No, Hillary Clinton Was Not A 'Birther'

The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.

And by 'holes' you mean
  • The first candidate ever to show voters his birth certificate?
  • The only President to ever have his state of birth repeatedly confirm he was born there?
  • Having birth announcements in Hawaii when he was born.
The only 'holes' are in the heads of brain dead Birthers who believe all the crap that they are told by WND.

you got reliable links?
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.

And by 'holes' you mean
  • The first candidate ever to show voters his birth certificate?
  • The only President to ever have his state of birth repeatedly confirm he was born there?
  • Having birth announcements in Hawaii when he was born.
The only 'holes' are in the heads of brain dead Birthers who believe all the crap that they are told by WND.

you got reliable links?

I tell you what- if I do provide reliable links- will your apologize for your claims- and retract them?

If not- why should I bother?
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.

And by 'holes' you mean
  • The first candidate ever to show voters his birth certificate?
  • The only President to ever have his state of birth repeatedly confirm he was born there?
  • Having birth announcements in Hawaii when he was born.
The only 'holes' are in the heads of brain dead Birthers who believe all the crap that they are told by WND.

you got reliable links?

I tell you what- if I do provide reliable links- will your apologize for your claims- and retract them?

If not- why should I bother?

do what ever you want to do-------I have no reason to
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.

And by 'holes' you mean
  • The first candidate ever to show voters his birth certificate?
  • The only President to ever have his state of birth repeatedly confirm he was born there?
  • Having birth announcements in Hawaii when he was born.
The only 'holes' are in the heads of brain dead Birthers who believe all the crap that they are told by WND.

you got reliable links?

I tell you what- if I do provide reliable links- will your apologize for your claims- and retract them?

If not- why should I bother?

do what ever you want to do-------I have no reason to

Certainly- why would you retract or apologize for posting blatant lies?
Certainly we can't expect any Birthers to be responsible for their statements- example- Trump
Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II


Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper


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