No, Hillary Clinton did not start the 'birther' movement

Even if one were to believe Clinton were responsible for starting the rumor, who is responsible for this?
From the link:
After more than five years of touting "birther" conspiracy theories, Donald Trump on Friday finally conceded a simple truth: "President Barack Obama was born in the United States

Five fucking years. Only ending a day or two ago. Really?

How in the world does saying Clinton started it release Trump from five years of dumbassery?
The Clinton campaign started the rumor and the far Right ran with it like a dog with a bone.

How is this different from the Tea Party starting the "tea bag" meme and the Democrats running with it about tea baggers? It's the same phenomenon, yet I doubt many of the far Left here will complain about me "deflecting" or presenting a "red herring" when I say the Tea Party created the Tea Bagger meme.

There is no doubt that the birther rumors started in 2008 when the Hillary campaign started falling behind Obama. It originated inside the Clinton campaign with anonymous email chains to that effect.
The RW'ers are pushing this myth now as hard as they pushed the Birther myth itself.

Haven't you people realized that your messiah Trump decided you were fools to be birthers in the first place?

Are you that in need of a fool's errand that you have to go off on this one?
The RW'ers are pushing this myth now as hard as they pushed the Birther myth itself.

Haven't you people realized that your messiah Trump decided you were fools to be birthers in the first place?

Are you that in need of a fool's errand that you have to go off on this one?
Na, hildabeast started the rumor...
The RW'ers are pushing this myth now as hard as they pushed the Birther myth itself.

Haven't you people realized that your messiah Trump decided you were fools to be birthers in the first place?

Are you that in need of a fool's errand that you have to go off on this one?
Na, hildabeast started the rumor...

She should be easy to quote then.
The RW'ers are pushing this myth now as hard as they pushed the Birther myth itself.

Haven't you people realized that your messiah Trump decided you were fools to be birthers in the first place?

Are you that in need of a fool's errand that you have to go off on this one?
Na, hildabeast started the rumor...

Maybe if you repeat it enough times it will become true?
It took Donald Trump 5 years to reject the Birther nonsense.

It took Hillary Clinton 5 minutes.
Donald can't resist these crackpot conspiracy theories.
  • Asbestos is really safe
  • There is no drought in California
  • Climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese
  • There were “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks
  • Vaccines cause autism
  • Obama was born in Kenya
  • Obama is really a Muslim
  • Obama never attended Columbia University
  • The Clintons may have murdered Vince Foster
  • Scalia was murdered
  • Ted Cruz’s dad involved in JFK assassination
  • ISIS provides phones to refugees seeking to enter the United States
CNN should REALLY talk to Hillary's campaign manager who ADMITTED the Hillary campaign circulated the Birther Story in 2008!

CNN is, by the way, a completely discredited organization as a 'news' media, from the moment Cuomo declared CNN could not do more for Hillary since they had given her a pass on every scandal.

They have proven they would push their own mothers in front of a moving bus for her, so nothing they now say / write can be taken seriously.
Libs, according to Hillary's own campaign manager they circulated it in 2008!

Sack up.


Or don't & we will all laugh at your asses while you lie, deny, cry!


Good stuff muppets. Keep the alt-right conspiracy theories coming...they're hilarious

Yeah you are getting your ass kicked so you just call everyone Alt Right and think it works. You are a liar. Hillary is the mother and father of the birther movement and all your lies cannot change that fact.
It took Donald Trump 5 years to reject the Birther nonsense.

It took Hillary Clinton 5 minutes.
Donald can't resist these crackpot conspiracy theories.
  • Asbestos is really safe
  • There is no drought in California
  • Climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese
  • There were “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks
  • Vaccines cause autism
  • Obama was born in Kenya
  • Obama is really a Muslim
  • Obama never attended Columbia University
  • The Clintons may have murdered Vince Foster
  • Scalia was murdered
  • Ted Cruz’s dad involved in JFK assassination
  • ISIS provides phones to refugees seeking to enter the United States
Think Progress... LOL
Is that where you lefties are getting your talking points?
It took Donald Trump 5 years to reject the Birther nonsense.

It took Hillary Clinton 5 minutes.
Donald can't resist these crackpot conspiracy theories.
  • Asbestos is really safe
  • There is no drought in California
  • Climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese
  • There were “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks
  • Vaccines cause autism
  • Obama was born in Kenya
  • Obama is really a Muslim
  • Obama never attended Columbia University
  • The Clintons may have murdered Vince Foster
  • Scalia was murdered
  • Ted Cruz’s dad involved in JFK assassination
  • ISIS provides phones to refugees seeking to enter the United States
Think Progress... LOL
Is that where you lefties are getting your talking points?
Yes, Think Progress is a hard Left website, but Google any of those "talking points" and tell me Donald Trump didn't say them. I await your links disproving that Trump did/said those things.

FWIW, I have always felt Trump started this as a lark and found himself in the lead. While others are certainly pushing him to win in a "Anyone but Hillary" campaign, he's a billionaire who doesn't want to spend the remaining years of his life chained to both a desk and an oath. IF he did win, he would probably be the first President in modern history to freely choose to resign (probably for "health" reasons or some other excuse) and Mike would become President.
It took Donald Trump 5 years to reject the Birther nonsense.

It took Hillary Clinton 5 minutes.
Donald can't resist these crackpot conspiracy theories.
  • Asbestos is really safe
  • There is no drought in California
  • Climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese
  • There were “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks
  • Vaccines cause autism
  • Obama was born in Kenya
  • Obama is really a Muslim
  • Obama never attended Columbia University
  • The Clintons may have murdered Vince Foster
  • Scalia was murdered
  • Ted Cruz’s dad involved in JFK assassination
  • ISIS provides phones to refugees seeking to enter the United States
I never knew ISIS was providing phones to terrorist refugees entering the country....


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