No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

On the contrary, i'm saying those individuals are smarter and more informed than you and I and all the other dipshits like us that try and pretend they know whats going on.
Those individuals who are smarter than us, as I pointed out, have all testified THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, THERE NEVER WAS ANY EVIDENCE, AND THERE STILL - AGAIN - IS NO EVIDENCE.
On the contrary, i'm saying those individuals are smarter and more informed than you and I and all the other dipshits like us that try and pretend they know whats going on.
Those individuals who are smarter than us, as I pointed out, have all testified THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, THERE NEVER WAS ANY EVIDENCE, AND THERE STILL - AGAIN - IS NO EVIDENCE.
Tell the whole story... They said they have seen no evidence of collusion. Dem leaders have said the same thing. This is why your stupid "No evidence" argument is so lame, nobody is claiming there is evidence of collusion, which is why what you keep bouncing back to is a bad attempt to divert from whats really going on.

You yell NO EVIDENCE, then try and use that to say the investigation is fake, a hoax, should never have been, and should be shut down. But nobody on the Right or in our intel agencies are making those assertions... Know why? Because there is important stuff that is being investigated. I already laid out what and why but you obviously don't get it because all you can respond with is the knee jerk reaction... "BULLSHIT"
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On the contrary, i'm saying those individuals are smarter and more informed than you and I and all the other dipshits like us that try and pretend they know whats going on.
Those individuals who are smarter than us, as I pointed out, have all testified THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, THERE NEVER WAS ANY EVIDENCE, AND THERE STILL - AGAIN - IS NO EVIDENCE.
Tell the whole story... They said they have seen no evidence of collusion. Dem leaders have said the same thing. This is why your stupid "No evidence" argument is so lame, nobody is claiming there is evidence of collusion, which is why what you keep bouncing back to is a bad attempt to divert from whats really going on.

You yell NO EVIDENCE, then try and use that to say the investigation is fake, a hoax, should never have been, and should be shut down. But nobody on the Right or in our intel agencies are making those assertions... Know why? Because there is important stuff that is being investigated. I already laid out what and why but you obviously don't get it because all you can respond with is the knee jerk reaction... "BULLSHIT"
Again, you continue to provide BS the Firectors of the FBI, CIA, DIA, & BSA said as recently as Tuesday does NOT exist.

"There is no evidence of collusion."

Pardon me if I take the words of those, according to YOU, who are a lot smarter than you.

On the contrary, i'm saying those individuals are smarter and more informed than you and I and all the other dipshits like us that try and pretend they know whats going on.
Those individuals who are smarter than us, as I pointed out, have all testified THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, THERE NEVER WAS ANY EVIDENCE, AND THERE STILL - AGAIN - IS NO EVIDENCE.
Tell the whole story... They said they have seen no evidence of collusion. Dem leaders have said the same thing. This is why your stupid "No evidence" argument is so lame, nobody is claiming there is evidence of collusion, which is why what you keep bouncing back to is a bad attempt to divert from whats really going on.

You yell NO EVIDENCE, then try and use that to say the investigation is fake, a hoax, should never have been, and should be shut down. But nobody on the Right or in our intel agencies are making those assertions... Know why? Because there is important stuff that is being investigated. I already laid out what and why but you obviously don't get it because all you can respond with is the knee jerk reaction... "BULLSHIT"
Again, you continue to provide BS the Firectors of the FBI, CIA, DIA, & BSA said as recently as Tuesday does NOT exist.

"There is no evidence of collusion."

Pardon me if I take the words of those, according to YOU, who are a lot smarter than you.

Just like a script you respond exactly like I said you would... you sure you're not a bot? whats 2 + 6?

I just said that "There is no evidence of collusion." Nobody is disputing that... did you not read my last statement? Try to read it again but read slower this time or have somebody explain it to you... I don't think i can make it any clearer.
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"

Don't worry.

Wheels of justice move slow.

But they'll get there.
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
ANOTHER new day...STILL no evidence. :p

According to Cummings' letter, Flynn told security investigators that "I didn't take any money from Russia" in connection with the event. Yet Cummings wrote that his committee has documents showing how the $45,000 payment was transferred from RT to Flynn's lobbying firm, as well as an email in which an RT official states, "We will be covering the payment of General Flynn's fee."

Flynn downplayed his dinner with Putin during his security check, telling investigators that during his foreign trips he "had only unsubstantial contact with foreign nationals."


Cummings wrote, "It is difficult to understand how General Flynn could have believed that his dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin was an 'insubstantial contact.'"

Here's the photo that may help unlock the Trump-Russia scandal

There's plenty of evidence, you just ignore it.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless

Where have I seen something like this before?

Accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's friends hid damning evidence, feds say

Authorities allege that on the night of April 18, after the FBI released surveillance-camera photos of the bombing suspects and the three men suspected their friend was one of them, they went to Tsarnaev's dorm room.

Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev were charged with conspiring to obstruct justice by concealing and destroying evidence. A third man, Robel Phillipos, was charged with lying to investigators about the visit to Tsarnaev's room.

Phillipos faces a maximum of eight years behind bars and a $250,000 fine.

It wasn't what he did that made him a criminal, but that lying about it was a crime. Like the Trump associates, they know they did something terribly wrong, and lied to cover it up.
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless

Where have I seen something like this before?

Accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's friends hid damning evidence, feds say

Authorities allege that on the night of April 18, after the FBI released surveillance-camera photos of the bombing suspects and the three men suspected their friend was one of them, they went to Tsarnaev's dorm room.

Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev were charged with conspiring to obstruct justice by concealing and destroying evidence. A third man, Robel Phillipos, was charged with lying to investigators about the visit to Tsarnaev's room.

Phillipos faces a maximum of eight years behind bars and a $250,000 fine.

It wasn't what he did that made him a criminal, but that lying about it was a crime. Like the Trump associates, they know they did something terribly wrong, and lied to cover it up.
I actually don't think they necessarily did anything that was terribly wrong or even illegal, but It's all about appearance for Trump, which is why I think he lied about it and tried to cover up the meets. He knew the media would pounce in it and he wanted to avoid the bad narrative. He just made it worse.
no evidence of guilt and theres no evidence of innocence either....

RW idiots are too f'n stupid to process complex thought.
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It takes some time to manufacture evidence against a President. Be patient grasshopper.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless
lol You just can't put up a post without telling another lie, can you? There is no direct evidence the Russians "interfered" with the election, and none of the people investigated lied to the FBI about these meetings. On the contrary, the evidence is that the Obama administration interfered with the election and misused the CIA and FBI to this end.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless
lol You just can't put up a post without telling another lie, can you? There is no direct evidence the Russians "interfered" with the election, and none of the people investigated lied to the FBI about these meetings. On the contrary, the evidence is that the Obama administration interfered with the election and misused the CIA and FBI to this end.
What did I lie about in my last statement? You say there is no evidence that Russia interfered? Are you on crack? Post one quote/statement of ANYBODY besides Trump, who has access to the classified intelligence, who denies that Russian interference. ANYBODY.
The question was, do you know of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and when you cut through Brennan's bullshit, the answer is no. And for all his dancing and spinning, saying this was all based on some Americans having contacts with Russians was his only basis for suspecting collusion between the campaign and the Russian government amounts to saying there was never any basis for this investigation.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless
lol You just can't put up a post without telling another lie, can you? There is no direct evidence the Russians "interfered" with the election, and none of the people investigated lied to the FBI about these meetings. On the contrary, the evidence is that the Obama administration interfered with the election and misused the CIA and FBI to this end.
What did I lie about in my last statement? You say there is no evidence that Russia interfered? Are you on crack? Post one quote/statement of ANYBODY besides Trump, who has access to the classified intelligence, who denies that Russian interference. ANYBODY.
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you're just corrupt and dishonest. I say there is no evidence and you respond that people believe it happened, not that there is evidence. You use the word, interfere, instead of stating what you allege they did because there in no evidence the Russian government did anything illegal. What this all comes down to is that Obama's CIA director targeted the Trump campaign with false allegations for political reasons.
How many times does that question need to be asked and answered. Everybody including Dems say that they have not seen evidence of collusion. They aren't claiming that they have... Why do you keep asking it?
There are a few honest Democrats in Congress who have acknowledged there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but only a few. Like Brennan, you dance around rather than answer questions honestly. Brennan tries to justify the political witch hunt he ran by saying some people associated with the Trump campaign had had some conversations with Russians and in the past Russians had tried to recruit Americans to act on their behalf, therefore he suspected. . . what? That any American who talked to a Russian was a potential spy? How bizarre is it that Obama's CIA director makes the charges leveled at the Salem witch trials sound relatively sane and responsible?
You grossly simplify the situation. It isn't that people spoke to some Russians. It's the combo of a country actively interfering in the election, talking to trump people, and then trump people lying and covering up the meetings. How can they not look into it? If they didn't it would be extremely wreckless
lol You just can't put up a post without telling another lie, can you? There is no direct evidence the Russians "interfered" with the election, and none of the people investigated lied to the FBI about these meetings. On the contrary, the evidence is that the Obama administration interfered with the election and misused the CIA and FBI to this end.
What did I lie about in my last statement? You say there is no evidence that Russia interfered? Are you on crack? Post one quote/statement of ANYBODY besides Trump, who has access to the classified intelligence, who denies that Russian interference. ANYBODY.
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are being clever; you're just corrupt and dishonest. I say there is no evidence and you respond that people believe it happened, not that there is evidence. You use the word, interfere, instead of stating what you allege they did because there in no evidence the Russian government did anything illegal. What this all comes down to is that Obama's CIA director targeted the Trump campaign with false allegations for political reasons.
I just have faith in our intelligence agencies. Plus there is the FACT that you and I do not have access to classified intel so we can only trust our elected representatives and our institutions. You can't name ONE person who has access to intel that denies Russian interference in our election. That should tell you something. How you don't get it is pretty baffling.

Try again... Name ONE person... Quote him/her

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