No Gender December Campaign Urges Parents to “Buy a Boy a Barbie”

Toys have nothing to do with a child's gender. It is an indication of what kind of personality a child has.
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Grow Up

Your smug but mindless chanting of psychobabble will lead to our society's self-destruction.

sage of mindless, truly you are out of touch with facts and having an affair with fear mongering, conspiracy and propaganda

What ever toy you played with should perhaps be banned

did the kid ask for a barbie, or is it some attempt by a special interest group to indoctrinate children.

Someone tried to pull that shit with my kid I'd shove the thing up their ass. Not because I could give a shit if he plays with a doll, but because I do give a shit if these groups try to play these sorts of games with kids' heads.

fuck whoever you want, but leave children out of it.

Excellent post.

It's one thing if a boy specifically asked for a barbie doll. God knows there's enough commercials on TV. It's entirely another thing to push these on boys, or even suggest them to boys.

+1 for shoving that thing where the sun don't shine if someone tried this with my kid.

It should be considered mental abuse.
If you took a kid and told it all it's life he was a she the kid will believe it. It's lying.
If you took a kid and told it all it's life they were an idiot that kid would believe it.
If you took a kid and told it all it's life they were part dog they would believe it.

These brain damaged mental cases seriously need to stop this NO GENDER bs.
the only that doesn't have any gender are things that are NON HUMAN.
A TV has no gender
a computer has no gender
a car has no gender
these fkrs are clipped.
obviously you don't know much about children
My son played with his sister's dolls including barbies and the girls played with he-man and so called boys toys. They are all more than tolerant of different genders but very straight, not that I care.
They are just toys. No different than boys and girls, brother and sisters playing together. Does not matter if animals toys are male or female nor more human figures or trolls or space people.

Gender does not happen by the toys they play with, it happens from birth if not well before. It is both DNA and hormones not learned during childhood.

Children don't become machines because they play with cars or robots. Most grow up to fulfilling jobs and life with little connection other than driving a car or using a computer, even kids that never have cars or video games or anything mechanical or electronic.

Kids find ways to make their own toys, dolls, and use their imagination with the most basic items.

Seriously? You are afraid of boys playing with dolls? Barbie, GI Joe, teddy bears........... let them play. Even if they have legos, they might build dolls with them of either sex. They will learn to tell stories and write them. They will find their own pleasures in their mind.

Toys don't make one gay, not even a little.

I never gave my girls only girls toys, I let them play with whatever they wanted, same with my son. My girls actually split the difference, one prefered more boyish toys they found at yard sales and flea markets, the other more girlish toys and they combined their adventures, my son played with them all.

If anything it might show signs of empathy for differences of all kinds and thoughts but it won't make one gay just because they play with barbies of dolls, nor does dress up, tea parties, ponies and such. If moms can play with their sons and dads can't play with their daughters, why can boys play with girls and "girlish" toys?

Most of you said I agree with , but there is one problem they are beginning to indoctrinate these kids in school. By telling these kids this bs they are getting confused. Because deny it or not humans have a natural instinct as to what they are. Even if they are gay they still have that sense of whatever. When they do I can see that being " born with that way" .
But once you start telling these kids this bs in schools whose to say that kid knew damn well it was a boy.
Toys have nothing to do with a child's gender. It is an indication of what kind of personality a child has.
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Grow Up

Your smug but mindless chanting of psychobabble will lead to our society's self-destruction.

Sexually, emotionally.......

There are a lot of way of abusing a child, but most are not stunted from growing up. I've found most grow up too fast and don't have enough of a childhood.

We all have our moments and weaknesses but confused sexuality is not usually at the top of the list. Nor does being raped make one a man hater or a lesbian any more than it makes one slut.
Further wussification of the American male .... and we're already paying for last generation of it.
i like the divorcee Barbie. She comes with all of Kens shit.
I remember a toy that I used to have back when I was about five years old. It was a boy doll by the name of My Buddy and it was given to me because I wanted it. Well I never did go on to be a homosexual person. Yeah, I wanted and got something that may have been meant for a boy, but I still wanted things that were meant for girls too. I also loved the dolls that went by the names Little Miss Make Up, Little Miss Dress Up I believe was the name of the next doll, and so forth. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I guess that it all depends on why the toy is wanted in the first place. I remember the Full House TV show episode when Michelle gave her Baby Love Button doll to Nicky and Alex to play with. Jesse didn't like them having it at first, but then Becky said to him that playing with it might make the boys grow up to be good dads just like him, and so when Jesse saw the boys not playing with the doll the right way, he then showed them how to hold it as if it were their child. :) :) :)
obviously you don't know much about children
My son played with his sister's dolls including barbies and the girls played with he-man and so called boys toys. They are all more than tolerant of different genders but very straight, not that I care.
They are just toys. No different than boys and girls, brother and sisters playing together. Does not matter if animals toys are male or female nor more human figures or trolls or space people.

Gender does not happen by the toys they play with, it happens from birth if not well before. It is both DNA and hormones not learned during childhood.

Children don't become machines because they play with cars or robots. Most grow up to fulfilling jobs and life with little connection other than driving a car or using a computer, even kids that never have cars or video games or anything mechanical or electronic.

Kids find ways to make their own toys, dolls, and use their imagination with the most basic items.

Seriously? You are afraid of boys playing with dolls? Barbie, GI Joe, teddy bears........... let them play. Even if they have legos, they might build dolls with them of either sex. They will learn to tell stories and write them. They will find their own pleasures in their mind.

Toys don't make one gay, not even a little.

I never gave my girls only girls toys, I let them play with whatever they wanted, same with my son. My girls actually split the difference, one prefered more boyish toys they found at yard sales and flea markets, the other more girlish toys and they combined their adventures, my son played with them all.

If anything it might show signs of empathy for differences of all kinds and thoughts but it won't make one gay just because they play with barbies of dolls, nor does dress up, tea parties, ponies and such. If moms can play with their sons and dads can't play with their daughters, why can boys play with girls and "girlish" toys?

Most of you said I agree with , but there is one problem they are beginning to indoctrinate these kids in school. By telling these kids this bs they are getting confused. Because deny it or not humans have a natural instinct as to what they are. Even if they are gay they still have that sense of whatever. When they do I can see that being " born with that way" .
But once you start telling these kids this bs in schools whose to say that kid knew damn well it was a boy.

Lets kids be kids. Give them options and opportunities. Let them find out who and what they are. I played with dolls, made my own toys and played with guns, real guns. I was exposed to most sports, some of which I excelled at. I was fortunate to have traveled around the world, I know most people don't. I've seen horrors and wonders, and people of all varieties.

Why can't people just be seen as people and allowed to be themselves???

Why do we have to label and pigeonhole others and trap them as "just" that?

I never thought of myself as just this or that. I tried to experience all life, well a lot of it. Hate and prejudice is the really only ugly things in life. There are things and people I like less or more, but I have tried to not reject anyone without cause. I've been glad to find my kids have done the same in their own way, without my pushing them in any direction. I cared for their needs and watched them grow into the people they are, not always what I would have chosen for them, but it is their life, I've had mine. The best we can do is hope they will be happy, and there as a safety net and shoulder for them along the way.

If someone grows to find they are gay, and they are happy and not harming others.........why does anyone care? I did not fit in the mold of my peers where I grew up. My parents did not try to contain and box me in, well not most of the time. I was allowed to fly. Why can't we just let our children do that? In the course of discovering the world they will find themselves, their best selves.

Idiots and villains I judge. I try to see others are just people. Even the worse of us started as just children and the way they were raised did not always have to do with who they become. Too many scars will leave one lame but not incapable, mentally or physically. We find help and support and become strong in other ways. Why is different something seen as "wrong"?

Lets kids play with what they want and find who they are, with love and support from those around them. Let them grow to be a strong tree on their own not a sapling under your shadowing branches stunting their potential.

Just love the kids no matter
The pussification of America continues. Progressives hate the idea of boys growing up to become men. They want them to become neutered betas that will do whatever feminist c-nts want them to do. Slave away at a job their whole life, and let women walk all over them and take their wealth.
obviously you don't know much about children
My son played with his sister's dolls including barbies and the girls played with he-man and so called boys toys. They are all more than tolerant of different genders but very straight, not that I care.
They are just toys. No different than boys and girls, brother and sisters playing together. Does not matter if animals toys are male or female nor more human figures or trolls or space people.

Gender does not happen by the toys they play with, it happens from birth if not well before. It is both DNA and hormones not learned during childhood.

Children don't become machines because they play with cars or robots. Most grow up to fulfilling jobs and life with little connection other than driving a car or using a computer, even kids that never have cars or video games or anything mechanical or electronic.

Kids find ways to make their own toys, dolls, and use their imagination with the most basic items.

Seriously? You are afraid of boys playing with dolls? Barbie, GI Joe, teddy bears........... let them play. Even if they have legos, they might build dolls with them of either sex. They will learn to tell stories and write them. They will find their own pleasures in their mind.

Toys don't make one gay, not even a little.

I never gave my girls only girls toys, I let them play with whatever they wanted, same with my son. My girls actually split the difference, one prefered more boyish toys they found at yard sales and flea markets, the other more girlish toys and they combined their adventures, my son played with them all.

If anything it might show signs of empathy for differences of all kinds and thoughts but it won't make one gay just because they play with barbies of dolls, nor does dress up, tea parties, ponies and such. If moms can play with their sons and dads can't play with their daughters, why can boys play with girls and "girlish" toys?

The kids aren't pushing an agenda while playing with barbies.
Hell,most of them were probably using them as cannon fodder while playing with their GI Joes.
I never had a barbie. I had baby dolls that I operated on and cut their heads off. What was inside?

I liked tinker toys and lincoln logs. I had army men and a few pirate boats complete with pirates. Then there was a full complement of cap guns.

Girl toys were just too boring. If a boy is not bored out of his mind by girl toys he needs to turn in his balls.
I never had a barbie. I had baby dolls that I operated on and cut their heads off. What was inside?

I liked tinker toys and lincoln logs. I had army men and a few pirate boats complete with pirates. Then there was a full complement of cap guns.

Girl toys were just too boring. If a boy is not bored out of his mind by girl toys he needs to turn in his balls.

You're right --- girls are REALLY boring --- until they get boobs.

But, I never wanted to play with their ...................... toys.

(Funny how THAT has changed since I grew up, huh?)
The carrier of this degenerate pseudosexual virus is the usual hidden and protected source:

The Ewe Qae, during the 1920s:

"Homosexuality had been on the increase among the upper classes for a couple of generations, though almost unknown among working people....A large minority of the more emotional young people could not shake off the fascination of perversity. In post-war university circles...homosexuality no longer seemed a sign of continued adolescence....The homosexuals spend a great deal of time preaching the aesthetic virtues of the habit, and made more and more converts." Robert Graves, The Long Week-End.
fuck whoever you want, but leave children out of it.
They can't. Homosexuality is the gateway to pedophilia.

The vast majority of pedophiles are hetero, by around 20 to 1

Fairyphiles can't handle the truth; they can only toy with it.

Numbers are from the government. Are they all your alphabet soup label types?

You are the one trying to create a false narrative, to justify your bigotry

You are the one that can't handle the truth.

When you begin to see them as just people it will be a good start.

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