No Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID

They are all owned by the father of lies. He has done an admirable job of convincing them he doesn't exist, all the while getting them to give up their souls. What's ironic is that the way to resist him has always been so easy, but none of them are smart enough to realize what they've done. He has made a massive haul of souls because they have all found that they like feeling good more than they like being good. Massive haul of souls. Living in fire for eternity, unable to die.
After some time, God gives them up to delusion because "they love not the truth" so that they will "believe the lie". We live in the age of deception.
After some time, God gives them up to delusion because "they love not the truth" so that they will "believe the lie". We live in the age of deception.
I don't believe that deception is enough of an excuse. I dealt with all of the same temptations and I always knew, every step of the way, that what I chose was WRONG. I was never deceived into thinking that the wrong thing was right. I simply chose to do wrong. I thank God that I eventually came to the realization that I needed to shed the wrong and embrace the right.
I don't believe that deception is enough of an excuse. I dealt with all of the same temptations and I always knew, every step of the way, that what I chose was WRONG. I was never deceived into thinking that the wrong thing was right. I simply chose to do wrong. I thank God that I eventually came to the realization that I needed to shed the wrong and embrace the right.
Deception and Delusion is not an excuse, it is a Curse. God has washed His hands of such people, and has given them over to Delusion & Deception as we approach The End Times.

Try presenting one of these Deluded Fanatics with Facts. Their minds are so clouded and Consciences seared that you cannot penetrate their dark souls with Truth.

We are here

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

9 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted
in wickedness.

2nd Timothy 3:1-10

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,”

6 “Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,”

7 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

8 “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,”

9 “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
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They don't tell the recipient the race of the donor. The doctor and the potential recipi {.. yada,yada}
Great. "They don't tell the recipient the race of the donor." <-- That bit addresses the question. Thanks.

I say again,
Race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or gender expression, income, celebrity and social status are never part of the consideration when it comes to matching donor organs and tissues for transplantation.

Yet you asserted this earlier:
but people are not involved. They only get involved when it comes to deciding whether to accept the organ or not. Heck, some idiots don't want organs from people of another race, and they don't have to take them.

Now you're clearly attempting to weasel back in But, but, "The doctor and the potential recipi" as though there were some sort of logical wiggle room available. Sorry, no current OPO is going to supply an organ to a hospital given the recipient could then reject it based upon race. You've just been talking shit here and I think you know it.
Great. "They don't tell the recipient the race of the donor." <-- That bit addresses the question. Thanks.

I say again,
Correct, the MATCH doesn't take it into account because it doesn't affect compatibility. The decision to accept or reject the organ, however, does. You do understand that the match does not automatically launch a transplant, right? The doctor and patient can accept or reject an offer.
Yet you asserted this earlier:

Now you're clearly attempting to weasel back in But, but, "The doctor and the potential recipi" as though there were some sort of logical wiggle room available. Sorry, no current OPO is going to supply an organ to a hospital given the recipient could then reject it based upon race. You've just been talking shit here and I think you know it.
Dude, you're splitting hairs. The patient and the doctor agree ahead of time whether to accept certain organs or not. No one tells the recipient the race of the donor because the organ offer is rejected before it ever gets to him/her. Takes all of a few moments for the doctor to see the race of the donor and reject it because the potential recipient has already stated he/she will not accept it. The OPO doesn't "supply" the organ because the offer was rejected. They go on to the next person on the list.
After you get your COVID pass, are you going to get The COVID Chip? ........We have to chip you with the 666 chip. We need to keep track of all your purchases, where you go, who you talk to, all your financial transactions, and you can carry a digital ID, your passport can be on there, your VAX card.......
OK, good poster Tree, riddle me this: I have had the three shots. And by your assertion I should have three "chips" now inside my body somewhere. True?

And those chips transmitt 24/7 all kinds of data about me. Right?

OK, we can agree that that is where we are now, but...............but then how come my cell phone reception is so spotty at my barns?

It seems to me with all these 'transmitter'-thingies in me...well, that would be an improved pathway for my cell reception?

And then, let's talk about my crappy wi-fi out here in the farmland? Can't your "666"-chips help with that?



as we approach The End Times.
Good poster Tree, if you would, if you can......well, please give the forum the dates you have circled on the calendar for the start of your 'End Times' (and give us the finish date for it to, so we can better marshal resources and expectations.)

Thanx, in advance,
OK, good poster Tree, riddle me this: I have had the three shots. And by your assertion I should have three "chips" now inside my body somewhere. True?

And those chips transmitt 24/7 all kinds of data about me. Right?

OK, we can agree that that is where we are now, but...............but then how come my cell phone reception is so spotty at my barns?

It seems to me with all these 'transmitter'-thingies in me...well, that would be an improved pathway for my cell reception?

And then, let's talk about my crappy wi-fi out here in the farmland? Can't your "666"-chips help with that?



Good poster Tree, if you would, if you can......well, please give the forum the dates you have circled on the calendar for the start of your 'End Times' (and give us the finish date for it to, so we can better marshal resources and expectations.)

Thanx, in advance,
First they subvert the laws of the land and overturn your right to bodily autonomy.

"Two Weeks to Flatten The Curve"

Then they wear you down with onerous mandates, standards and restrictions on your freedoms, and they muzzle you like slave owners muzzled their slaves to get them to be more compliant.

Then they coerce you in to becoming human guinea pigs, and you accept it out of fear.

Then at some point they will want to track you, who you talk to, and where you go, and how you spend your money.

It will be a small invasion of your privacy, but "for the greater good" right?
"We are all in this together" unless you like your privacy and then you are a traitor to be ostracized, fired, made homeless and penniless.

After you have been conditioned to listen to the propaganda from Chi-Com owned politicians, and Chi-Com owned Media, the next thing they will tell you is that the app on your phone doesn't do a good enough job of surveilling you and tracking you, so we got this fancy Wonder Chip that will do everything you ever dreamed of, and best yet, it's 5G enabled.

Your synchronicity chip will be your bank card, your transcripts, driver license, voter registration, vax record and passport. You will sell your soul for it and like it.

At first it will be voluntary, but eventually it will be mandatory, and you will have to choose between starving to death, or complying with an Onerus and Evil Mandate.

You will have to choose between saving your life, and saving your soul.

"One Chip to rule them all, One Chip to find them, One Chip to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them"

You are welcome, slave.
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Wisconsin presidential results​

this seat




Joe Biden
Donald Trump*
100% of expected vote in

Now you add them together and you get the real count of the 2020 election.

HA HA HA HA HA... Did you really just try to change the subject to the WI election results. This is priceless.
If you were one of those kept off a vent by the vaccine you would think differently.

Yes, you do overstate it. Give me the stats on the dangers of the vaccine. Not feelings, real actual data.

But, it would be sort of ironic if you turn out to be correct and the only thing people can point to that Trump did right in the pandemic turns out to be the next Holocaust

The covid numbers have been lies from the start. Why would that change now?
So if you need a heart transplant, a hospital can demand you get vaccinated? What a load of leftist garbage.

Note: This is from a leftist rag, CBS. The guy is probably a Trump supporter and the leftist want him to die.

Hospital refusing heart transplant for man who won't get vaccinated

Transplant recipients are about as immuno-compromised as they come. He would most certainly die if unvaxxed and became infected.
The heart should go to a recipient with a higher chance of success.
Everyone here realizes you are barely intelligent enough to walk up stairs, yet you keep pretending to be an authority


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