No Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID

Until this becomes a national policy, he can find a hospital and OPO that would put him right back on it.
That’s a bit lift given it sounds like he’s hospitalized. They’d have to find an accepting facility with a different policy and push through the transplant evaluation rapidly.

And for what?
No one is entitled to a transplant.
The murderous libs put him on the list so obviously he was entitled to be there

Or at least till the left as a show of political power weaponized medical care
The murderous libs put him on the list so obviously he was entitled to be there

Or at least till the left as a show of political power weaponized medical care
He’s not on the active list. This isn’t about politics. It’s about doctors wanting to do everything they can to ensure that the limited supply of organs doesn’t go to waste.
He’s not on the active list. This isn’t about politics. It’s about doctors wanting to do everything they can to ensure that the limited supply of organs doesn’t go to waste.
Thats a misrepresentation aka a lie

he was next on the list till he refused the vax
Thats a misrepresentation aka a lie

he was next on the list till he refused the vax
Says who? The guy who is whining about not wanting to be vaccinated?

The policy makes sense. We don’t want to transplant precious organs into people who then die of COVID. Let the organs go to someone who is willing to protect the gift they’re being given. No one is entitled to it. You’re acting like a spiked child.
Oh, I'm quite cool with all that, poster Tree. Not a problem.

But back to my original query to you and your "666 chips".........why aren't they helping me get better cell coverage when I'm working in my barns.
After all, as you suggest.....I had them inserted when I got those 3 vaccine shots.

3 shots = 3 chips = 3 times the reception?

But I ain't getting improved reception! Why?
The 666 Chip will be amazing, only you don't have it yet dummy. You will have to wait for your god and savior AntiChrist to show up on the scene, accept it, have it implanted and be happy knowing you have damned your soul to Hell for eternity just so you can buy you some jelly doughnuts.

Happy thoughts for Tuesday.
Regarding the habit of using a jackass wearing a swastika as one's personification -----this was offered by a prolific poster:

Too, the above poster Quitter also offered us this: "Every Jewish person I know ......"

The inescapable conclusion about the poster Quitters' fetishism over the Nazi swastika is that he enjoys offending all of those "Jewish persons" he says he knows
I mean by that, Quitter himself says he uses the swastika as a trigger
(i.e., to piss 'em off) his favorite people.

And, fair to say, "Jewish Persons" would likely be fairly 'triggerd' by someone adopting the swastika on a jackass as their identity.

Yeah, me too. I don't get it either.
DemNazis are the Same as Them Nazis.

That's all the man is saying.

You did Nazi that coming, did you?
Its and assertion that the hospital has not disputed
The hospital is forbidden from discussing anyones health information even if they’re lying or misrepresenting. Convenient, isn’t it.

The hospital only said that transplant candidates have to be vaccinated. It’s only logical. If he refused to get a flu shot or necessary cancer screening, he would likewise be turned down.

People are really be driven to near insanity by anti-vaccination nonsense. It could get this guy killed.
The policy makes sense
It only makes sense if you fail to think for yourself

here is what hospital says:

Post any transplant, kidney, heart whatever, your immune system is shut off,” Caplan said. “The flu could kill you, a cold could kill you, COVID could kill you.

Oh yeah?

well if flu and cold anti bodies are not working then chicom virus anti bodies are on strike also

the baby Dr Mengle’s are blowing smoke up your ass
The hospital is forbidden from discussing anyones health information even if they’re lying or misrepresenting. Convenient, isn’t it.

the hospital can release information to anyone the patient authorizes them too
It only makes sense if you fail to think for yourself

here is what hospital says:

Post any transplant, kidney, heart whatever, your immune system is shut off,” Caplan said. “The flu could kill you, a cold could kill you, COVID could kill you.

Oh yeah?

well if flu and cold ant bodies ate not working then chicom virus anti bodies are on strike also

the baby Dr Mengle’s are blowing smoke up your ass
That’s why you get vaccinated before you get transplanted you moron.

Read the words:
Post any transplant

Post means AFTER. Get vaccinated before because your immune system is going to have a harder time after. You really are not as smart as the transplant physicians at one of the world’s leading hospitals.
BOSTON (CBS) – David Ferguson is speaking out passionately on behalf of his son DJ. He says the 31-year-old is fighting for his life at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in desperate need of a heart transplant. “My son has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he’s been pushed to the limit,” Ferguson said.

The family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but because he has not received the COVID-19 vaccination he is no longer eligible according to hospital policy. And Ferguson says his son refuses to get the shot.

“It’s kind of against his basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it. It’s a policy they are enforcing and so because he won’t get the shot, they took him off the list of a heart transplant,” Ferguson said.

Do you think it's right to deny someone medical care based on their vaccination status?
Maybe they can give him a heart with Myocarditis and pretend he was vaccinated.
That’s why you get vaccinated before you get transplanted you moron.
You are really starting to wobble and lean on the childish personal slurs

when the flu and cold anti bodies shut down so will tje chicom virus anti bodies

you dont even catch on when I draw you a picture

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