No, Hillary Clinton Was Not A 'Birther'

if Ms Clinton's entourage pushed the birther movement and she did not repudiate it----then she tacitly supported it-------SO THERE!!!!

Compare and Contrast:
Trump: There is no proof that Obama was born in the United States.
Clinton: .................

Of course the Right Wing blames Clinton for Trump's idiotic Birther claims.
This is going to be the most awesome election cycle in awhile, Is Hillary really willing to risk a "Donald Trump is dishonest" campaign? I doubt that given her own track record.

As for the OP, dropped on your head one too many times as a child I assume?

fair? and balanced? -----you have finally made a FAIR. BALANCED----remark

EVERYTHING I say is both fair and balanced. You'll notice when I'm in a thread if the liberal position is correct I'll defend it and get liberals thanking me, if the conservative position is correct I'll defend it and get thanks from conservatives. I don't give a fuck which side is right or wrong. I only care about positions.

Donald Trump may or may not be a liar, but Hillary Clinton absolutely is a liar. Simple as that.

Trump is a liar.

And a Birther.

Simple as that.
This is going to be the most awesome election cycle in awhile, Is Hillary really willing to risk a "Donald Trump is dishonest" campaign? I doubt that given her own track record.

As for the OP, dropped on your head one too many times as a child I assume?

fair? and balanced? -----you have finally made a FAIR. BALANCED----remark

EVERYTHING I say is both fair and balanced. You'll notice when I'm in a thread if the liberal position is correct I'll defend it and get liberals thanking me, if the conservative position is correct I'll defend it and get thanks from conservatives. I don't give a fuck which side is right or wrong. I only care about positions.

Donald Trump may or may not be a liar, but Hillary Clinton absolutely is a liar. Simple as that.

Trump is a liar.

And a Birther.

Simple as that.

So is Hillary

LOL OMG this is going to be funny

Maybe they could make a reality show of it. Survivor :White House edition. And every week there could be a new challenge. A lie by one of the liars is revealed and they each get 20 minutes to justify their lie, then a panel of judges rates their excuses until finally one of the liars is eliminated.
he following post first appeared on

Donald Trump again has repeated the false claim that Hillary Clinton “started” the so-called “birther” movement against Barack Obama in 2008.

As we wrote last year, there’s no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with bogus claims that Obama wasn’t born in the United States and thus was ineligible to be president.

What we do know, as we wrote in November 2008, is that some of Clinton’s most loyal supporters pushed that theory during that year’s presidential campaign.

Trump previously linked Clinton to the “birther” movement during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2015. On Sept. 22, 2015, hetweeted, “Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!” He made the claim most recently during a May 4 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

Trump, May 4: Do you know who started the “birther” movement? Do you know who started it? Do you know who questioned his birth certificate? One of the firsts? Hillary Clinton. She’s the one that started it. She brought it up years before it was brought up by me.​

But Trump’s campaign has never provided any evidence that claims that Obama was not born in the U.S. originated with Clinton or her campaign.

More: Hillary Clinton Wasn't A 'Birther' Like Donald Trump Claims

Trump's false claim against Hillary has been thoroughly debunked.

And since when did you ever care about the truth ?

That's new.

Please provide "credible" proof that I ever didn't tell the truth.
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.
As a president of the USA--------I do believe that WE should have done
better in FINDING THE RIGHT GUY-------I wish him well in retirement----
I hope that he conducts himself with greater honor and honesty than have
Carter and Clinton
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times.

Redfish, this is simply not true. Now you know me... I am not a Hillary fan at all... die hard conservative all the way, we thank each other's posts all the time man.... I am politically on your side all the way and you know that... but...

This started with a Hillary PAC group and not the campaign team of Hillary Clinton, and there is a huge distinction. It's like the Swift Boat Veterans... that wasn't done by George W. Bush's campaign. That was a PAC group which GWB had no control over. The Melania GQ photos... done by a PAC group and not Ted Cruz.

We apparently don't comprehend that PAC groups are not controlled by the candidates. This is a matter of federal campaign finance reform laws. Over and over, since PACs came into existence, the general public continues to misconstrue or misunderstand this. We somehow think that PACs are controlled by the invisible hand of the campaign and they're simply not. They can't be.... it's a felony if they are because it corrupts the political process. They were established in order to divide the candidate from the influence of big money donors and reduce the chance of corruption. The problem is, these PAC groups are now autonomous entities who can do as they please and the candidate maintains total deniability for what they do.
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times.

Redfish, this is simply not true. Now you know me... I am not a Hillary fan at all... die hard conservative all the way, we thank each other's posts all the time man.... I am politically on your side all the way and you know that... but...

This started with a Hillary PAC group and not the campaign team of Hillary Clinton, and there is a huge distinction. It's like the Swift Boat Veterans... that wasn't done by George W. Bush's campaign. That was a PAC group which GWB had no control over. The Melania GQ photos... done by a PAC group and not Ted Cruz.

We apparently don't comprehend that PAC groups are not controlled by the candidates. This is a matter of federal campaign finance reform laws. Over and over, since PACs came into existence, the general public continues to misconstrue or misunderstand this. We somehow think that PACs are controlled by the invisible hand of the campaign and they're simply not. They can't be.... it's a felony if they are because it corrupts the political process. They were established in order to divide the candidate from the influence of big money donors and reduce the chance of corruption. The problem is, these PAC groups are now autonomous entities who can do as they please and the candidate maintains total deniability for what they do.

all true, but she allowed it to continue until he promised her the SecState job if she would shut it down. So it was hers, started by a PAC but allowed to continue by her campaign.

I fully understand the distinction between PACs and campaigns, but when the campaign condones what the PAC says, it takes ownership of it.
This is going to be the most awesome election cycle in awhile, Is Hillary really willing to risk a "Donald Trump is dishonest" campaign? I doubt that given her own track record.

As for the OP, dropped on your head one too many times as a child I assume?

fair? and balanced? -----you have finally made a FAIR. BALANCED----remark

EVERYTHING I say is both fair and balanced. You'll notice when I'm in a thread if the liberal position is correct I'll defend it and get liberals thanking me, if the conservative position is correct I'll defend it and get thanks from conservatives. I don't give a fuck which side is right or wrong. I only care about positions.

Donald Trump may or may not be a liar, but Hillary Clinton absolutely is a liar. Simple as that.

Trump is a liar.

And a Birther.

Simple as that.

So is Hillary

LOL OMG this is going to be funny

Maybe they could make a reality show of it. Survivor :White House edition. And every week there could be a new challenge. A lie by one of the liars is revealed and they each get 20 minutes to justify their lie, then a panel of judges rates their excuses until finally one of the liars is eliminated.

Oh certainly Trump and Clinton are both liars.

But only Trump is a big ol' Birther.
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times.

Redfish, this is simply not true. Now you know me... I am not a Hillary fan at all... die hard conservative all the way, we thank each other's posts all the time man.... I am politically on your side all the way and you know that... but...

This started with a Hillary PAC group and not the campaign team of Hillary Clinton, and there is a huge distinction. It's like the Swift Boat Veterans... that wasn't done by George W. Bush's campaign. That was a PAC group which GWB had no control over. The Melania GQ photos... done by a PAC group and not Ted Cruz.

We apparently don't comprehend that PAC groups are not controlled by the candidates. This is a matter of federal campaign finance reform laws. Over and over, since PACs came into existence, the general public continues to misconstrue or misunderstand this. We somehow think that PACs are controlled by the invisible hand of the campaign and they're simply not. They can't be.... it's a felony if they are because it corrupts the political process. They were established in order to divide the candidate from the influence of big money donors and reduce the chance of corruption. The problem is, these PAC groups are now autonomous entities who can do as they please and the candidate maintains total deniability for what they do.

all true, but she allowed it to continue until he promised her the SecState job if she would shut it down. So it was hers, started by a PAC but allowed to continue by her campaign.t.

Redfish's fan fiction is always entertaining and entirely devoid of facts.
all true, but she allowed it to continue until he promised her the SecState job if she would shut it down. So it was hers, started by a PAC but allowed to continue by her campaign.

I fully understand the distinction between PACs and campaigns, but when the campaign condones what the PAC says, it takes ownership of it.

But again... Candidates have no choice but to allow it... they can't control it. She can't tell the PAC to stop it... that's a violation of Federal law... she can't have any contact with them. All she can do (which she did) was to state that her campaign had nothing to do with the rumor. That's really the limit the candidate has on this. I know this is hard to understand... you think, well why doesn't the candidate come out and say something more? Well, that constitutes (legally) them instructing the PAC... that's a federal violation of law.
he following post first appeared on

Donald Trump again has repeated the false claim that Hillary Clinton “started” the so-called “birther” movement against Barack Obama in 2008.

As we wrote last year, there’s no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with bogus claims that Obama wasn’t born in the United States and thus was ineligible to be president.

What we do know, as we wrote in November 2008, is that some of Clinton’s most loyal supporters pushed that theory during that year’s presidential campaign.

Trump previously linked Clinton to the “birther” movement during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2015. On Sept. 22, 2015, hetweeted, “Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!” He made the claim most recently during a May 4 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

Trump, May 4: Do you know who started the “birther” movement? Do you know who started it? Do you know who questioned his birth certificate? One of the firsts? Hillary Clinton. She’s the one that started it. She brought it up years before it was brought up by me.​

But Trump’s campaign has never provided any evidence that claims that Obama was not born in the U.S. originated with Clinton or her campaign.

More: Hillary Clinton Wasn't A 'Birther' Like Donald Trump Claims

Trump's false claim against Hillary has been thoroughly debunked.

It's just one more in the loooong list of lies that seep out of trump's body on a daily basis. This is who this guy is, he thinks because 35% of the Republicans were fooled by everything he said that the entire population will be as well.

He is way overdue for a yooge dose of reality.

Hillary is a liar, a blatant liar, you people should busy yourself with your own problems.

Who is shocked that Breiitbart lies?

Washington Post never 'confirmed' that Clinton started the Birther movement.

Breitbart points out that Washington Post confirmed just the opposite:

Because the Washington Post‘s primary job is to protect Democrats, Weigel’s headline and conclusion are an objective lie. Despite the fact that what he uncovered (and chose to not cover) points directly to Ms. Clinton and her campaign, Weigel concludes she had nothing to do with the Birther movement.

Trump lied.
Breitbart lied.

And Trump is still a big ol' Birther.
The Hillary campaign started the birther movement in 2007, that has been documented many times. It has been picked up and followed by many since then. Mostly because the so-called proof submitted by Obama has lots of holes in it.

and to continue the dead horse beatings, have any of you obamabots posted his college records yet? explained how he paid the huge tuition at Harvard and Columbia? Explained how he qualified for scholarships and grants with average grades? Explained why Columbia had him registered as a foreign student? No?, didn't think so.

Obama's record IS FULL OF HOLES----regarding his "authenticity" as a "BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN"-----------i don't care -------blame his mom and grandparents.

And by 'holes' you mean
  • The first candidate ever to show voters his birth certificate?
  • The only President to ever have his state of birth repeatedly confirm he was born there?
  • Having birth announcements in Hawaii when he was born.
The only 'holes' are in the heads of brain dead Birthers who believe all the crap that they are told by WND.

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