No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

still being a dumbass huh easy ?

question/s ...

how many on going FBI investigations are being held right now ?

and the FBI has released how much information on those on going investigations ?

think real hard now ..................................................................
Well, I suppose if they had some evidence they would present their findings. They haven't after many months so think real hard now.
They typically present findings after an investigation is concluded. Why would you expect things to be different in this case?
Well, if they had the evidence they could conclude the investigation instead of dragging it out until the next election. You think there's an infinite amount of communication to go through? Comey came out about Hillary, then re-opend it. Investigations are not trials..

Investigations regularly take years- look at Benghazi- it took the Republicans multiple investigations and years to conclude multiple times that Clinton had not done anything wrong.
Liar. That's how we found out about Hillary's server and email problems. Which were illegal and wrong and dangerous to national security. You're an incredibly stupid and uninformed individual. Going out of your way to prove it here is just so special. Yes, we know libtards want to keep the Russian narrative going until the next election, we aren't all on your mental level. Fact is with all the leaking you don't think that would have gotten out? LOL, you poor bastard.
Oh, you mean that's how you found out about her email server which led to another over politicized investigation which also resulted in no charges?
Well, I suppose if they had some evidence they would present their findings. They haven't after many months so think real hard now.
They typically present findings after an investigation is concluded. Why would you expect things to be different in this case?
Well, if they had the evidence they could conclude the investigation instead of dragging it out until the next election. You think there's an infinite amount of communication to go through? Comey came out about Hillary, then re-opend it. Investigations are not trials..

Investigations regularly take years- look at Benghazi- it took the Republicans multiple investigations and years to conclude multiple times that Clinton had not done anything wrong.
Liar. That's how we found out about Hillary's server and email problems. Which were illegal and wrong and dangerous to national security. You're an incredibly stupid and uninformed individual. Going out of your way to prove it here is just so special. Yes, we know libtards want to keep the Russian narrative going until the next election, we aren't all on your mental level. Fact is with all the leaking you don't think that would have gotten out? LOL, you poor bastard.
Oh, you mean that's how you found out about her email server which led to another over politicized investigation which also resulted in no charges?
I didn't say me. You can't see through your blood shot eyes. It's how the country found out and Comey did list her transgressions but didn't want to recommend charges since it was just before the big political election. It's all been discussed here many times, sober up and try reading up on it. Or remain an ignorant buffoon.
They typically present findings after an investigation is concluded. Why would you expect things to be different in this case?
Well, if they had the evidence they could conclude the investigation instead of dragging it out until the next election. You think there's an infinite amount of communication to go through? Comey came out about Hillary, then re-opend it. Investigations are not trials..

Investigations regularly take years- look at Benghazi- it took the Republicans multiple investigations and years to conclude multiple times that Clinton had not done anything wrong.
Liar. That's how we found out about Hillary's server and email problems. Which were illegal and wrong and dangerous to national security. You're an incredibly stupid and uninformed individual. Going out of your way to prove it here is just so special. Yes, we know libtards want to keep the Russian narrative going until the next election, we aren't all on your mental level. Fact is with all the leaking you don't think that would have gotten out? LOL, you poor bastard.
Oh, you mean that's how you found out about her email server which led to another over politicized investigation which also resulted in no charges?
I didn't say me. You can't see through your blood shot eyes. It's how the country found out and Comey did list her transgressions but didn't want to recommend charges since it was just before the big political election. It's all been discussed here many times, sober up and try reading up on it. Or remain an ignorant buffoon.
I saw what went on, apparently I was the sober one. The whole thing was very politicized, Same as the Trump/Russia thing. You can't justify everything that the R's did to Hillary during the Benghazi/Email "investigations" and then criticize the Trump/Russia stuff. They are the same beast just being played on the other side. Own both or disapprove of both... or keep doing what your doing and show off your hypocrisy.
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax?
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
What evidence points to a hoax?
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
You keep repeating the same old lie. The Obama intelligence agencies investigated rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration, and that explains why months and months of investigations have produced no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts regarding the election and no evidence at all of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Again, you just can't get off the ground. They aren't "the Obama intelligence agencies", they are the intelligence agencies of the United States. The agents pledge allegiance to the constitution and country, not the president and the majority of agents transcend multiple administrations. How can anybody take your comments seriously when you keep making ignorant claims.
Still more lies from you. John Brennan was a political shill for Obama who cringed and quivered during his Congressional testimony when asked if he had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Loretta Lynch Obama's AG, caught in a private conversation with Bill Clinton while she was supposedly investigating Hillary had to recuse herself because she was so obviously corrupt, and Comey, who repeatedly made a fool of himself trying to cover up Hillary's crimes and then trying to retrieve some shreds of his reputation by writing that letter, and then, bizarrely, wilting under criticism from Democrats he gave the election to Trump, grandstanding about an investigation of collusion that never produced any evidence. The level of corruption the Obama administration introduced into the Justice Department and the CIA is astounding and may be unprecedented in our history.
You can't make it through the first line without saying something wildly inaccurate... Its a trend with you and is pretty comical. Brennan was pretty clear with how he answered. He saw convincing evidence including multiple contacts between Trump officials and Russians that warranted suspicion and investigation... The details he said he would disclose in the classified hearing... This is the head of the CIA, easy to call him a liar and dismiss but only the partisan puppets do that... Here's the quote incase you missed it. Theres your evidence that supports the investigation.... simple.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign,"

“I know what the Russians try to do. They try to suborn individuals and try to get individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf, wittingly or unwittingly,” he told the panel. “I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting US persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf.”

"I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau (FBI) to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place,"
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"

At this point ...we don't know

Collusion is just one of the possible charges

Possible outcome of the investigation

1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Lying on a security clearance
4. Participation in computer hacking
5. Aiding and abetting a crime
6. Accepting or offering a bribe
7. Collusion
8. Treason

Lets let it play out and see where it goes. It is still early
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"

At this point ...we don't know

Collusion is just one of the possible charges

Possible outcome of the investigation

1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Lying on a security clearance
4. Participation in computer hacking
5. Aiding and abetting a crime
6. Accepting or offering a bribe
7. Collusion
8. Treason

Lets let it play out and see where it goes. It is still early

Damn, that list of 'fish' the snowflakes now hope to catch on their 'fishing expedition' just keeps growing and growing as their desperation from not being able to come up with any evidence grows and grows. :p
1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Lying on a security clearance
4. Participation in computer hacking
5. Aiding and abetting a crime
6. Accepting or offering a bribe
7. Collusion
8. Treason

9, Israelis like rightwinger lie to us, steal from us, murder us, and want us to fight more wars to help Israel
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"
Are you still whining about No Evidence? Yawn, it's getting old.
We all see smoke, you want to see the fire. Many people are looking for the fire, we will all know soon enough if they find it.
Yes the dipshits will continue to say there's no evidence until it's staring at them in the face... then they'll make up some other dodge and deflection.
Dipshits don't want to admit many republicans are troubled by Tramp's Russian connections and welcome the special prosecutor and investigations.
Real Americans want to know the truth.
Tramp whores don't.

Did you hear what the press in Italy is calling the orange clown ?
Motto pazzo meaning very crazy.
What an embarrassment this guy is !
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"

At this point ...we don't know

Collusion is just one of the possible charges

Possible outcome of the investigation

1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Lying on a security clearance
4. Participation in computer hacking
5. Aiding and abetting a crime
6. Accepting or offering a bribe
7. Collusion
8. Treason

Lets let it play out and see where it goes. It is still early

Damn, that list of 'fish' the snowflakes now hope to catch on their 'fishing expedition' just keeps growing and growing as their desperation from not being able to come up with any evidence grows and grows. :p
Dude, what kind of evidence are you looking for? Let me make it really really simple for you...

- Russia reached out to Trump people in the process of their "interference"
- Trump and his people lied about their contacts with Russia
- No collusion has been found yet but these communications are being investigated

What more do you need?

Best case is no inappropriate actions were taken from Trump people and we learn more about what Russia was up to enabling us to combat it in the future

Worst case is we find evidence of inappropriate communications/actions between Russia and Trump officials and there may be criminal charges.

Get it now?
The media won't shift focus from getting Trump out of office.

Trump stays in office long enough, the truth about the "patriotism" of the "US" media might come out, and they do not want it to...
Patriotism. Lmao
The press has a job to do and they're doing a wonderful job.
Funny how our wingnuts claim to love the Constitution but under Tramp they've eliminated the first amendment from their love affair.
the investigation, there is no evidence ... AT THIS POINT.

funny how anything that isnt over yet works isn't it.
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"
Are you still whining about No Evidence? Yawn, it's getting old.
We all see smoke, you want to see the fire. Many people are looking for the fire, we will all know soon enough if they find it.
Yes the dipshits will continue to say there's no evidence until it's staring at them in the face... then they'll make up some other dodge and deflection.
Dipshits don't want to admit many republicans are troubled by Tramp's Russian connections and welcome the special prosecutor and investigations.
Real Americans want to know the truth.
Tramp whores don't.

Did you hear what the press in Italy is calling the orange clown ?
Motto pazzo meaning very crazy.
What an embarrassment this guy is !

Hey 'reasonable' - make history. be the 1st to present the evidence that Trump and Russia colluded. Provide the evidence that EVERY expert / investigator who has looked into this can't seem to come up with.
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, the media has begun to claim 'IT DOESN'T MATTER IF TRUMP COLLUDED OR NOT..'.

View attachment 128609

Does it matter? No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

"The headline in the Washington Examiner was rather eye-catching:

“At This Rate, It Won’t Matter If Trump Colluded with Russia.”

Huh! Won’t matter? Hasn’t that been the subject of a huge swath of media coverage for many months now?

Turns out the piece
contained astute observations by Byron York, a Fox News contributor, on how the focus of all the journalistic digging and investigative machinery has shifted."

Another Day - STILL No Evidence...Frustrated Media shifts gears, changes tactics / focus.....
- Fake News All-In Liberal Motto: 'If at 1st you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!"
Are you still whining about No Evidence? Yawn, it's getting old.
We all see smoke, you want to see the fire. Many people are looking for the fire, we will all know soon enough if they find it.
Yes the dipshits will continue to say there's no evidence until it's staring at them in the face... then they'll make up some other dodge and deflection.
Dipshits don't want to admit many republicans are troubled by Tramp's Russian connections and welcome the special prosecutor and investigations.
Real Americans want to know the truth.
Tramp whores don't.

Did you hear what the press in Italy is calling the orange clown ?
Motto pazzo meaning very crazy.
What an embarrassment this guy is !

Hey 'reasonable' - make history. be the 1st to present the evidence that Trump and Russia colluded. Provide the evidence that EVERY expert / investigator who has looked into this can't seem to come up with.
I've already listed it many many times. Yall just ignore it.
Dude, what kind of evidence are you looking for?
ANY! For all the BS you posted and all the BS snowflakes continue to post, there is not one shred of evidence supporting the fake news claim, proving the Russians and Trump colluded. The latest testimony from the CIA ended with the same declaration under oath before Congress - "There is NO evidence to prove collusion between Russia and Trump" ... unlike the FBI's testimony in which the Director testified how Hillary broke numerous laws.

Once again...ANOTHER day and STILL NO EVIDENCE.
Dude, what kind of evidence are you looking for?
ANY! For all the BS you posted and all the BS snowflakes continue to post, there is not one shred of evidence supporting the fake news claim, proving the Russians and Trump colluded. The latest testimony from the CIA ended with the same declaration under oath before Congress - "There is NO evidence to prove collusion between Russia and Trump" ... unlike the FBI's testimony in which the Director testified how Hillary broke numerous laws.

Once again...ANOTHER day and STILL NO EVIDENCE.
I post the evidence that validates the investigation and you just respond with "BS, snowflake, BS, burp fart chug a beer" Good one, your intelligence is shown. You obviously don't get it.

The validity of the investigation has been explained over and over and you puppets keep jumping back to this "No evidence" line because its all you got, but it is an obvious deflection. You're making a joke out of yourself.
I've already listed it many many times. Yall just ignore it.

So you are saying YOU are smarter than the Directors of the CIA, DIA, NSA, and FBI, smarter than the Chairman of the House Intel Committee, who have ALL declared there is no evidence of collusion, NEVER WAS any evidence of collusion, STILL - as of Tuesday - is NO EVIDENCE?!

So you are saying that YOU were able to find evidence they all somehow MISSED?!

I've already listed it many many times. Yall just ignore it.

So you are saying YOU are smarter than the Directors of the CIA, DIA, NSA, and FBI, smarter than the Chairman of the House Intel Committee, who have ALL declared there is no evidence of collusion, NEVER WAS any evidence of collusion, STILL - as of Tuesday - is NO EVIDENCE?!

So you are saying that YOU were able to find evidence they all somehow MISSED?!

View attachment 128806
On the contrary, i'm saying those individuals are smarter and more informed than you and I and all the other dipshits like us that try and pretend they know whats going on. These people all recognize the threats from Russian interference in the election and they all support the need to investigate it along with possible collusion between Russia and the Trump admin. You call it a hoax and accuse these guys of lying or being corrupt. What a joke.

Show me a quote from any of these guys that have said that their is no evidence to justify this investigation. Show me one that has said it was a hoax and recommended it be shut down.

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