NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

People should only be allowed to do what is "normal", therefore there should be a poll of what people do.

If less than 50% of people say they play basketball, then basketball will be banned as it is not "normal".

Think of all the stuff that would get banned.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

And you're defining normal as what?

Homosexuality is a normal variation on the spectrum of mammalian sexuality.
Homosexuality is natural since any mammalian sex act which occurs is by definition 'natural.'
Homosexuality is not condusive to sexual reproduction but despite exhibiting a preference for homosexual relationships, homosexuals are still capable of sexual reproduction with women and often acts as sperm donors for this purpose.

Quit worrying about what other people do in bed. Making yourself seem overly interested which usualy means you're curious or envious or simply a closet-case.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

Says who?

ROFLMNAO! Asks the Relativits...

Nature's objective design of the species, 'says so', Gilligan.

It's not even a debatable point. It's simply 'reality', with your cognitive deficiency rendering you incapable of objective reason, in no way altering reality.

It just seems that it does, to you. But that's the downside to delusion, Gilligan. Which is sorta why viable individuals do not advocate for normalizing delusion, it's crazy.
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.
Homosexuality is part of all animal species. Sure it's uncommon, but it's obviously natural. "Normal" is a subjective term. It's stupid to try to define this objectively with such a description.
No normal is not subjective. Tab A goes into slot B. Anything outside of that is not 'normal'.

Says who?

ROFLMNAO! Asks the Relativits...

Nature's objective design of the species, 'says so', Gilligan.

It's not even a debatable point. It's simply 'reality', with your cognitive deficiency rendering you incapable of objective reason, in no way altering reality.

It just seems that it does, to you. But that's the downside to delusion, Gilligan. Which is sorta why viable individuals do not advocate for normalizing delusion, it's crazy.

Very few humans only have sex to make a baby, and refrain from any other sex act for any other purpose.

You in fact are in the abnormal category by your own measure.
[QUOTE="4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.[/QUOTE]
That's a bit absurd since they were born that way... an act of nature. Research epigenetics and watch your head spin. By the way, allowing gays to have equal rights does not mean you will be forced to date one. You are quite safe.
And you're defining normal as what?

Homosexuality is a normal variation on the spectrum of mammalian sexuality.

Well sure... then by that same species of reasoning, Cancer is a normal variation on the spectrum of healthy mammalian physiology.

Who are WE to want to "CURE" Cancer? It occurs naturally...

Homosexuality is natural since any mammalian sex act which occurs is by definition 'natural.'

Yes, there is no normality, because 'naturally occurring' ... is 'the new normal'. Because... as so many have pointed out, "NATURE DOESN'T SAY WHAT IS NORMAL! >WE< DECIDE WHAT IS NORMAL...."

Says the delusion central to the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

In reality, none of that is true.

And THAT is why it is catastrophically foolish to normalize presentations of insanity.

Sexual normality is defined by the human physiological design. THAT is the objective standard... and this without regard to who feels otherwise ... and would remain true, if EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH were suddenly struck with the BELIEF that such was NOT TRUE, to the depth of the core... .

Because TRUTH is NOT perception... truth is what "IS".
A majority (a very large one at that) saw interracial marriage as wrong. Only 20% of the county supported interracial marriage when the Supremes ruled on Loving. Not so simple anymore is it?

Could not be less complex. Race is NOT BEHAVIOR. Loving provides NO PRECEDENT for the pretense of Marriage. As Loving spoke only to "Marriage, defined as the Joining of One Man and One Woman."
And you're defining normal as what?

Homosexuality is a normal variation on the spectrum of mammalian sexuality.

Well sure... then by that same species of reasoning, Cancer is a normal variation on the spectrum of healthy mammalian physiology.

Who are WE to want to "CURE" Cancer? It occurs naturally...

Homosexuality is natural since any mammalian sex act which occurs is by definition 'natural.'

Yes, there is no normality, because 'naturally occurring' ... is 'the new normal'. Because... as so many have pointed out, "NATURE DOESN'T SAY WHAT IS NORMAL! >WE< DECIDE WHAT IS NORMAL...."

Says the delusion central to the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

In reality, none of that is true.

And THAT is why it is catastrophically foolish to normalize presentations of insanity.

Sexual normality is defined by the human physiological design. THAT is the objective standard... and this without regard to who feels otherwise ... and would remain true, if EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH were suddenly struck with the BELIEF that such was NOT TRUE, to the depth of the core... .

Because TRUTH is NOT perception... truth is what "IS".

What's normal and acceptable for human sexuality changes over time. Used to be sex for anything but reproduction was considered abnormal and unacceptable. Was like that until around the 1920s in the USA. If you actually liked having sex, you were considered sick or sinful or both and could find yourself in a lunatic asylum. And that was heterosexual sex.

So you'll have to excuse me if I don't give a lot of credence to what people have to say about the normalcy of sex. If you don't like sex or what other people are doing try not to think about all the fun everybody but you is having behind closed doors.
We are equal in every aspect the People through the law choose to make us equal.



I knew I could count on you to inform us of your deluded 'perspective', wherein you've come to argue that the LAW makes everyone equal, in EVERY ASPECT... .

(Reader... that's a wonderful demonstrate of bat-shit crazy delusion. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT or make sudden moves... and you should be alright. It has never shown a propensity for violence, but that doesn't mean much in the pretense of the delusional mind.)
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.
A majority (a very large one at that) saw interracial marriage as wrong. Only 20% of the county supported interracial marriage when the Supremes ruled on Loving. Not so simple anymore is it?

Could not be less complex. Race is NOT BEHAVIOR. Loving provides NO PRECEDENT for the pretense of Marriage. As Loving spoke only to "Marriage, defined as the Joining of One Man and One Woman."
DONE DEAL BOYS! Time to let it go.

Oh, and someone hide all guns, knives, ropes, and high buildings from Sil. She'll be having a very bad day...
What's normal and acceptable for human sexuality changes over time.

What is normal in terms of human sexual physiology has not changed since the first human took the first step... what is acceptable does change. And it changes from viable, to inviable, back to viable through to inviable... as humanity learns, forgets, re-learns, forgets... .

Such is the nature of evil... it tends to exploit the limited means of people to understand why standards exist... forcing culture's to repeat foolishness. It's a function of short life cycles and limited cognitive means.
I have SO MUCH FUN when I have sex. Touching, caressing, embracing, rubbing against my naked partner's beautiful body, feeling the warmth of their bare skin against my own, feeling their heart beating against mine, enjoying the sounds of pleasure they make as I pleasure them, the feeling of their excitement when I'm inside them...

Yes Virginia, sex is fun. You're going to have a lot of fun, unless you choose not to in which case you'll probably become a Republican, Christian, convince yourself sex is wrong and since sex is wrong and you're not getting any of it, try to convince everyone in earshot that your misery should define them as well.

Golly... if only sex was designed for entertainment. THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, we're not here to discuss your private sexual life. We're discussing public policy.

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