No Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID

Doesn't matter age or preexisting...the vaccines were supposed to PROTECT those people, and they failed. The boosters were needed because the first two vaccines FAILED.

And now booster one is failing, so Israel is implementing booster four.


I'd like to put you ignore, I'm through with you.

In the meantime, please get your vaccination, 2 times and the booster.
It's all part of what gets sent out.
So how about responding to the actual question?
Who decides to disclose "race" to such "idiots" in the first place?
Iow, who at the hospital tells the potential organ recipient the donor's "race" information knowing they sure as hell don't have to?
Like I care what a fag like you thinks, it happened, deal with it. You can't, so you deny it never happened. What a woke piece of shit you are.
it did not happen the way you queefed, princess. if it had, you would support your story.
This guy, regardless of how you feel about him, or religion does a ton of research.

55 people in ICU Penny, 21 of them FULLY VACCINATED

No comment?
20,000 people died from The Jab. Not from COVID, but from The Jab itself.

Countless others are disabled with heart conditions and strokes caused by The Jab.

Mothers losing their unborn children from The Jab.

Now we know why these assholes got The Government to give them immunity from prosecution.
So if you need a heart transplant, a hospital can demand you get vaccinated? What a load of leftist garbage. Note: This is from a leftist rag, CBS. The guy is probably a Trump supporter and the leftist want him to die.
For the clueful: the covid vaccine is likely the least potent drug one would be required to take if awaiting a new heart. In a world where 'new' hearts are hard to get and very dear (someone's gotta die in order to re-stock the 'new heart' shelf)....I'm OK with the hospital saying: "Sorry, sincere patient, but......but we have a long line of folks who will take ALL the drugs and immunilogical cocktails we offer in order to increase their chances of survival of this hugely disruptive surgery...and assures all the professional doctors and nurses and staff that all their immense efforts won't be wasted. Not to mention the best use of this precious organ that is so rare."

Yeah, I'm OK with the hospital's decision. Give the heart to someone who is willing to be disciplined and attentive to what needs to be done to insure the best results. That seems to my poor avatar to be the most respectful way to honor the donar of that new heart. And the family of the donor.


It will be surprising and funny to see the reality happening, and to see you all too stupid to realize what's coming.
Ummm, what's coming?

There are always a long list of things one must follow to get a transplant.
Ditto that.
Here's a story from my own experience: A dear long time friend had a bit of a drinking hobby. And his liver paid for it. So, he got on a list for a new one. But as was his way, he wasquite frank with the Docs that he expects to have his drinks once the replacement surgery is done.

The Docs simply put him at the end of the line for prospective recipients for any of the next available livers.

And he died at the end of the line.

I think there are parallels to my friend's demise and this current 'heart/Covid' brouhaha.

And I say you have no power to do much more that wipe your own ass, so shut the fuck up. Everyone here realizes you are barely intelligent enough......,
Ah, good poster Quitter, you emphatically assert early in the mornging the following:
  • "wipe-your-own-ass";
  • "shut the fuck up";
  • "you are barely intelligent enough"!
Which begs the question: Is this the right venue for you to display your morning-keyboard enema?
To come into the homes of strangers and use the crudest of terms, the rawest of epithets?
Do you have any level of formal education, whatsoever?
Did anyone in your life attempt to teach you, train you, demonstrate to you.....that decorum, courtesey, and etiquette will make people think that you are really not a boorish bore?
Personally, I'd be surprised if absolutely no one tried to help you be a better you.

Just sayin'.

And you are screaming in desperation because you and your ilk are going down in flames. Your fear is palpable and delicious.
What flames? Going down where? What fear?
Saddle up, Skinnyjeans, and explain what it is your are trying to convey
Every Jewish person I know agrees with those who characterize this as another holocaust.
No kidding?
Every Jewish person you know?
How many would that be?
And have you showed them your little swastika-fetish as the avatar of who you are and what you think?

I bet you didn't. ;)
20,000 people died from The Jab. Not from COVID, but from The Jab itself.

Countless others are disabled with heart conditions and strokes caused by The Jab.

Mothers losing their unborn children from The Jab.

Now we know why these assholes got The Government to give them immunity from prosecution.
Let me describe for you a worthless and a wicked man; first, he is a constant liar; he signals his true intentions to his friends with eyes and feet and fingers.
So how about responding to the actual question?

Iow, who at the hospital tells the potential organ recipient the donor's "race" information knowing they sure as hell don't have to?
They don't tell the recipient the race of the donor. The doctor and the potential recipient together decide on the criteria they will use to accept or reject an organ. An elderly patient may, for example, tell the doctor he/she will accept an organ from an HIV positive donor, deciding that AIDS probably won't kill them before something else does and it's worth the risk to get a few more years of life. Of course, a younger recipient probably would reject such an organ. Then the doctor uses all those data points to decide whether or not to accept an organ. It's not like someone shows a picture of the donor to the patient and says, "Ya want something from this guy"?
Let me describe for you a worthless and a wicked man; first, he is a constant liar; he signals his true intentions to his friends with eyes and feet and fingers.
After you get your COVID pass, are you going to get The COVID Chip? An App on your phone is not enough. We have to chip you with the 666 chip. We need to keep track of all your purchases, where you go, who you talk to, all your financial transactions, and you can carry a digital ID, your passport can be on there, your VAX card, AND OF COURSE, EVIDENCE OF YOUR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO SATAN.
After you get your COVID pass, are you going to get The COVID Chip? An App on your phone is not enough. We have to chip you with the 666 chip. We need to keep track of all your purchases, where you go, who you talk to, all your financial transactions, and you can carry a digital ID, your passport can be on there, your VAX card, AND OF COURSE, EVIDENCE OF YOUR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO SATAN.
The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
58% of the state is vaccinated, yet they are only 40% of the people on vents. Your own data shows you are far less likely to end up on a vent if you have been vaccinated.
Just give it time.

How many boosters do you intend to take?
After you get your COVID pass, are you going to get The COVID Chip? An App on your phone is not enough. We have to chip you with the 666 chip. We need to keep track of all your purchases, where you go, who you talk to, all your financial transactions, and you can carry a digital ID, your passport can be on there, your VAX card, AND OF COURSE, EVIDENCE OF YOUR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO SATAN.
They are all owned by the father of lies. He has done an admirable job of convincing them he doesn't exist, all the while getting them to give up their souls. What's ironic is that the way to resist him has always been so easy, but none of them are smart enough to realize what they've done. He has made a massive haul of souls because they have all found that they like feeling good more than they like being good. Massive haul of souls. Living in fire for eternity, unable to die.

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