No Federal Charges Against Officers In Tamir Rice Shooting.

Cops are less likely to shoot black suspects......more likely to shoot white suspects......

We found that, despite clear evidence of implicit bias against Black suspects, officers were slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects, and they were less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects than unarmed White suspects.

Where do you come up with crap like that? :icon_rolleyes:
Yeah, the video wasn't clear enough for them. It was clear enough to me to see those assholes run their car into the park and within 1.5 seconds shoot a 12 year old boy with a toy gun dead. This is Donald Trump and his corrupted DOJ's last fuck you to the black community and it reeks to high heaven.

The Tamir Rice shooting happened during the Obama-Biden Regime- not during Trump's watch.

Rump's corrupted and racist DOJ made this decision.

No they didn't. The shooting happened in 2014, that's when the decision was made. Long before Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator.

Sorry - DOJ just made this decision. You're suggesting that they sat on an Obama DOJ decision for six years? BS
The cop was warned over the radio that there was a teen waving a fake pistol. What's more egregious here is the fact that the cop shot him as he was opening the door getting out of the car. Barely two seconds after they arrived. The boy never leveled the toy at the officer. The officer just fired and that was it.

What difference does it make how quickly he pulled out his gun? If the kid was pulling out the replica as soon as the officer was exiting the vehicle, what did you expect him to do? If every cop waited until a gun was pointed at them first before firing, we'd have a lot more dead cops in our country.

There are at least two dozen better ways for these buttholes to have handled the situation.

They were in one of the most dangerous areas in all of Cleveland. Please consider that fact.

Yeah - And they couldn't have parked 100 feet away, got on the loudspeaker and told the kid to drop the gun and put his hands in the air? NONSENSE
Cops are less likely to shoot black suspects......more likely to shoot white suspects......

We found that, despite clear evidence of implicit bias against Black suspects, officers were slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects, and they were less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects than unarmed White suspects.

Where do you come up with crap like that? :icon_rolleyes:

From actual moron.
195 pounds? 5'9"......a 12 year old as big as some full size men. They see a possible full size male, in a gang infested area with lots of shootings, and if you actually watch the video.....the 195 pound, 5'9" tall 12 year old was walking around pointing the gun is the video...

Watching the video....were both cops brought up on charges or just the one? The driver wasn't even out of the car when the shooting happened.......

Neither were brought up on charges. It went to the grand jury, and a video expert went through the video frame by frame describing what they were looking at. The jury voted not to indict the officers because they really didn't do anything illegal in which to charge them with.

After the shooting, the other officer called it in to dispatch to tell the medics the victim was a person in their late teens or early 20's. The media did a Travon Martin. They posted a picture of the kid when he was younger. Looking at the only picture, that's no 5'9" 195lbs kid you see there.

Of course the media lied.......they are vile.
There are at least two dozen better ways for these buttholes to have handled the situation.

Maybe, but again, the officer didn't break any laws by what he did. It's always easier to judge people on a video than it is if you're there in person and it's happening to you.
Rump's corrupted and racist DOJ made this decision.

What decision did you want them to make? You can't charge somebody unless you have a crime to charge them with. Self-defense is not a crime.

You're definition of self defense is shooting a kid who wasn't aiming his toy gun at them 1.5 seconds from the time their car stopped?
If so, I can't help my friend.
Why was this asshole hired?

Firearms instructor said Loehmann showed up for training "distracted," "weepy" and unable to "communicate clear thoughts," as a result of which "his handgun performance was dismal."​
The report described Loehmann as in an "emotional meltdown." It was attributed in part to personal problems with an on-again-off-again girlfriend:​
Some of the comments made by Ptl. Loehmann during this discourse were to the effect of, " I should have gone to NY", "maybe I should quit","I have no friends" , "I only hang out with 73 yr old priests", "I have cried every day for 4 months about this girl."​
The deputy chief questioned Loehmann's decision-making:​
Ptl. Loehmann's inability to perform basic functions as instructed, and his inability to emotionally function because of a personal situation at home with an on and off again girlfriend leads one to believe that he would not be able to substantially cope, or make good decisions, during or resulting from any other stressful situation.​
Polak concluded that Loehmann had shown a "dangerous loss of composure" during live range training and lacked the maturity to be on the force.​
"I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct the deficiencies," he wrote on Nov. 29. Four days later, Loehmann resigned.​

He wanted to quit that job anyway. He told several other officers Independence was too boring for him, and he didn't feel like he was doing real police work. After the department found out about his desire to leave, they got a real hardon for him. Being a cop in Independence is considered a privilege; a job any officer would love to have. You spend a career taking laser on I-77 or going to a complaint about teens getting drunk at a house party. The only real danger you face is if you're helping a disabled motorist on the side of the road and some drunk hits you.

Besides that, this officer went through the police academy and passed with flying colors. They found no problem with this officer or his firearm abilities. How is it these people in Independence found the exact opposite after they learned he was dissatisfied working there?
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Except the toy wasn't in his hand... and he shot him two seconds after getting out of the car.

And you know that how? According to the police it was in his hands, and the investigation shows the gun laying on the ground after he got shot.
You are one dumb fucker. How many seconds dose it take to draw -shoot- and kill a law enforcement officer? Plus the 2 second bullshit you cite is a lie.

Then why did the police deliberately place themselves in that situation?
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Except the toy wasnt' in his hand, and it really makes no sense for him to be pulling it out if HE knew he had a toy and the cops had real guns.

It was in his hand but we don't know why he was pulling it out. It's likely he could have been pulling it out to show the cops it was not a real gun. He may have been pulling it out because he thought he was a little tough guy. Who knows?

What we do know is he as at the park pointing a realistic looking gun at passing cars. What we do know is cops told him to freeze and he pulled the gun out.
What difference does it make how quickly he pulled out his gun? If the kid was pulling out the replica as soon as the officer was exiting the vehicle, what did you expect him to do? If every cop waited until a gun was pointed at them first before firing, we'd have a lot more dead cops in our country.

Well, it's not like we are going to do the sensible thing and actually restrict who owns guns.

Funny thing. Other industrialized countries don't have these problems. British Cops shoot maybe a handful of people a year. American cops shoot over 1000 people, every year.

apple: orange.jpeg
Hey, you left out the part where Officer McWeepy was fired from his last job for being unfit to be a police officer.

The reason the city paid out 5 million is they knew once you had a lawyer who did his job in there, the city would have paid a lot more than that.

I'm sure he couldn't tell the difference between a toy and a real gun when the TOY was under the kid's coat and not in his hand.

It was not in his coat. Watch the video. He had the gun in his hand. When he spotted the police car, he put the gun down the front of his pants.
The CIty of Independence Ohio is actually a safe area. Totally unlike the Urban Hell Hole of Cleveland.

People really don't need to dodge bullets if they wonder into Independence

Living here all of my life, I don't recall Independence ever having a situation of somebody shooting at a police officer. That's unlike Cleveland where suspects shoot at cops all the time.
I knew some Jews from beechwood ?? Seems that is where the Ohio Jews all live ??

I don't know about other cities, but that's where the Jews live in the Cleveland area.
CLEVELAND (WJW)– The U.S. Department of Justice closed its independent investigation into the deadly shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

The Justice Department said it found insufficient evidence to support federal criminal charges against Cleveland Division of Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. Rice’s family was notified of the decision on Monday.

“Although Tamir Rice’s death is tragic, the evidence does not meet these substantial evidentiary requirements. In light of this, and for the reasons explained below, career federal prosecutors with both the Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office concluded that this matter is not a prosecutable violation of the federal statutes,” the DOJ said in a news release on Tuesday.

The DOJ said video of the incident is time-lapsed, grainy and doesn’t have audio so Rice’s hands are not visible at relevant times. Federal investigators also said Loehmann and Garmback gave several statements and consistently repeated main points.

Rice was shot and killed at Cudell Recreation Center on West Boulevard in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014 after a person called 911 reporting seeing a person with a gun. The caller said the individual was, “probably a juvenile” and the gun was, “probably fake.” That information was not passed along to the officers, according to the investigation.

Police said Loehmann opened fire when he said the boy reached towards his waistband. The gun turned out to be an airsoft pistol.

Loehmann was fired from the Cleveland Division of Police in 2017 for lying on his police application, not the deadly shooting. His termination, though appealed, was upheld by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

There is a divide on whether the officer was in his right to shoot the 5'9" 195lbs 12 year old. It's mostly divided on party lines: the cop haters vs the cop supporters. In spite of the grand jury ruling not to indict officer Loehmann, the city still made his mother rich by handing her 5 million taxpayer dollars, which could have been used for much better things for the citizens. Now, this is a second ruling that the officers did nothing illegal, while some will say Loehmann was still wrong. Before the cop haters chime in and say the kid only had a toy, here is a picture of the real gun, and the replica the toy was made from. Can you tell the difference, especially in a split seconds time?

View attachment 434890
Only a fucking moron would be for the police killing of children holding toy guns.

Only a fool ignores both the Grand Jury and the DOJ decisions NOT to prosecute the two officers, who were never told the entire story from the 911 dispatcher.

No one here is advocating police kill children, your emotional outburst indicate that you are being irrational..
You are one dumb fucker. How many seconds dose it take to draw -shoot- and kill a law enforcement officer? Plus the 2 second bullshit you cite is a lie.

Then why did the police deliberately place themselves in that situation?

They got a call from dispatch to investigate a man pointing a gun at passing cars. What did you want them to do?

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