No Federal Charges Against Officers In Tamir Rice Shooting.

CLEVELAND (WJW)– The U.S. Department of Justice closed its independent investigation into the deadly shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

The Justice Department said it found insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges against Cleveland Division of Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. Rice’s family was notified of the decision on Monday.

“Although Tamir Rice’s death is tragic, the evidence does not meet these substantial evidentiary requirements. In light of this, and for the reasons explained below, career federal prosecutors with both the Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office concluded that this matter is not a prosecutable violation of the federal statutes,” the DOJ said in a news release on Tuesday.

The DOJ said video of the incident is time-lapsed, grainy and doesn’t have audio so Rice’s hands are not visible at relevant times. Federal investigators also said Loehmann and Garmback gave several statements and consistently repeated main points.

Rice was shot and killed at Cudell Recreation Center on West Boulevard in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014 after a person called 911 reporting seeing a person with a gun. The caller said the individual was, “probably a juvenile” and the gun was, “probably fake.” That information was not passed along to the officers, according to the investigation.

Police said Loehmann opened fire when he said the boy reached towards his waistband. The gun turned out to be an airsoft pistol.

Loehmann was fired from the Cleveland Division of Police in 2017 for lying on his police application, not the deadly shooting. His termination, though appealed, was upheld by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

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Is this that buffoon kid who was waiving a gun around ??
Did the officer not tell him to drop it or did he open fire ??
Will we get riots ??
The CIty of Independence Ohio is actually a safe area. Totally unlike the Urban Hell Hole of Cleveland.

People really don't need to dodge bullets if they wonder into Independence

Living here all of my life, I don't recall Independence ever having a situation of somebody shooting at a police officer. That's unlike Cleveland where suspects shoot at cops all the time.
I knew some Jews from beechwood ?? Seems that is where the Ohio Jews all live ??
There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

Hey, you left out the part where Officer McWeepy was fired from his last job for being unfit to be a police officer.

The reason the city paid out 5 million is they knew once you had a lawyer who did his job in there, the city would have paid a lot more than that.

I'm sure he couldn't tell the difference between a toy and a real gun when the TOY was under the kid's coat and not in his hand.
What difference does it make how quickly he pulled out his gun? If the kid was pulling out the replica as soon as the officer was exiting the vehicle, what did you expect him to do? If every cop waited until a gun was pointed at them first before firing, we'd have a lot more dead cops in our country.

Well, it's not like we are going to do the sensible thing and actually restrict who owns guns.

Funny thing. Other industrialized countries don't have these problems. British Cops shoot maybe a handful of people a year. American cops shoot over 1000 people, every year.
I posted the picture. Could you tell the real one from the toy? Kids here do have guns and use them. In fact the Mayor's grandson got busted with one about two years ago. He was 13 years old.

He was pulling out a realistic looking gun, not a yo-yo or bag of candy.

Except the toy wasnt' in his hand, and it really makes no sense for him to be pulling it out if HE knew he had a toy and the cops had real guns.

He was in a park with other children playing... No excuse for what this mentally unstable cop did.
Pretty much irrelevant in this case. It's not about if the cop could have done a little better, it's about whether he broke any laws or not by using deadly force.

Then we need better laws.

For those playing along at home, here's some more facts about Welfare Ray's hero.

In a November 2012 memo, Deputy Chief Jim Polak recommended that Loehmann be dismissed. He questioned Loehmann's ability to follow instructions and to make good decisions in stressful situations.

He cited a report from a firearms instructor who said Loehmann showed up for training "distracted," "weepy" and unable to "communicate clear thoughts," as a result of which "his handgun performance was dismal."

The report described Loehmann as in an "emotional meltdown." It was attributed in part to personal problems with an on-again-off-again girlfriend:

Polak concluded that Loehmann had shown a "dangerous loss of composure" during live range training and lacked the maturity to be on the force.

"I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct the deficiencies," he wrote on Nov. 29. Four days later, Loehmann resigned.

In short, this guy couldn't handle being a Squirrel Cop in a mostly white Suburb, hey, let's put him out in crime ridden city and see what kind of decisions he makes.

And it only took 8 months before he killed someone.....
It's not just police, but even citizens who are licensed to carry. Our law reads a CCW holder can legally use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. When somebody is pulling a gun like that out of their pants, a police officer or citizen has every right to have those beliefs.

Except the toy wasn't in his hand... and he shot him two seconds after getting out of the car.

Three expert witnesses who testified before the grand jury criticized the prosecutors' behavior during the grand jury. Roger Clark, a retired LASD officer with expertise in police shootings, said that prosecutors at the hearing treated him with hostility and "disdain" for concluding that Loehmann and Garmback had acted recklessly; he also described the prosecutors as using theatrics, like none he'd ever seen in previous grand jury proceedings, which he believed were intended to lead the grand jurors to the conclusion that the prosecutors wanted them to reach. Jeffrey Noble, another retired police officer and expert in use-of-force cases (who had himself used deadly force on the job), said he was attacked by prosecutors for saying that the officers never should have escalated the situation by rushing Rice, adding, "I've definitely never seen two prosecutors play defense attorney so well." And Jesse Wobrock, a biomechanics expert hired by the Rice family's lawyers, also described the prosecutors as "acting in a way like they were defense attorneys for the cops". and as having attacked him professionally for his testimony regarding the timing and significance of body movements by Loehmann and Rice, as seen on video footage of the shooting. (A spokesman for McGinty's office said the three experts were only presenting "one side" of the story, but he could not elaborate because prosecutors are bound by grand jury secrecy laws.)[58]
The Justice Department is to be commended for taking a strictly impartial point of view based on the law.

It is fair to expect, I think, that starting on January 20, the new Justice Department will be taking a position that favors the families of shot individuals.
The Justice Department is to be commended for taking a strictly impartial point of view based on the law.

It is fair to expect, I think, that starting on January 20, the new Justice Department will be taking a position that favors the families of shot individuals.

You mean they will actually start giving out Justice.
Yeah, the video wasn't clear enough for them. It was clear enough to me to see those assholes run their car into the park and within 1.5 seconds shoot a 12 year old boy with a toy gun dead. This is Donald Trump and his corrupted DOJ's last fuck you to the black community and it reeks to high heaven.
Yeah, the video wasn't clear enough for them. It was clear enough to me to see those assholes run their car into the park and within 1.5 seconds shoot a 12 year old boy with a toy gun dead. This is Donald Trump and his corrupted DOJ's last fuck you to the black community and it reeks to high heaven.

The Tamir Rice shooting happened during the Obama-Biden Regime- not during Trump's watch.
Why was this asshole hired?

Firearms instructor said Loehmann showed up for training "distracted," "weepy" and unable to "communicate clear thoughts," as a result of which "his handgun performance was dismal."​
The report described Loehmann as in an "emotional meltdown." It was attributed in part to personal problems with an on-again-off-again girlfriend:​
Some of the comments made by Ptl. Loehmann during this discourse were to the effect of, " I should have gone to NY", "maybe I should quit","I have no friends" , "I only hang out with 73 yr old priests", "I have cried every day for 4 months about this girl."​
The deputy chief questioned Loehmann's decision-making:​
Ptl. Loehmann's inability to perform basic functions as instructed, and his inability to emotionally function because of a personal situation at home with an on and off again girlfriend leads one to believe that he would not be able to substantially cope, or make good decisions, during or resulting from any other stressful situation.​
Polak concluded that Loehmann had shown a "dangerous loss of composure" during live range training and lacked the maturity to be on the force.​
"I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct the deficiencies," he wrote on Nov. 29. Four days later, Loehmann resigned.​

Don't be a goof. Not all kids with toy guns have anything to do with politics, liberal shit holes, right wing prepper parents, high crime areas, permissiveness, poor raising, bad environment or any of the crap you like to whine about. Go take your meds and go to bed.
Pill pushers like you are going to get shot no matter what.
Not by you, so no need to waste your breath or fingertips. Doubt seeing you act on stage making psychic predictions. Guess you better keep your day job, honey.
The cop was warned over the radio that there was a teen waving a fake pistol. What's more egregious here is the fact that the cop shot him as he was opening the door getting out of the car. Barely two seconds after they arrived. The boy never leveled the toy at the officer. The officer just fired and that was it.

What difference does it make how quickly he pulled out his gun? If the kid was pulling out the replica as soon as the officer was exiting the vehicle, what did you expect him to do? If every cop waited until a gun was pointed at them first before firing, we'd have a lot more dead cops in our country.

There are at least two dozen better ways for these buttholes to have handled the situation.
Irrelevant. The kid never leveled the toy gun at the officer. What reason did the officer have for firing, especially as he was getting out of the car? There was no danger to the officer's life.
Exactly. The cops have that attitude with me as well. If they even suspect I possess a firearm, they presume they have the right to shoot me, even in the back of my head if they want to. They have pulled their guns on me before, sometimes they've thought better of it, sometimes they've fired on me and missed.

You're such a damn liar. ;-)
This gun-crazy racist bastard shot the 12 year old kid within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene.

2. seconds.
  1. No one was in danger.
  2. Ohio is an open-carry state.
  3. The kid wasn't pointing the gun at the "cop", or anyone else.
  4. The bastard didn't give any commands, (he simply had no time to, he just shot, murdered really)

If black people were truly like racist whites think they are, that thug in blue would have gone missing a long time ago.

Maybe you can learn a valuable lesson in life here: When an officer says "Show me your hands", do just that.

You can't even say that in 1.5 seconds or less. That's how much time they had after stopping, getting out of the car and shooting the kid dead.
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Why was this asshole hired?

He may have been the best candidate for the job available? Few are willing to sign on for cop jobs nowadays with those fellows being literally crucified if they even utter a cross word at a POC.

Further, libs oppose police unions, so they really are being denied any right to defend themselves.

I don't know what the other fellows who were applying looked like.
Yeah, the video wasn't clear enough for them. It was clear enough to me to see those assholes run their car into the park and within 1.5 seconds shoot a 12 year old boy with a toy gun dead. This is Donald Trump and his corrupted DOJ's last fuck you to the black community and it reeks to high heaven.

The Tamir Rice shooting happened during the Obama-Biden Regime- not during Trump's watch.

Rump's corrupted and racist DOJ made this decision.

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