No End To Democrat Denial / Inability to Accept Reaity: Refuse to Acknowledge Dem FISA Ct Abuses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"House Democrats won't acknowledge the abuses of the law because that would not suit their "narrative to discredit the president What they don’t want to deal with is the actual FISA process and FISA court itself because they don’t want to acknowledge the Horowitz report."
- (R-GA) Doug Collins

Collins believes the Democrats and snowflakes intentionally deny the Democrats, beginning with Barry and his 'most FOIA & FRA criminally non-compliant administration that initiated the 1st failed coup attempt against President Trump, committed undeniable crimes consisting of Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Altering official documents and testimony, withholding exculpatory evidence, manufacturing false information, leaking classified information, sedition, and treason - violating both Constitution and existing law.

IMHO the Democrats and snowflakes have proven to be mentally unstable, triggered, suffering from terminal TDS, resulting in the inability to accept fact and reality, as demonstrated by their refusal / inability to accept how DNC e-mails exposed racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic e-mail content and that the DNC rigged their primaries for Hillary, how Hillary's 2016 loss, the Weismann-Mueller report findings of zero evidence of illegal collusion, the Horowitz reports exposing numerous crimes committed by the FBI and others, crimes including FISA Court abuses (the continuation of decades of FISA Court Abuses which also occurred under FBI Director Mueller), etc....

Collins is partially right.....the Democrats have proven in the past that they love to try to ignore their crimes and hope people just forget about it and that the wuss GOP do not try to hold them accountable....which usually works. Jonathon Gruber opined numerous times how the Democrats count on the stupidity of its party members to getaway with what they do....

Doug Collins: Dems 'playing games,' refuse to acknowledge FISA abuses in Trump-Russia probe
If / When the very 1st prominent Democrat conspirator is indicted, I can only hope the DOJ sends a 20 - 30-man fully armored / armed SWAT team to his home and FOX News just happens to have a full camera crew in the neighborhood when it goes down....

Democrats acknowledge that there are a lot of problems with FISA...but Congress keeps reauthorizing it and some Republicans even want to make it permanent without needing re-authorization.

FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017[edit]
The government initiated efforts in late 2016 and throughout 2017 to persuade Congress to extend the surveillance authority in Title VII of the Act, which (pursuant to the 2008 and 2012 amendments noted above) was slated to expire on December 31, 2017.[74] Tom Cotton, a Republican Senator from Arkansas, introduced a bill to permanently extend the provisions of Title VII with no changes, but the bill did not advance, as many in Congress were seeking reforms to address privacy concerns.[75] The United States House Committee on the Judiciary introduced an extension bill with significant proposed reforms,[76][77] as did the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, but ultimately a version of the extension with less significant reforms was advanced by United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and in effect that version, through a complex series of amendments[78] was ultimately enacted into law .[79] The Senate agreed to a House amendment on January 18, 2018 and the President signed the legislation, the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 (Public Law 115-118), into law on January 19, 2018.[42]
Democrats acknowledge that there are a lot of problems with FISA...

Thank you for making the thread topic's point....

'There are a lot of problems with FISA' is FAR from admitting former President Obama's Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, NSA Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Agent Peter Strzok, and FBI Agent Kevin the very least....committed FISA Court Abuses that consisted of Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Falsifying official documents, altering testimony, withholding exculpatory evidence, leaking classified information, sedition, and even, arguably, treason.....which is what they have been proven to have done.
Certain aspects of FISA expire. Nadler of all people seems to be on board of what the gop wants changed.
"House Democrats won't acknowledge the abuses of the law because that would not suit their "narrative to discredit the president What they don’t want to deal with is the actual FISA process and FISA court itself because they don’t want to acknowledge the Horowitz report."
- (R-GA) Doug Collins

Collins believes the Democrats and snowflakes intentionally deny the Democrats, beginning with Barry and his 'most FOIA & FRA criminally non-compliant administration that initiated the 1st failed coup attempt against President Trump, committed undeniable crimes consisting of Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Altering official documents and testimony, withholding exculpatory evidence, manufacturing false information, leaking classified information, sedition, and treason - violating both Constitution and existing law.

IMHO the Democrats and snowflakes have proven to be mentally unstable, triggered, suffering from terminal TDS, resulting in the inability to accept fact and reality, as demonstrated by their refusal / inability to accept how DNC e-mails exposed racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic e-mail content and that the DNC rigged their primaries for Hillary, how Hillary's 2016 loss, the Weismann-Mueller report findings of zero evidence of illegal collusion, the Horowitz reports exposing numerous crimes committed by the FBI and others, crimes including FISA Court abuses (the continuation of decades of FISA Court Abuses which also occurred under FBI Director Mueller), etc....

Collins is partially right.....the Democrats have proven in the past that they love to try to ignore their crimes and hope people just forget about it and that the wuss GOP do not try to hold them accountable....which usually works. Jonathon Gruber opined numerous times how the Democrats count on the stupidity of its party members to getaway with what they do....

Doug Collins: Dems 'playing games,' refuse to acknowledge FISA abuses in Trump-Russia probe
Trump's grabbed them by the kitty on this one.



For his next trick, Trump will make the Democrats defend the Patriot Act.


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