality. In other words, we no longer live in a time of neutral documentation of war or of guerrilla atrocities, if we ever did. There is no Hemingway or Orwell as war correspondents these days, reflecting the reality on the ground as accurately as possible with no aim higher than fine reportage.

In other words — and I always get in trouble for pointing this out but it is always true — every image you see in your media stream is both very likely to be real and horrific and to be taken extremely seriously, and also simultaneously it is likely to have been released by whoever took it or has custody of it, in order to get a certain response from the world community at large. That is not a conspiracy theory. That is how government messaging works, and the people who call me a conspiracy theorist for pointing this out, have never worked alongside a White House message shop.

Israel should of course be messaging the world about the atrocities committed at its very heart; that is Israel’s job as a nation right now. But Palestine also has a message team, one that is also sophisticated and well-funded and whose job is also to generate a narrative to spur global public sympathy. Palestine also believes that telling the story of what has also been in the past and no doubt in the future — real damage to its people — is its job.

This does not mean that all of these horrors are not real or are not unbearably serious. What it does mean is that you need, as a consumer of stories and images that all represent themselves as “news”, right now especially, to try to strengthen the activity of your prefrontal cortex. Images of savagery, especially against the innocent — especially against women and children and the elderly — hijack our brain’s processing. They activate (perhaps differently in men and in women) the amygdala, the reptilian, older part of the brain, which is concerned with flight or fight. As a result, when you see images or hear stories of terrorized or raped or abused Israeli innocents, many of you will feel momentarily better — the tension of compassion and helplessness will be eased vicariously — at the thought of “liquidating Gaza.” The same will be the case for supporters of Palestine when the innocent women and children victims of the “hammering” — as CNN puts it — of Gaza, surface, as they surely will soon.


". . . These 80-plus SIAs are somewhere in America, waved through.

SIA’s are illegal immigrants who are terrorists, or who are aligned with terrorists. Carrell explained that under normal conditions when an “SIA” is apprehended, everything stops. Law enforcement is notified up to the level of the FBI. The SIA is taken into custody or deported and everyone knows where he is.

So nothing really prevents an orchestrated uprising of what might be embedded terrorists in our midst, from taking place. Indeed, JJ Carrell expects it.

Whether or not this happens, the emotional chaos caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — protests that may turn violent — and so on if we react histrionically and choose sides in an aggressive, “othering” posture, are in turn a perfect pretext for US cities to declare emergencies.

And you know what happens then."

So for our own sakes in the US, as well as for those of the Israelis and of Palestinians – please calm the f— down.

Stay grounded, and listen to everyone, think critically, and be centered.

Do not react impulsively; do not ever cheer the “othering” of women and children and civilians in general, on any “side”.

And again, if you want to really help the injured and honor the dead —

Pray the heck for peace."
who says evidence was not collected? The issue here for
"jewish law" is what gets displayed. It is good if you would
like to read the NT with any understanding to know a bit
about Jewish law and custom. Jews are PICKY about gawking
at mutilated humans because it seems "sacrilege" since
(sic) "man is made in "GOD'S" image. That's one of
the reasons why jews cannot nail people to wooden crosses---
Did you read the article?

They are not investigating it. No investigation No evidence.
Did you read the article?

They are not investigating it. No investigation No evidence.
"not investigating" what? Like render each dead body a
CORONER's case complete with autopsy and INQUEST.? You
have a really funny notion of life in the midst of a disaster
  1. Babies may or may not have been decapitated.
  2. No investigation
  3. No pictures but...
  4. President of the USA was caught lying about seeing pictures...
Decapitated Babies has "Conspiracy" written all over it.

Alex Jones, I think we got some new material to work with.

"not investigating" what? Like render each dead body a
CORONER's case complete with autopsy and INQUEST.? You
have a really funny notion of life in the midst of a disaster
Joe Biden was caught lying about decapitated baby photos.

Alex Jones, what do you think?​

What on earth has Alex got to do with it ?
You should be aware by now that he is Intel Agencies control opposition and will only give you 80% of the real story , say , in order to slip in the CIA scripted additions .

Of course the specific beheaded babies story is drivel but tremendously effective because the Gullibles lap it up without thought or DYOR, and it promotes anger and hysteria .
Bingo .Just like any decent False Flag should .
Yes like the Iraqi ripping babies out of incubators in Kuwait, problem is once it's out there even after it's proved to be nonsense the damage is done, just like the Srebrenica scam.
Yes like the Iraqi ripping babies out of incubators in Kuwait, problem is once it's out there even after it's proved to be nonsense the damage is done, just like the Srebrenica scam.
it's important to get the filth out there
The State of Israel was built on terror, Irgun terrorists blew up the King David Hotel Manechem Begin was leader at the time, a Polish Zionist who went on to become Prime minister, another Zionist terrorist also became Prime minister Shamir, they murdered two British sergeants by hanging them in a olive grove, that was after keeping them buried alive for two weeks breathing through oxygen tanks which for most people would be worse than death, some Zionist terrorists were attacking British forces even while the war was going on against the Nazis, this is Zionist history no one talks about now.

The State of Israel was built on terror, Irgun terrorists blew up the King David Hotel Manechem Begin was leader at the time, a Polish Zionist who went on to become Prime minister, another Zionist terrorist also became Prime minister Shamir, they murdered two British sergeants by hanging them in a olive grove, that was after keeping them buried alive for two weeks breathing through oxygen tanks which for most people would be worse than death, some Zionist terrorists were attacking British forces even while the war was going on against the Nazis, this is Zionist history no one talks about now.

Wrong again----everyone talks about them. I was brought up
entirely secular---but did a little Hebrew class in my mid teens.
The teacher was very orthodox and very zionistic----I learned all
about the various IRGUN 'atrocities' from him. They are never
GLORIFIED ----the players are not heroes for their actions---
but muslims who rape, murder, pillage and mutilate are

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