NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
That doesn't make it normal.

It's normal...just uncommon. Rather like being red haired or left handed.

I have to disagree on the left-handed part of that because it's not really uncommon. Approximately 30% of the population is left-handed.

Uhmmm--you can probably find stats that suggest 25% of the population is either Homosexual or Transgender(there is more of them than you think!!):eek:


He just argued that Homosexuality is as normal as being left handed.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Think being gay is unnatural These 11 animals will prove you wrong Gay Star News

Personally, I would never use Wiki-anything for valid information. Actual scientific reports are better and harder to argue with.
It's perfectly fine place to start, so, I use it. These bozos reject reality no matter where it comes from anyway.
That doesn't make it normal.

It's normal...just uncommon. Rather like being red haired or left handed.

I have to disagree on the left-handed part of that because it's not really uncommon. Approximately 30% of the population is left-handed.

Okay...still in the minority (and once considered an evil to be eradicated)

My Dad can write with either hand because he was born left-handed but was forced to be right-handed. It's almost unbelievable the foolishness that people will believe because the church said so.

Hey, it's no more foolish than the church calling blacks "mud people" or thinking same sex consenting adult relationships are a sin.

On a side note -

My sister when she was little had never seen a black person outside of tv. Our Dad was at a store with her when she saw a large black man and loudly called out, "Hey, hey - it's Fat Albert!"

Knowing my Dad, he was shitting bricks thinking the guy was going to kill him. (He's old school and has the usual prejudices.)

The black guy had a good sense of humor and just cracked up laughing.
That doesn't make it normal.

It's normal...just uncommon. Rather like being red haired or left handed.

I have to disagree on the left-handed part of that because it's not really uncommon. Approximately 30% of the population is left-handed.

Uhmmm--you can probably find stats that suggest 25% of the population is either Homosexual or Transgender(there is more of them than you think!!):eek:


He just argued that Homosexuality is as normal as being left handed.

Yes, I know but I was trying to figure out if he had mistaken me for someone who is against it.
It's normal...just uncommon. Rather like being red haired or left handed.

I have to disagree on the left-handed part of that because it's not really uncommon. Approximately 30% of the population is left-handed.

Uhmmm--you can probably find stats that suggest 25% of the population is either Homosexual or Transgender(there is more of them than you think!!):eek:


He just argued that Homosexuality is as normal as being left handed.

Yes, I know but I was trying to figure out if he had mistaken me for someone who is against it.

He is a she and being gay IS as normal as being red haired or left handed.

About 10% of the world’s population are left-handed and it seems that left-handedness runs in families, with the handedness of the mother being an important factor. So what are the chances of having a left-handed child? - See more at: Chance of having a left handed child Anything Left-Handed
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

So don't practice Homosexual acts if you believe it is unnatural and sinful...

I do not understand what the major issue is, but it seem the Social Conservatives have themselves all worked up over nothing as usual.

I mean you're from the same people that once believed the Mark of Cain was the black skin color. Your kind once thought that freeing the slaves would destroy the great WASP society. It was your kind that believed Interracial marriages were also against the rules.

So with knowing how social Conservatives are usually on the wrong side of History I am going with letting Gays and Lesbians enjoy the same freedoms and rights we all enjoy, and if you have a serious mental issue with that then get help because in the end Homosexuality is here to stay, and you crying about it on a message board is not going to change that fact!
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Think being gay is unnatural These 11 animals will prove you wrong Gay Star News

Personally, I would never use Wiki-anything for valid information. Actual scientific reports are better and harder to argue with.
It's perfectly fine place to start, so, I use it. These bozos reject reality no matter where it comes from anyway.
I have to disagree on the left-handed part of that because it's not really uncommon. Approximately 30% of the population is left-handed.

Uhmmm--you can probably find stats that suggest 25% of the population is either Homosexual or Transgender(there is more of them than you think!!):eek:


He just argued that Homosexuality is as normal as being left handed.

Yes, I know but I was trying to figure out if he had mistaken me for someone who is against it.

He is a she and being gay IS as normal as being red haired or left handed.

About 10% of the world’s population are left-handed and it seems that left-handedness runs in families, with the handedness of the mother being an important factor. So what are the chances of having a left-handed child? - See more at: Chance of having a left handed child Anything Left-Handed

Duly noted - she.
Normal is akin to appropriate. The buttock was designed by our Creator ---- the rectum was designed to pass out waste from the human body. Speak to an honest physician and you will be told that shoving any foreign object up the rectum is very dangerous. Patients have even been injured during scheduled colonoscopies handled by a licensed practitioner.

The mouth was designed by our Creator so that we might speak, sing, and take in nourishment. However, again placing foreign objects in that orifice can result in serious health problems later on --- Gingivitis, cold sores, ulcers, viral infections of the mouth can lead to both throat and mouth cancers --- not to mention cavities, and tooth loss...

Homosexual sex is never done to procreate as our Creator intended. And homosexual sex is never done with the Creator's blessing. I do know that Christians have and do pray before sex that they might beget a baby or on their wedding night that God may bless that married couple's union. Though this might not be common today; it is certainly normal for a believer to not be ashamed of God being at the center of a husband and wife as they start a family...
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You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
Bonobo apes would most likely be the best example.
You can spell the word anyway. Fail.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
Bonobo apes would most likely be the best example.
You can spell the word anyway. Fail.
Four Kentucky couples are suing a clerk who is refusing to issue gay-marriage licenses – or any marriage licenses for that matter – following a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court giving same-sex marriage couples the legal right to marry.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky filed a federal lawsuit against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis Thursday on behalf of two homosexual and two heterosexual couples, all of whom were turned down when they tried to get marriage licenses from Davis’ office this week.

Mrs. Davis has said that her religious beliefs prevented her from complying with the Supreme Court decision, so she decided not to issue marriage licenses to any type of couple – straight or gay.

Davis is among a handful of judges and clerks across the South who have defied the Court’s order, maintaining that the right to “religious freedom” protects them from having to comply.

The Decatur County, Tennessee clerk and two office employees resigned Thursday due to their opposition to same-sex marriage, County Commissioner David Boroughs told The Jackson Sun.

However, in Alabama, all counties appeared to be complying with the Supreme Court ruling as of Thursday, lawyers representing gay couples told The Associated Press.

In Louisiana, where most parish clerks had been issuing same-sex marriage licenses since Monday, the state Office of Vital Records, which issues the licenses in New Orleans, didn't begin doing so until Thursday.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling last Friday, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear ordered all clerks to fall in line. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway followed up with a warning that failing to do so might open them up to civil liability.

Officials have also warned defiant clerks could be risking criminal charges. Warren County Attorney Ann Milliken, president of the Kentucky County Attorneys Association, president of the Kentucky County Attorney’s Association, said clerks could be charged with official misconduct, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

Some Kentucky clerks who at first resisted issuing same-sex marriage licenses changed course this week aand agreed to sign them. However, Mrs. Davis and a few others stood firm, despite the protests outside her Morehead office earlier this week.

She pledged to never issue a marriage license to a gay couple.

"It's a deep-rooted conviction; my conscience won't allow me to do that," Mrs. Davis said Tuesday. "It goes against everything I hold dear, everything sacred in my life."

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Ashland, requests and injunction ordering Davis to begin issuing licenses. IT alleges that her policy is unconstitutional and asks for punitive damages for violating the four couples’ rights.

April Miller and Karen Roberts, a couple for 11 years who live in Morehead, told The Associated Press that they asked for a license Tuesday and were told to try another county.

Another gay couple, L. Aaron Skaggs and Barry Spartman, called the Rowan County clerk's office Tuesday and asked to apply for a license. An employee on the phone said, "Don't bother coming down here," according to the lawsuit, and told them the clerk was refusing to issue licenses.

Two opposite-sex couples also tried to get licenses and were told by staff that none would be issued, the lawsuit alleges.

The clerks have argued that if they issue a license to no one, they cannot be accused of discrimination. Kentucky state law allows adult couples seeking marriage licenses to get them from any county. If a marriage involves minors, however, they must get their license in the county where they live.

The four couples who filed suit say that because they live, work, vote and pay taxes in Rowan County, they have a right to file for a marriage license there.

In the lawsuit, ACLU legal director William Sharp wrote that Davis' religious conviction "is not a compelling, important or legitimate government interest."

One of the attorneys who filed the lawsuit, Laura Landenwich, wrote that Davis "has the absolute right to believe whatever she wants about God, faith, and religion, but as a government official who swore an oath to uphold the law, she cannot pick and choose who she is going to serve, or which duties her office will perform based on her religious beliefs."

The Associated Press contributed to this report
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
Bonobo apes would most likely be the best example.
You can spell the word anyway. Fail.
Four Kentucky couples are suing a clerk who is refusing to issue gay-marriage licenses – or any marriage licenses for that matter – following a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court giving same-sex marriage couples the legal right to marry.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky filed a federal lawsuit against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis Thursday on behalf of two homosexual and two heterosexual couples, all of whom were turned down when they tried to get marriage licenses from Davis’ office this week.

Mrs. Davis has said that her religious beliefs prevented her from complying with the Supreme Court decision, so she decided not to issue marriage licenses to any type of couple – straight or gay.

Davis is among a handful of judges and clerks across the South who have defied the Court’s order, maintaining that the right to “religious freedom” protects them from having to comply.

The Decatur County, Tennessee clerk and two office employees resigned Thursday due to their opposition to same-sex marriage, County Commissioner David Boroughs told The Jackson Sun.

However, in Alabama, all counties appeared to be complying with the Supreme Court ruling as of Thursday, lawyers representing gay couples told The Associated Press.

In Louisiana, where most parish clerks had been issuing same-sex marriage licenses since Monday, the state Office of Vital Records, which issues the licenses in New Orleans, didn't begin doing so until Thursday.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling last Friday, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear ordered all clerks to fall in line. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway followed up with a warning that failing to do so might open them up to civil liability.

Officials have also warned defiant clerks could be risking criminal charges. Warren County Attorney Ann Milliken, president of the Kentucky County Attorneys Association, president of the Kentucky County Attorney’s Association, said clerks could be charged with official misconduct, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

Some Kentucky clerks who at first resisted issuing same-sex marriage licenses changed course this week aand agreed to sign them. However, Mrs. Davis and a few others stood firm, despite the protests outside her Morehead office earlier this week.

She pledged to never issue a marriage license to a gay couple.

"It's a deep-rooted conviction; my conscience won't allow me to do that," Mrs. Davis said Tuesday. "It goes against everything I hold dear, everything sacred in my life."

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Ashland, requests and injunction ordering Davis to begin issuing licenses. IT alleges that her policy is unconstitutional and asks for punitive damages for violating the four couples’ rights.

April Miller and Karen Roberts, a couple for 11 years who live in Morehead, told The Associated Press that they asked for a license Tuesday and were told to try another county.

Another gay couple, L. Aaron Skaggs and Barry Spartman, called the Rowan County clerk's office Tuesday and asked to apply for a license. An employee on the phone said, "Don't bother coming down here," according to the lawsuit, and told them the clerk was refusing to issue licenses.

Two opposite-sex couples also tried to get licenses and were told by staff that none would be issued, the lawsuit alleges.

The clerks have argued that if they issue a license to no one, they cannot be accused of discrimination. Kentucky state law allows adult couples seeking marriage licenses to get them from any county. If a marriage involves minors, however, they must get their license in the county where they live.

The four couples who filed suit say that because they live, work, vote and pay taxes in Rowan County, they have a right to file for a marriage license there.

In the lawsuit, ACLU legal director William Sharp wrote that Davis' religious conviction "is not a compelling, important or legitimate government interest."

One of the attorneys who filed the lawsuit, Laura Landenwich, wrote that Davis "has the absolute right to believe whatever she wants about God, faith, and religion, but as a government official who swore an oath to uphold the law, she cannot pick and choose who she is going to serve, or which duties her office will perform based on her religious beliefs."

The Associated Press contributed to this report
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
That doesn't make it normal.
What is unnatural about nature?

Normal does not equate to nature or natural occurring

For instance, Hurricanes occur in nature, Hurricanes are not normal

Do you understand?

Hurricanes are a normal occurrence. They happen every year.

No, Hurricanes are not normal. They occur rarely not normally.
Reality check....there are 3 to 6 every year in the U.S. alone. More in the east Pacific.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Think being gay is unnatural These 11 animals will prove you wrong Gay Star News

Personally, I would never use Wiki-anything for valid information. Actual scientific reports are better and harder to argue with.
Wiki is as good as their references, footnoted at the bottom of their pages - which are very extensive, and varied in quality (mostly quite good)
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
Can you give specific examples? Like a dog having anal sex with a male or something? Many idiots don't understand animal behavior and attribute sexual preference with social behaviors.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Think being gay is unnatural These 11 animals will prove you wrong Gay Star News

Personally, I would never use Wiki-anything for valid information. Actual scientific reports are better and harder to argue with.
Wiki is as good as their references, footnoted at the bottom of their pages - which are very extensive, and varied in quality (mostly quite good)

We don't allow our students to use Wiki as a source for any research papers so I adhere to those standards too.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.

Homosexual acts are seen in the animal kingdom among many species so it's more likely that it's existed a lot longer than man since there was life before man appeared on the planet.
That doesn't make it normal.

Actually, it does. You might want to look a little closer at the definition for normal.

Normal - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected

Homosexual behaviors are not unusual in the animal kingdom. It's seen in several species.
Sorry. No matter how many species it happens in fucking another man up the ass is not normal.

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