No evidence of Trump 'collusion' with Russia as media shift focus

Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?

NO EVIDENCE YET ... not much gets by you does it moron
I see you're not very tech savvy...I am.
At this point, no evidence is pretty damning on the part of the investigators.
It's going to come down to he said, he said.
and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?

NO EVIDENCE YET ... not much gets by you does it moron
I see you're not very tech savvy...I am.
At this point, no evidence is pretty damning on the part of the investigators.
It's going to come down to he said, he said.

at this point RW stupidity about ongoing investigations is even more damning MR LOW TECH SAVVY
Tom Brennan said that his agency doesn't "deal in evidence" because the CIA isn't do to court or make a legal case. The CIA deals in Intel and he had lots of Intel.

You keep hanging your hat on this "no evidence" thing and yet there was no evidence against Hillary and Bill Clinton but you believe they're guilty.

Typical Republican double standard.
Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?
That's a tag line your puppet master made up. There is plenty of evidence.
- interference in the election by Russia
- attempts to coordinate with Trump officials
- Multiple meetings and contacts between Russia and Trump officials
- several lies and non disclosures about those meetings

All being investigated by the FBI. Now a special prosecutor assigned by the DOJ

Get it now?
Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?
That's a tag line your puppet master made up. There is plenty of evidence.
- interference in the election by Russia
- attempts to coordinate with Trump officials
- Multiple meetings and contacts between Russia and Trump officials
- several lies and non disclosures about those meetings

All being investigated by the FBI. Now a special prosecutor assigned by the DOJ

Get it now?

HELL NO. AIN'T NO WAY RW'S are smart enough to figure it out.
if anyone wants to know where all the no evidence rhetoric comes from click on Fox News for about 5 minutes.
Tom Brennan said that his agency doesn't "deal in evidence" because the CIA isn't do to court or make a legal case. The CIA deals in Intel and he had lots of Intel.

You keep hanging your hat on this "no evidence" thing and yet there was no evidence against Hillary and Bill Clinton but you believe they're guilty.

Typical Republican double standard.
Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax?
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
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All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?

NO EVIDENCE YET ... not much gets by you does it moron
I see you're not very tech savvy...I am.
At this point, no evidence is pretty damning on the part of the investigators.
It's going to come down to he said, he said.

at this point RW stupidity about ongoing investigations is even more damning MR LOW TECH SAVVY
This RWer voted 2x for Obama.
The Watergate break-in didn't take down Nixon - it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!
it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!
Like Hillary's pay to play email scheme

What "pay to play email scheme"?
What "pay to play email scheme"?
Exactly! An obstruction of justice by using poor judgment
as a sloppy cover up!
Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax? evidence?

NO EVIDENCE YET ... not much gets by you does it moron
No evidence ever because there was never any reason to open the investigation. The Obama administration invented rumors of Russian interference in the election to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton and then had the Obama Justice Department and Obama CIA investigate these rumors it knew were false. Obama has led the Democratic Party down a path to destruction as the full extent of the hoax is revealed by these investigations but some Democrats still believe that if they can keep this witch hunt going until the mid term elections, they may be saved.
Intel is evidence.

and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax?
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Are you still whining about No Evidence? Yawn, it's getting old.
We all see smoke, you want to see the fire. Many people are looking for the fire, we will all know soon enough if they find it.

The only smoke I see is the smoke the MSM and DNC have been blowing up everyone's asses regarding Russia.
and when the investigation is OVER and ALL EVIDENCE has been gathered it will be turned over to the AG who will decide is there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to make a case and PROSECUTE GUILTY PARTIES.

damn, how fuckin' dumb are RW's anyway ?
All the evidence so far shows that this was all a hoax, so do you think they will indict Obama?
What evidence points to a hoax?
Stupid question, but I'll play. The fact that after all these months we know that there is no direct evidence the Russian government committed any illegal acts to influence the election and no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the election.

Before you start bullshitting about classified information we know that neither the FBI nor the CIA was able to produce such evidence in closed sessions with members of the Congressional intelligence committees or judiciary committees.
Damn, your very first point was wrong. Hacking is illegal, Russia hacked the DNC. There is also evidence of them reaching out to Trump staffers. Evidence of meetings. Lies about those meetings/contacts. No evidence of collusion yet but plenty of reason for suspicion thus the investigation
Same old lies. There is no direct evidence the Russian government hacked the DNC. This allegation was invented by the Obama administration to try to distract voters from the Wikileaks revelations about Clinton. So far it has been all rumors and unsubstantiated allegations invented by the Obama administration and irresponsibly promoted by much of the press, but there is no direct evidence that the Russian government committed any illegal act in regard to the election or any evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government. If you believed in America, you would believe the investigations will reveal the full extent of this hoax and those who promoted it will pay a price.
Again you appear to be mistaken. The Obama administration didn't invent anything, our intelligence agencies investigated the Russian interference and filed a report
Are you still whining about No Evidence? Yawn, it's getting old.
We all see smoke, you want to see the fire. Many people are looking for the fire, we will all know soon enough if they find it.

The only smoke I see is the smoke the MSM and DNC have been blowing up everyone's asses regarding Russia.
Sounds like you gotta wipe off your glasses. We have Russia interfering in our election. Reaching out to Trump staffers. Meeting with Trump staffers. Trump and his staffers all lying about the meetings. We have 2 firings, 2 recusals, 5 active investigations and 1 special prosecutor assigned by the DOJ. All facts. I'd say it's pretty damn smokey
Being UN-able to provide any evidence to support their false claims against Trump, t

Still keeping your head buried firmly up President Snowflakes fundament.

The FBI investigation continues.

What are you so scared the Special Counsel will find?
still being a dumbass huh easy ?

question/s ...

how many on going FBI investigations are being held right now ?

and the FBI has released how much information on those on going investigations ?

think real hard now ..................................................................
Well, I suppose if they had some evidence they would present their findings. They haven't after many months so think real hard now.
They typically present findings after an investigation is concluded. Why would you expect things to be different in this case?
Well, if they had the evidence they could conclude the investigation instead of dragging it out until the next election. You think there's an infinite amount of communication to go through? Comey came out about Hillary, then re-opend it. Investigations are not trials..

Investigations regularly take years- look at Benghazi- it took the Republicans multiple investigations and years to conclude multiple times that Clinton had not done anything wrong.
still being a dumbass huh easy ?

question/s ...

how many on going FBI investigations are being held right now ?

and the FBI has released how much information on those on going investigations ?

think real hard now ..................................................................
Well, I suppose if they had some evidence they would present their findings. They haven't after many months so think real hard now.
They typically present findings after an investigation is concluded. Why would you expect things to be different in this case?
Well, if they had the evidence they could conclude the investigation instead of dragging it out until the next election. You think there's an infinite amount of communication to go through? Comey came out about Hillary, then re-opend it. Investigations are not trials..

Investigations regularly take years- look at Benghazi- it took the Republicans multiple investigations and years to conclude multiple times that Clinton had not done anything wrong.
Liar. That's how we found out about Hillary's server and email problems. Which were illegal and wrong and dangerous to national security. You're an incredibly stupid and uninformed individual. Going out of your way to prove it here is just so special. Yes, we know libtards want to keep the Russian narrative going until the next election, we aren't all on your mental level. Fact is with all the leaking you don't think that would have gotten out? LOL, you poor bastard.

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