NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

No, actually, you're nothing of the kind.
Your god created homosexuality in human animals as well as non-human animals. Are you saying he/she is wrong?
You phoney christians preach the exact opposite of what Jesus/god did.

I don't think God created homosexuality. Homosexuals create it for themselves.

Indeed. As Science has established that Homosexuality is not a function of genetics.

And that means that it's learned behavior..

a) Science has found not genetic link- it has not found that there is no link.
b) Science has not found any indication that homosexuality is a learned behavior.

Your 'science' is as bad as your 'logic'
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

But Tab A fits in slot B and slot C and slot D........just as a flat head screwdriver can often be used on a phillips head screw.

Doesn't make either wrong.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

The subnormal IQ and stupidity of the OP is not normal either but he is allowed to marry and breed! :eek:
The subnormal IQ and stupidity of the OP is not normal either but he is allowed to marry and breed! :eek:
1. Apparently, ad hominem attacks is your specialty. As is displaying your incompetence to present substance to a discussion. :biggrin:

2. Are you gay ?

Excessive temper exist in more than 100,000 species. So ?

"Homophobia" (just like "Islamaphobia") is a FALSE word, contrived for the purpose of attempting to silence the critics. There is no such thing as either of these. A "phobia" is an irrational fear based on nothing. But fear of homosexuality is perfectly rational, since queers are always always looking to convert/pervert children into their sick lifestyle.

ANd now since the SCOTUS ruling on SSM, it is even more of a rational fear since people are being fined for denying services to gays, which in some instances is the correct thing to do.

Lastly, it is an affront to people who suffer from REAL phobias, like the most common one > agoraphobia (as I do), to use this word falsely and deceitfully, for political purposes.

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One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

But Tab A fits in slot B and slot C and slot D........just as a flat head screwdriver can often be used on a phillips head screw.

Doesn't make either wrong.

Conservative guys insisting that oral sex is an abomination should come as quite a surprise to most of their wives.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

But Tab A fits in slot B and slot C and slot D........just as a flat head screwdriver can often be used on a phillips head screw.

Doesn't make either wrong.

Conservative guys insisting that oral sex is an abomination should come as quite a surprise to most of their wives.
But a welcome one I'm sure
I found something out to day

Not only am I a homophobe. I am also a Hermaphrophobe as well.

In fact, Hermaphrodites are even scarier--they have the ability and natural equipment to fool unsuspecting heteros into having sex with them!! Both women and men.
I found something out to day

Not only am I a homophobe. I am also a Hermaphrophobe as well.

In fact, Hermaphrodites are even scarier--they have the ability and natural equipment to fool unsuspecting heteros into having sex with them!! Both women and men.

My perfect woman. :)
I found something out to day

Not only am I a homophobe. I am also a Hermaphrophobe as well.

In fact, Hermaphrodites are even scarier--they have the ability and natural equipment to fool unsuspecting heteros into having sex with them!! Both women and men.

My perfect woman. :)

Did you know there are three types of Hermaphrodites?
female pseudo ,males pseudo and true'(both sex organs are functional)

Although naturally occurring, Hermaphrodites are not normal. However, it does give credence to the concept that homosexuality has a genetic factor and it is not just 'psychological'!!

Now for all those Bible thumpers, some questions(oh, this is going to continue. Some of you do not like to think--these questions will force you to think--and, please ask me for evidence of Hermaphrodites. I dare you!!)

1) If a Hermaphrodite gets married, Is it a same sex marriage or a "Traditional" marriage? Are Hermaphrodites baned from getting married because "God made them that way"?
I found something out to day

Not only am I a homophobe. I am also a Hermaphrophobe as well.

In fact, Hermaphrodites are even scarier--they have the ability and natural equipment to fool unsuspecting heteros into having sex with them!! Both women and men.

My perfect woman. :)

Did you know there are three types of Hermaphrodites?
female pseudo ,males pseudo and true'(both sex organs are functional)

Although naturally occurring, Hermaphrodites are not normal. However, it does give credence to the concept that homosexuality has a genetic factor and it is not just 'psychological'!!

Now for all those Bible thumpers, some questions(oh, this is going to continue. Some of you do not like to think--these questions will force you to think--and, please ask me for evidence of Hermaphrodites. I dare you!!)

1) If a Hermaphrodite gets married, Is it a same sex marriage or a "Traditional" marriage? Are Hermaphrodites baned from getting married because "God made them that way"?

Think there's more than 3 in fact, though I might be including 'intersex.'

At least 6 sexes in humans. And scores of genders.
I found this an interesting read

What Gay Couples Should Do With Their Newfound Power
The Supreme Court handed the gay community tremendous power when it decreed same-sex couples have the legal right to form families. Now comes the responsibility.
By Paul Rosnick

July 2, 2015

wrote an opinion piece for The Federalist explaining why I, as a gay man, opposed same-sex marriage. After last week’s Supreme Court ruling, I find myself on the “wrong side of history,” but the right side of the facts—an incredibly frustrating place to be.

I write now, not to defend the traditional institution of marriage, but to encourage my brothers and sisters in the LGBT community to step up to the great responsibility that is now before them.

The beloved Uncle Ben from Marvel’s “Spider Man” put it nicely when he said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The Supreme Court handed the gay community a tremendous power when it decreed same-sex couples have the legal right to form families. Now comes the responsibility.

Unfortunately, I fear that the gay community at large is not ready to handle this responsibility. Contrary to what is often portrayed in the media and on television shows like “Modern Family,” LGBT culture is far from “family friendly.”

Gay Culture Is Not Family-Friendly

The Gay Community Openly Rejects Monogamy

Hedonism Is No Environment for a Child

all of it
What Gay Couples Should Do With Their Newfound Power
I found this an interesting read

What Gay Couples Should Do With Their Newfound Power
The Supreme Court handed the gay community tremendous power when it decreed same-sex couples have the legal right to form families. Now comes the responsibility.
By Paul Rosnick

July 2, 2015

wrote an opinion piece for The Federalist explaining why I, as a gay man, opposed same-sex marriage. After last week’s Supreme Court ruling, I find myself on the “wrong side of history,” but the right side of the facts—an incredibly frustrating place to be.

I write now, not to defend the traditional institution of marriage, but to encourage my brothers and sisters in the LGBT community to step up to the great responsibility that is now before them.

The beloved Uncle Ben from Marvel’s “Spider Man” put it nicely when he said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The Supreme Court handed the gay community a tremendous power when it decreed same-sex couples have the legal right to form families. Now comes the responsibility.

Unfortunately, I fear that the gay community at large is not ready to handle this responsibility. Contrary to what is often portrayed in the media and on television shows like “Modern Family,” LGBT culture is far from “family friendly.”

Gay Culture Is Not Family-Friendly

The Gay Community Openly Rejects Monogamy

Hedonism Is No Environment for a Child

all of it
What Gay Couples Should Do With Their Newfound Power

Yea like the duggar family christian family values friendly
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.

Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

How much did you pay for your brain wash?
Take a hundred monogamous gay couples and a hundred heterosexual couples and put them each on a separate island for 100 years. Which island would flourish and which would perish?

Natural? HAHAHAHA stupid fuck!

Probably both islands would be stripped bare of all vegetation and animal life and the humans would die.

Depends on the size and condition of the island.

Don't forget about diseases, violence, natural disasters, predators, etc ... ;)

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