No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump

Old news. We knew this month's ago. Msm must be getting desperate to start the shit show machine again.

Don't fall for it. Fuck the msm
Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump

Trump, and his administration, claims the Former President did; they are incorrect.

How many times has Trump lied?

Comey testified it wasn't true after Trump TWEETED this:

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

Since Comey stated it wasn't true, Comey has been vilified. As we knew it wasn't true months ago some claim, when did Trump apologize for his repeated TWEETS?
This was 6 months of investigation, on TAXPAYERS' DOLLARS; to me more serious than the Russia matter and several other problems Trump has. Who else that Trump doesn't like/is jealous of, is being investigated on Federal time, with Federal resources?
Trump posts his thoughts on twitter anyway.

This is a false report of a crime; DOJ spent six months and taxpayer money on this. It has little to do with libel, tough to libel a former President, but may be ABUSE OF POWER.
Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump

Trump, and his administration, claims the Former President did; they are incorrect.
So the very same agencies that lied to the American people by claiming they weren't being spied on (before Wikileaks showed they were) are now telling us they didn't spy on Trump's staff, when we already know they did. They illegally outed Flynn by name, information that could only be found out by wiretapping.
Old news. We knew this month's ago. Msm must be getting desperate to start the shit show machine again.

Don't fall for it. Fuck the msm
If you have evidence of Trump being wiretapped please share and perhaps you won`t look like a full blown idiot.
Old news. We knew this month's ago. Msm must be getting desperate to start the shit show machine again.

Don't fall for it. Fuck the msm
If you have evidence of Trump being wiretapped please share and perhaps you won`t look like a full blown idiot.
Can you read? Where in my post did I suggest such.
You loons are so stupid you can't even comprehend a simple post.
Trump tells lies that he knows his small ignorant base will believe, just like Obama's birth certificate shit.
"No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump"

Of course not.

This is just another of Trump’s countless lies.
So, on this issue, waste of tax dollars does not bother conservatives?
Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump

Trump, and his administration, claims the Former President did; they are incorrect.
So the very same agencies that lied to the American people by claiming they weren't being spied on (before Wikileaks showed they were) are now telling us they didn't spy on Trump's staff, when we already know they did. They illegally outed Flynn by name, information that could only be found out by wiretapping.

Its Trump's DOJ.
Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump

Trump, and his administration, claims the Former President did; they are incorrect.
So the very same agencies that lied to the American people by claiming they weren't being spied on (before Wikileaks showed they were) are now telling us they didn't spy on Trump's staff, when we already know they did. They illegally outed Flynn by name, information that could only be found out by wiretapping.

Its Trump's DOJ.

Bullshit, it is run by the same crooks as before. All about covering the asses of corrupt Dems and GOP elites.
Both DOJ & the FBI say NO WIRETAPS, where is some evidence?

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