No, Hillary Clinton did not start the 'birther' movement

Sorry Trump. Lies don't work in the age of youtube and the internet.

No, Hillary Clinton did not -

Post all the lies you want. Her 2008 campaign chairman ADMITTED it came from one of his staffers - who was immediately fired. Nice try.

Right, so it came from a rogue staffer who was canned immediately. But is that the same thing as claiming it came from Hillary Clinton? Come on now, use your 3 brain cells to answer the question. I know it's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt REAL BAD for you to use your tiny pea brain, but just try.

I don't care where it came from! It's true. He openly admitted he was born in Kenya in his own words!
Sorry Trump. Lies don't work in the age of youtube and the internet.

No, Hillary Clinton did not -

Post all the lies you want. Her 2008 campaign chairman ADMITTED it came from one of his staffers - who was immediately fired. Nice try.

Right, so it came from a rogue staffer who was canned immediately. But is that the same thing as claiming it came from Hillary Clinton? Come on now, use your 3 brain cells to answer the question. I know it's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt REAL BAD for you to use your tiny pea brain, but just try.

Clinton has NEVER recanted this..

Whats going to be real funny is if she tries to use this at the debate... she will get run over as the documentation on its origin is solid..
Right, so it came from a rogue staffer who was canned immediately. But is that the same thing as claiming it came from Hillary Clinton? Come on now, use your 3 brain cells to answer the question. I know it's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt REAL BAD for you to use your tiny pea brain, but just try.
Agreed Hillary herself never passed this, but disagreed it was simply one "rogue staffer". I see no evidence anyone was dismissed "immediately" over it. The link mentioned two staffers were dismissed "later in the year" which tells me 1) Penn wasn't the only one and 2) it persisted for a while within the Clinton campaign.

"Proponents of this allegation tend to point to a memo, written by Clinton pollster Mark Penn, and a conspiratorial email forwarded by a pair of campaign staffers in 2007.

Penn's internal note was titled, "Lack of American Roots," and painted media reports about Obama's time as a child in Hawaii and Indonesia as having exposed "a very strong weakness for him -- his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited."

He wrote: "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values."

However unsavory the sentiment, Penn, who is not working for Clinton's current campaign, did not at any point address Obama's birthplace.

Clinton never pursued Penn's notion as a line of attack. Later in the year, the campaign dismissed two staff members in Iowa who passed along an email that cast Obama as a Muslim agent bent on "destroying the US from the inside out.""
Right, so it came from a rogue staffer who was canned immediately. But is that the same thing as claiming it came from Hillary Clinton? Come on now, use your 3 brain cells to answer the question. I know it's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt REAL BAD for you to use your tiny pea brain, but just try.
Agreed Hillary herself never passed this, but disagreed it was simply one "rogue staffer". I see no evidence anyone was dismissed "immediately" over it. The link mentioned two staffers were dismissed "later in the year" which tells me 1) Penn wasn't the only one and 2) it persisted for a while within the Clinton campaign.

"Proponents of this allegation tend to point to a memo, written by Clinton pollster Mark Penn, and a conspiratorial email forwarded by a pair of campaign staffers in 2007.

Penn's internal note was titled, "Lack of American Roots," and painted media reports about Obama's time as a child in Hawaii and Indonesia as having exposed "a very strong weakness for him -- his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited."

He wrote: "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values."

However unsavory the sentiment, Penn, who is not working for Clinton's current campaign, did not at any point address Obama's birthplace.

Clinton never pursued Penn's notion as a line of attack. Later in the year, the campaign dismissed two staff members in Iowa who passed along an email that cast Obama as a Muslim agent bent on "destroying the US from the inside out.""

Of course, its always someone else, like rogues staffer. It's always someone else doing the dirty work.

It's like suicide mission for him. If nobody complain and media go along. we'll go full attack. If there is an outrage, or disproved, we'll fire the staffer. If he talks, he'll commit the suicide.
Sorry Trump. Lies don't work in the age of youtube and the internet.

No, Hillary Clinton did not -
lol Watch the video again. Tapper is saying there is no evidence she started it by there is evidence she exploited it in 2008.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president.

One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief."

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story
Let's be clear. You people accusing Hillary of starting this are saying that she is right and Trump is wrong?

Let's be clear that you're the only one here that's not clear with it.

They're either both wrong, or both right, pick one.

But that's not the question. It's not Trump, but Hillary's campaign (with her blessing) that started it.
It took Donald Trump 5 years to reject the Birther nonsense.

It took Hillary Clinton 5 minutes.

She had nothing to reject. The Hildabeast and her campaign started the birther movement. :D

When did she ever say she doubted Obama was born in this country?

She didn't have to you blithering idiot.....she had her evil minions like Sidney Blumenthal do her dirty work. Come on man....this is how the Clinton's have worked for thirty years. :lol:
Sorry Trump. Lies don't work in the age of youtube and the internet.

No, Hillary Clinton did not -

Even if one were to believe Clinton were responsible for starting the rumor, who is responsible for this?
From the link:
After more than five years of touting "birther" conspiracy theories, Donald Trump on Friday finally conceded a simple truth: "President Barack Obama was born in the United States

Five fucking years. Only ending a day or two ago. Really?

How in the world does saying Clinton started it release Trump from five years of dumbassery?
Sorry Trump. Lies don't work in the age of youtube and the internet.

No, Hillary Clinton did not -

Even if one were to believe Clinton were responsible for starting the rumor, who is responsible for this?
From the link:
After more than five years of touting "birther" conspiracy theories, Donald Trump on Friday finally conceded a simple truth: "President Barack Obama was born in the United States

Five fucking years. Only ending a day or two ago. Really?

How in the world does saying Clinton started it release Trump from five years of dumbassery?

I believe the phenomenon you are referring to is known as "conservative logic."
No, it’s deflection – a red herring fallacy.

Like most on the right you can’t accept the fact Clinton had nothing to do with the birther lie; with no facts of your own, you make a failed attempt to deflect.
Disagreed on both since it's 1) obviously true about Bill and 2) it's a matter of perspective and context --- the Clintons have often been associated with shady actions. There's a reason why Hillary polls so low on favorability ratings even within her own party so it's not a "red herring" nor "deflection" to remind others of this fact when addressing the "who started the birther movement " issue.

While it's clear Hillary herself never publicly uttered birther nonsense, the fact it existed within her own campaign for months coupled with her record of less-than-honest behavior is enough to create mistrust.

Clinton's Image at Lowest Point in Two Decades

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