No Federal Charges Against Officers In Tamir Rice Shooting.

The cop was warned over the radio that there was a teen waving a fake pistol. What's more egregious here is the fact that the cop shot him as he was opening the door getting out of the car. Barely two seconds after they arrived. The boy never leveled the toy at the officer. The officer just fired and that was it.

What difference does it make how quickly he pulled out his gun? If the kid was pulling out the replica as soon as the officer was exiting the vehicle, what did you expect him to do? If every cop waited until a gun was pointed at them first before firing, we'd have a lot more dead cops in our country.

There are at least two dozen better ways for these buttholes to have handled the situation.

They were in one of the most dangerous areas in all of Cleveland. Please consider that fact.
Yeah, the video wasn't clear enough for them. It was clear enough to me to see those assholes run their car into the park and within 1.5 seconds shoot a 12 year old boy with a toy gun dead. This is Donald Trump and his corrupted DOJ's last fuck you to the black community and it reeks to high heaven.

The Tamir Rice shooting happened during the Obama-Biden Regime- not during Trump's watch.

Rump's corrupted and racist DOJ made this decision.

No they didn't. The shooting happened in 2014, that's when the decision was made. Long before Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator.
This gun-crazy racist bastard shot the 12 year old kid within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene.

2. seconds.
  1. No one was in danger.
  2. Ohio is an open-carry state.
  3. The kid wasn't pointing the gun at the "cop", or anyone else.
  4. The bastard didn't give any commands, (he simply had no time to, he just shot, murdered really)

If black people were truly like racist whites think they are, that thug in blue would have gone missing a long time ago.

Maybe you can learn a valuable lesson in life here: When an officer says "Show me your hands", do just that.

There wasn't time for the cop to give that order, much less time to comply.

They repeatedly yelled "Show me your hands" and the kid went for his waistband.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

How many times did they yell that in the two seconds between arriving at the scene and murdering the little boy.

The answer is ZERO
Why was this asshole hired?

He may have been the best candidate for the job available? Few are willing to sign on for cop jobs nowadays with those fellows being literally crucified if they even utter a cross word at a POC.

Further, libs oppose police unions, so they really are being denied any right to defend themselves.

I don't know what the other fellows who were applying looked like.

They didn't even bother placing a call or sending a request for info to his previous employer. You don't hire a guy who gets a writeup like that - PERIOD
Why was this asshole hired?

He may have been the best candidate for the job available? Few are willing to sign on for cop jobs nowadays with those fellows being literally crucified if they even utter a cross word at a POC.

Further, libs oppose police unions, so they really are being denied any right to defend themselves.

I don't know what the other fellows who were applying looked like.

They didn't even bother placing a call or sending a request for info to his previous employer. You don't hire a guy who gets a writeup like that - PERIOD

The Cleveland PD needed boots on the ground.

During WW2, the US Army was a lot more flexible about who they accepted as well.

Put yourself into someone else's shoes, Doc. Recognize the problems they were faced with.
This gun-crazy racist bastard shot the 12 year old kid within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene.

2. seconds.
  1. No one was in danger.
  2. Ohio is an open-carry state.
  3. The kid wasn't pointing the gun at the "cop", or anyone else.
  4. The bastard didn't give any commands, (he simply had no time to, he just shot, murdered really)
If black people were truly like racist whites think we are, that thug in blue would have gone missing a long time ago.
Why must everything be racially motivated with you?
Let’s say the story happened exactly like you said... the cop rolled up, hopped out and opened fire. Why exactly is he a racist? Perhaps he is just a trigger happy asshole. Perhaps he just has absolutely horrible judgement (I’d say this is a given).
Why must it always be about race with you?
I think it’s pretty clear who the person is with race issues here.
CLEVELAND (WJW)– The U.S. Department of Justice closed its independent investigation into the deadly shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

The Justice Department said it found insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges against Cleveland Division of Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. Rice’s family was notified of the decision on Monday.

“Although Tamir Rice’s death is tragic, the evidence does not meet these substantial evidentiary requirements. In light of this, and for the reasons explained below, career federal prosecutors with both the Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office concluded that this matter is not a prosecutable violation of the federal statutes,” the DOJ said in a news release on Tuesday.

The DOJ said video of the incident is time-lapsed, grainy and doesn’t have audio so Rice’s hands are not visible at relevant times. Federal investigators also said Loehmann and Garmback gave several statements and consistently repeated main points.

Rice was shot and killed at Cudell Recreation Center on West Boulevard in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014 after a person called 911 reporting seeing a person with a gun. The caller said the individual was, “probably a juvenile” and the gun was, “probably fake.” That information was not passed along to the officers, according to the investigation.

Police said Loehmann opened fire when he said the boy reached towards his waistband. The gun turned out to be an airsoft pistol.

Loehmann was fired from the Cleveland Division of Police in 2017 for lying on his police application, not the deadly shooting. His termination, though appealed, was upheld by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

View attachment 434890
Only a fucking moron would be for the police killing of children holding toy guns.
Noooo, the Police have a 100% right to defend themselves
Never threaten a Policeman with a real gun or gun that didn't know was a toy gun
That is why the police won their case
CLEVELAND (WJW)– The U.S. Department of Justice closed its independent investigation into the deadly shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

The Justice Department said it found insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges against Cleveland Division of Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. Rice’s family was notified of the decision on Monday.

“Although Tamir Rice’s death is tragic, the evidence does not meet these substantial evidentiary requirements. In light of this, and for the reasons explained below, career federal prosecutors with both the Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office concluded that this matter is not a prosecutable violation of the federal statutes,” the DOJ said in a news release on Tuesday.

The DOJ said video of the incident is time-lapsed, grainy and doesn’t have audio so Rice’s hands are not visible at relevant times. Federal investigators also said Loehmann and Garmback gave several statements and consistently repeated main points.

Rice was shot and killed at Cudell Recreation Center on West Boulevard in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014 after a person called 911 reporting seeing a person with a gun. The caller said the individual was, “probably a juvenile” and the gun was, “probably fake.” That information was not passed along to the officers, according to the investigation.

Police said Loehmann opened fire when he said the boy reached towards his waistband. The gun turned out to be an airsoft pistol.

Loehmann was fired from the Cleveland Division of Police in 2017 for lying on his police application, not the deadly shooting. His termination, though appealed, was upheld by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

View attachment 434890

Cops are less likely to shoot black suspects......more likely to shoot white suspects......

We found that, despite clear evidence of implicit bias against Black suspects, officers were slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects, and they were less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects than unarmed White suspects.

Irrelevant. The kid never leveled the toy gun at the officer. What reason did the officer have for firing, especially as he was getting out of the car? There was no danger to the officer's life. He knew the second they pulled up to the site that he was going to shoot the kid. As a cop, you're supposed to demonstrate judgement. This cop didn't. He should spend the rest of his life in prison. His partner should be fired and never be allowed near a badge of any kind for the rest of his life. Sadly, neither will happen.

You can't put people in jail because you don't like something they did. You can only put them in jail if they committed a crime. Now what crime did this officer commit?

Murder. Shot two seconds after arrival. No verbal warning. Fake gun that wasn't drawn on the cop. get tired of shilling for China, now you are bashing police officers.
CLEVELAND (WJW)– The U.S. Department of Justice closed its independent investigation into the deadly shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

The Justice Department said it found insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges against Cleveland Division of Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. Rice’s family was notified of the decision on Monday.

“Although Tamir Rice’s death is tragic, the evidence does not meet these substantial evidentiary requirements. In light of this, and for the reasons explained below, career federal prosecutors with both the Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office concluded that this matter is not a prosecutable violation of the federal statutes,” the DOJ said in a news release on Tuesday.

The DOJ said video of the incident is time-lapsed, grainy and doesn’t have audio so Rice’s hands are not visible at relevant times. Federal investigators also said Loehmann and Garmback gave several statements and consistently repeated main points.

Rice was shot and killed at Cudell Recreation Center on West Boulevard in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014 after a person called 911 reporting seeing a person with a gun. The caller said the individual was, “probably a juvenile” and the gun was, “probably fake.” That information was not passed along to the officers, according to the investigation.

Police said Loehmann opened fire when he said the boy reached towards his waistband. The gun turned out to be an airsoft pistol.

Loehmann was fired from the Cleveland Division of Police in 2017 for lying on his police application, not the deadly shooting. His termination, though appealed, was upheld by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

View attachment 434890
Police did the right thing.

Killing a 12yr old black kid was the right thing.
its never the right thing to do,, its was a sad event that started with bad parenting,,,

Yea because white kids NEVER play with toy guns. Smfh.

How often do they point guns at the police?
So....he was 5'9" tall...right? Very tall for a 12 year old, I am 5' 11".........they rolled up on what they thought was an older teenager.......on a call about someone with a gun, in a known gang area with lots of shootings....

The left wing knows the truth to this, but the truth doesn't help them take power.
So....he was 5'9" tall...right? Very tall for a 12 year old, I am 5' 11".........they rolled up on what they thought was an older teenager.......on a call about someone with a gun, in a known gang area with lots of shootings....

The left wing knows the truth to this, but the truth doesn't help them take power.

It does get to people because he was so young. He wasn't hurting anybody, just trying to be a troublemaker. When he pulled the gun on the officers, it's likely he just wanted to show them it was not an actual firearm. However because of his actions, it justifies the response by the officer.
That is because that is where the crime is contained to. You are a fool if you believe was not an issue here, there is no way he would have shot a 12yr old white kid in 2 seconds.

What's with this two second bullshit? The cop was exiting the car at the same time this 5'9" 195 lbs kid was pulling a gun on him. This guy had a plush job in the city of Independence which is about five minutes from where I live. Independence is a middle to upper middle-class area where many small business owners live. He expressed his desire to leave and work for Cleveland because it was too boring for him. If it was a race issue with him, why would he desire to work with people of color instead of where he was at where the most dangerous thing about his job was trying to catch a dog that broke out of his leash?

195 pounds? 5'9"......a 12 year old as big as some full size men. They see a possible full size male, in a gang infested area with lots of shootings, and if you actually watch the video.....the 195 pound, 5'9" tall 12 year old was walking around pointing the gun is the video...

Watching the video....were both cops brought up on charges or just the one? The driver wasn't even out of the car when the shooting happened.......

Cops are less likely to shoot black suspects......more likely to shoot white suspects......

Of course they are. When they shoot a black suspect, they and their family receive death threats. They are sometimes brought up on charges. People protest in the street and it even leads to riots. In many cases they lose their job or otherwise forced to quit. Who needs it?

When a white suspect gets shot, we white people say "the asshole deserved it." No protests, no riots, no threats to the officer.
Why was this asshole hired?

He may have been the best candidate for the job available? Few are willing to sign on for cop jobs nowadays with those fellows being literally crucified if they even utter a cross word at a POC.

Further, libs oppose police unions, so they really are being denied any right to defend themselves.

I don't know what the other fellows who were applying looked like.

They didn't even bother placing a call or sending a request for info to his previous employer. You don't hire a guy who gets a writeup like that - PERIOD

The Cleveland PD needed boots on the ground.

During WW2, the US Army was a lot more flexible about who they accepted as well.

Put yourself into someone else's shoes, Doc. Recognize the problems they were faced with.

I don't care how shorthanded they were. You don't hire a guy who's nervous, weepy, distracted and suffers from a dangerous lack of maturity and composure same as you wouldn't hire Charles Manson or Dylann Roof.
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Why was this asshole hired?

He may have been the best candidate for the job available? Few are willing to sign on for cop jobs nowadays with those fellows being literally crucified if they even utter a cross word at a POC.

Further, libs oppose police unions, so they really are being denied any right to defend themselves.

I don't know what the other fellows who were applying looked like.

They didn't even bother placing a call or sending a request for info to his previous employer. You don't hire a guy who gets a writeup like that - PERIOD

The Cleveland PD needed boots on the ground.

During WW2, the US Army was a lot more flexible about who they accepted as well.

Put yourself into someone else's shoes, Doc. Recognize the problems they were faced with.

I don't care how shorthanded they were. You don't hire a guy who's nervous, weepy, distracted and suffers from a dangerous loss of maturity and composure same as you wouldn't hire Charles Manson or Dylann Roof.

Get used to those hiring shitstains have made it harder and harder for good people to become police are taking their money, and now want to reduce their training....

Who do you think will be left to join the police when good people decide to do something else?

You guys want Hell, you are getting it.
195 pounds? 5'9"......a 12 year old as big as some full size men. They see a possible full size male, in a gang infested area with lots of shootings, and if you actually watch the video.....the 195 pound, 5'9" tall 12 year old was walking around pointing the gun is the video...

Watching the video....were both cops brought up on charges or just the one? The driver wasn't even out of the car when the shooting happened.......

Neither were brought up on charges. It went to the grand jury, and a video expert went through the video frame by frame describing what they were looking at. The jury voted not to indict the officers because they really didn't do anything illegal in which to charge them with.

After the shooting, the other officer called it in to dispatch to tell the medics the victim was a person in their late teens or early 20's. The media did a Travon Martin. They posted a picture of the kid when he was younger. Looking at the only picture, that's no 5'9" 195lbs kid you see there.

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